Do you have Morels Standards?
By raydene
@raydene (9871)
United States
April 7, 2008 11:40am CST
I have been responding to
discussions and the thought
occurred to me that we
have different standards.
Mine are simple really:
Do not hurt anyone purposely!
Earn what I get!
Take only what is mine!( now
this includes husbands/wifes
products, glory....)
Live my life and let others
live theirs( which includes
my kids) that's hard!
Try not to lie but I do
let the little white
gonna hurt someone otherwise
lies slip!
Treat others with respect weather
they deserve it or not.
( this is about who I am not who they are)
Be kind..
Give a helping hand but do not do it for them!
and I could go on...
What's your standards?
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14 responses
@lecanis (16647)
• Murfreesboro, Tennessee
7 Apr 08
I tend to refer to this sort of thing as "my honor code" and it's probably too complex to really explain here. However, the gist of it is:
Only respect those who have earned it.
Protect others no matter what danger to myself.
Harm only when it is necessary to protect myself or others.
Give more than I can afford to the causes that mean the most to me.
Fight intolerance and bigotry whenever it rears it's head.
Accept as family those who act as family, whether blood related or not.
And most of all: Never break a promise, never betray a loved one, and be the same person in all worlds.
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@vampirekitten (191)
• United States
7 Apr 08
I'm a bit old fashion in my morals. I believe in the 10 commandments,the seven deadly sins,ect. I also have my own though:
Never Lie
Dont Gamble
Dont Cheat
Dont Drink
and many more.
@dana234 (2114)
• Spain
7 Apr 08
Well, my moral standards are pretty much the same as yours, raydene.
I believe it´s important to be tolerant, intolerance can cause so many problems from minor ones inside families and people around us to causing a war.
Racism stems from intolerance.
One thing I can´t tolerate is racism.
That´s my main moral standard.
XXX Dana
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
7 Apr 08
My morals and standards are fairly simple also. Some are like others and some not. I do not hurt others intentionally either and I earn everything I get also. It is alot of very hard work and long hours. I try not to lie either but a white lie does come out of my mouth every so often also. I try to treat others with respect also even though they never give it back to me. I am always kind to others in my life. I wish the friends that i have tried to make in my life were kind to me also but they never was.
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@Galena (9110)
8 Apr 08
I try my best to live by the Heathen nine Noble Virtues.
the world would be a better place if everyone at least tried to acheive them, although it's not always easy.
Courage - to be brave. to stand up for what you know is right and fight against that which you consider unjust. in lacking courage you can allow bad things to continue.
Truth - more than just not lying. being true to yourself, also.
Honour - your word is your soul. to make an Oath and break it is to damage your own spirit. to promise is to know that you will do all you can to keep it. and to keep yourself with dignity. also not to allow others to spread lies or hate.
Fidelity - to your partner, to your word, to your self, to your Gods and beleifs, and to your friends.
Discipline - a hard one, this. making sure that you work hard, keep to your responsibilities, and keep to your word.
Hospitality - those in your care, whether guests, family, pets, friends. you give everything you can to protect them, keep them safe, warm, happy, fed and to keep thier honour as your own.
Self Reliance - not expecting handouts. accepting your own responsibilities as your own, and your actions as your own too.
Industriousness - another tough one, sometimes. but keeping busy, working hard. also applies to making change where change is needed.
Perseverance - if you beleive something is right then to keep making every effort you can, even if it seems beyond that. not giving up.
now seriously, those are better than ten commandments, about half of which are irrelevant to non-Christians. the nine noble virtues are of value to everyone, whether Pagan or not.
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@Galena (9110)
8 Apr 08
so, Matthewsir, do you not think these are important values in society? if these virtues were not lifted from a religion other than your own, would you not say they are what the bible teaches?
these are good values, as are most of the ten commandments.
are Courage, Truth, Honour, Fidelity, Discipline, Hospitality, Self Reliance, Industriousness and Perseverence good moral qualities? of course they are.
it's not just Christianity which holds moral codes that are good, true, and for the improvement of society.
as a Pagan, I consider most of the ten commandments to be valuable to society. to honour elders, not to kill, not to steal, not to commit adultery. these are valuable qualities in society. these values are not exclusive to Christianity. these values are inherant in the human race, even those that do these things don't beleive them to be moral things to do. morality is inbuilt in us. morality is our instinct to avoid behaviour that damages society, and the future of our "pack"
the question is, Matthewsir, do you, as a Christian, consider the nine noble virtues to be important guidelines for society. or are these values not values Christians have.
