Do you believe in witch craft thing?

@ciades (1623)
April 8, 2008 12:44am CST
Do you believe in witch craft? or witch? Did you encountered a witch? or a person who used witch craft? Is it true? are you interested to learn or to see? I saw different witch movies and its interesting to watch with.. like harry potter,practical magic and charmed... I never meet a witch in my whole life but it doesn't mean im interested. Im just curious about it. When you said witch its terrifying, right? but i guess they are not bad...or they are also divided into different kinds..i don't know..but it doesn't mean that i asked this questions is im interested to learn about magic thing..honestly i dont want to. How about you?
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8 responses
@redrover (597)
• United States
8 Apr 08
I guess I believe in Witchcraft because it is a sanctioned religion. I have known a few self-proclaimed witches. I do not think they can do all the stuff in the movies, and am not convinced they have the ability to cast any spells. I do think they can put thoughts in the minds of the weak minded, who fulfill their own destiny.
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@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
13 Apr 08
yeah i quite agree with you redrover.
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• India
8 Apr 08
Hi ciades, I don't have belief in witch craft. It is being practised by some people taking advantage of one's weakness and their problems.I have also seen some movies, they are interesting to watch.In my opinion people enjoy something on the screen(which is not real)because they can't see those things in their real life. Magic, of course I do believe, because magicians show how they are performing and there are teaching centres to learn magic. It is for fun. Good Luck.
@ciades (1623)
• Philippines
9 Apr 08
yeah, its just for fun.
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@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
12 Apr 08
Well i do not believe because i believe such stuff are created by human , i believe human are the most horrifying thing to start something like that yea lol
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
9 Apr 08
there are religions out there that practice forms of magic, and there are wiccans do I believe in a witch the kind like in the movies, no, I don't think so.
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@Jody20 (887)
• Netherlands
8 Apr 08
I always say, seeing is believing, and i never saw a witch or witchcraft, so i don't believe in it. Just as you like watching different witch movies, but i don't want to learn magic things.
• United States
19 Apr 08
Well, I am of the ancient Welsh witta/witch heritage and it isn't scary at all. So I am kind of mellow about the whole thing. Yes, we are out there-teachers, doctors, lawyers, dentists, lawn mowers and air conditioning folks..we work and vote, just like you do. There is no waving of a piece of wood or a wand and magic happens. That is fantasy and not real. But we do have certain knowledge we use to help people heal, etc...Frankly..we could be your neighbor and you'd probably get along quite well? Many farm still, but most are all over the place. Nothing to be concerned over, Some people gpo to church. Nature is ours. It's all OK.
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• United States
21 May 08
I practice majick, I use candle majick tho, and I don't use it to harm anyone, I have combined my Christian beliefs with my Wiccan ones. The Wiccan Rede states that you should harm none and what ever you send out comes back to you times three. Which means that if you do something nasty to one with majick with will come back to you, Karma!
@kassdaw (591)
• United States
21 May 08
This really isn't based on if someone believes in witchcraft, but rather, if they believe in wicca or the pegan religions. This aren't centered around the craft but the do practice it. Most "spells" are more like prayers. You would say a protection spell, in a God based religion, they would ask God to protect them and watch over them. Any one that claims they can do witchcraft usually are just liars and don't understand what the word even means. They think that the craft is making a book move or making some one fall in love. You can't make anyone fall in love... Power of feel will over powers any thing in the world.