Do you Smoke and Drink?

@marciascott (25529)
United States
April 9, 2008 1:56am CST
How long have you been Smoking? How long have you Drinking? Lot of questions? I am just curious. If you do it to each it's own, if you don't that is good too. Be Trueful. I use to Smoke, I have cut down tremdiously drinking. Ok, let's hear it?
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17 responses
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
9 Apr 08
yep I do both...though I dont drink nearly like what I use to by any means...and I've been smoking for 30 yrs now...At some point I'll quit smoking, maybe..just not right now..
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
9 Apr 08
You must of started Smoking at a young age, you are not that old from what I can see.
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@busta1 (1026)
• United States
9 Apr 08
hmm i have smoked Black and milds, Tree's thats about it i drink sometimes not all that times its not really my style im more of a layback person..
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Welcome to Mylot, that is good, Keep it like that. maybe youcan ween yourself away from it all.
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@ishqvishq (1021)
• India
10 Apr 08
i do
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Write more sweet-heart, you want to see your earning go up, just trying to help you, 4 or 5 lines. Always!
@riyasam (16556)
• India
27 Jul 08
i have never smoked or drank but let me tell you a secret,i have a deep desire to do both.just to know what they taste like???????????
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
17 Feb 09
No sweetheart don't try it it is nt good for anyone. If you haven't tried it don't!
• India
9 Apr 08
i am a girl and i don't drink or smoke, i really don't like all these things, and i want to give an advice to all the smokers and drinkers that they are slowly loosing their health so try to stop smoking and drinking.
@lei468 (39)
9 Apr 08
i drink but i don't smoke. my dad already had trips to the hospital because of smoking. so i decided that i won't make the same mistake he did. the only problem with my drinking is that sometimes i drink too much that i usually end up babbling words that lead to awkward silence and severe embarrassment
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Welcome to Mylot, Have respect for yourself and others, don't over do it. It might get you in trouble. Plus people will lose respect for you, learn to drink and not over do it. I hope you don't have a problem, if you do get you some help. I had a problem with it, but I have really slowed down. I paid for mistakes, and it really taught me a lesson. So please remember what I said it is for your own good!
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@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
9 Apr 08
You sure are nosy today, hehe. I quit smoking back in May. I rarely ever drink, New Years, special occasions stuff like that. Every now and then I buy myself a small bottle of whiskey and have a drink before bed. Other then that I don't drink.
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@marciascott (25529)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Hi vicky, Yes, I want to know what my friends do, LOL. You buy a small bottle of whiskey? welll you do drink, you are just not a lush, I know that's good. Weather was nice yesterday.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
27 Jul 08
I smoke like a freight train. I have been smoking since I was in my late teens. That is about 19 years worth. I also drink. I have been drinking for quite some time also. I would have to estimate that about the same also. I do not drink as much as I used to either. I do not want it and I cannot afford it either. I am trying to be a decent role model for my 16 year old daughter too. We never go out to clubs to drink. We only drink at home.
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• Australia
23 Apr 08
I'm a smoker. Had the habit for the last 10 years and been trying to kick it for the last 6! Not an easy thing to do, but cutting back on the number and strength is a good start. I don't mind the occassional drink, but not into the drink to be merry line of thought.
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• United States
23 Apr 08
I have never smoked and i never ever will try smoking due to the fact that i think it is gross and the people look like idiots while doing offence intended just my opinion and by drinking if you mean one here and there then yes i do but only like BJ or like Smirnoff Ice the black one that taste kind of like lemonade another words only the flavored malts it takes me like a week to finish 6 bottles....another words like one a meal and then i wont buy any more for like....a week or two
@jenni7202 (1598)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Well, I've never tried smoking before. I can't stand the smell, so I assume I wouldn't like to smoke either. I do drink on occasion though, it's nothing of an addiction or anything, it's only really social. I've been drinking since I was around 16, but only have had a couple drinks here and there. I don't like the feeling of being drunk, or even tipsy, lol. I've only ever really been drunk like 3 times since I was 16, and I'm 21 now.
• Hyderabad, India
10 Apr 08
I smoke and drink but always in limits nothing should get you. It is always good to be in euphoria rather than in hospital bed. I love to smoke and drink but at the same time i regulate it. It is like once in two months.
@jstaubin (423)
• United States
14 Apr 08
I have been smoking for fifteen years and have been drinking for about 12 and I have found that I smoke way more when I am drinking.
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• Philippines
23 Apr 08
I've tried doing both when i was younger but seems that not kust my kind of thing.
• India
9 Apr 08
Smoke or Drink.. No never in my life time - No compromises in it.
I neither Smoke nor Drink. I have accustomed to this habit for long time, also i am confident that i will never ever get to this habit in times to come.
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@queenofarms (1659)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I do smoke. I've had this bad habit for about 16 years. I only drink to be socialable. So maybe once a month I drink. I started drinking when I was 17-18 years of age.
• United States
9 Apr 08
I smoke but don't drink.I used to drink alot but I had somethings happen so I can say I haven't drank in 4yrs.But I do smoke alot I know I should quit but it is so hard..