*waves at Ellie, as her post is sensible and polite, and no offence was taken at the previous comment, as none was intended*
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@ellie333 (21016)
8 Apr 08
Hi Galena I have added a comment below the one you added to mine and have just read this and agree with you these virtues can be applied to everyone no matter what their beliefs. My sons father is a member of the Pagan Federation so I am an easy going understanding of others beiefs type person if that makes sense. I didn't mean to cause upset posting the Ten Commandments but that is what I live my standards by. Thanking for sharing this. They are extremely good morals to live by. Ellie :D
@ellie333 (21016)
8 Apr 08
Hi Galena, Thanks for the wave, understand, I am responding in this section so you receive notification but re last add on my comment earlier and also this one where you mentioned 'pack' the first thought that came to me was 'Women who run with the wolves by Clarrissa Pinkola Estes and chapter 6 Finding ones pack: Belonging as blessing so agree with you in that morals are part of our survival instinct. I hope you have read this or can relate. Thank you for appreciating that no offence meant and for taking it as none yourself. Appreciated. Ellie :D

@ellie333 (21016)
7 Apr 08
I believe that if every one obeyed the 10 Commandments we would all have the same moral standards
1. You shall have no other Gods but me.
2. You shall not make for yourself any idol, nor bow down to it or worship it.
3. You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God.
4.You shall remember and keep the Sabbath day holy.
Respect your father and mother.
5. You must not kill.
6. You must not commit adultery.
7. You must not steal.
8. You must not give false evidence against your neighbour.
9. You must not be envious of your neighbour's goods.
10.You shall not be envious of his house nor his wife, nor anything that belongs to your neighbour.
Ellie :D
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@surfette (673)
• United States
8 Apr 08
Honesty, kindness and respect for one another, basically the golden rule is what I try to live by. If you treat others as you want to be treated, that covers all the commandments. People are sometimes mean spirited and it is not always easy to live by this rule, but I try to give it my best.
I'm also champion for the underdog. If I feel someone else is being treated unfairly, I will stick up for them. My boss told me that this was my "character flaw" because I will "stick my neck out" for someone else's benefit, even if I'm not directly involved. We all need friendship and help sometimes and I try to always be there when I'm needed.
Now I'm not perfect by any means, but these are the morals and rules I set for myself.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
8 Apr 08
those are very good standards and mine a pretty much the same, I would add write for the glory of god and humanity, advocate for those who cannot do for themselves, fight for the underdog, a light to a troubled soul, befriend people that nobody else cares about.
@abbey19 (3106)
• Gold Coast, Australia
8 Apr 08
My moral standards are much the same as yours Raydene, and I do think that would apply to the majority of people. If we treat others the way we would like to be treated, there would be no problems in this world - it's as simple as that!
@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
8 Apr 08
Many responders have used the Ten Commandments as their guideline for being a moral person. While I don't think it is a bad guide, it doesn't really cover all the moral behavior we should be practicing in today's times. How about honoring your children? Not harming them emotionally or physically? I have heard about several Catholic priests that should have added this to their commandments! And I am certain they are not the only Christians that have harmed children. So, thou shall honor thy children.
Another is hatred. Too many proclaimed Christians hate people based on their religious beliefs or their sexuality. I know this, God is too big to fit into one religion! I do believe there is but one God, but he is large enough to be seen in a different light. So, thou shall respect other religions.
As far as sexuality, we all are born in God's likeness. Don't we dishonor God when we dishonor a person with a different sexuality than our own? So, honor all the children of God.
I have one standard that I try to live by, treat others the way I wish to be treated. That just about covers everything.
@idaantipolo (472)
• Philippines
8 Apr 08
I have more or less the same as yours, and i agree with your standards...=)