Running Low
By webeishere
@webeishere (36313)
United States
April 9, 2008 12:13pm CST
Well with the spring planting season nearing here in Minnesota I have a LOT of seedlings started and want to start even more. The problem, I am running out of room in my dining room for them. I have about a total of 60 or so veggies and fruits started in cups etc for planting in a month or so. I have them all near or in the east and south facing windows for the warmth of the sunshine in those areas. I need more room or less seedlings. And NO, I am not giving any plants away. I want more room in my didning rooom. I'd love to have an extension added on as a sort of 3 season porch/greenhouse but that isn't going to happen financially. Do you have enough growing room in your garden area for all you want to grow? Do you have enough room for your seedlings indoor? Do you have a greenhouse at all?
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12 responses
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Why wouldnt they let ya?

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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
10 Apr 08
...or lay in it or dig it up and use the soil as a litterbox, etc etc etc. I know very well where your coming from, Elic. I had a beauty of a chive plant growing in a huge pot outside a few years ago. It was HUGE and gorgeous despite the 'hair-cutting' it was getting whenever I wanted fresh chives for cooking. Well, when it was time to bring it into the house, I put it in a very sunny spot that gets sun 5hrs a day in the winter. I had 2 older kittens at the time and they thought they reached kitty heaven when they spotted that plant and totally destroyed it in one friggin' day by laying and playing in it. Now, any plants I do have in the house are hanging plants cept for the 2 ivies growing in my bathroom. I was able to train Tigger and Simba to not touch them but it was hard.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Well you know my indoor growing options arent so good. Wow its that time I so need to get me some supplies soon. So saturday they will be ready for me right I need dirt, seeds and planters of course. Ive got the space, sun, and man power taken care of hehehehe
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
9 Apr 08
I have plenty of plastic cups for you. I also have some seeds as well. The soil is an issue unless ya can talk mom into buying you a bag maybe? I have no idea what our plans are for Saturday. I know Buster and helen want to visit dad. they'll chat a bit then stare at him for a bit as well before they're ready to go somewhere.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Sounds like fun staring at grandpa lol. Ill bring a good book then. Well I will have the boys but you know we are up to anything. Ok sometimes the boys arent so thrilled to go shopping i suppose.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
9 Apr 08
Tyler NEVER likes shopping with you and grandma.
He likes shopping with me because I get in and leave right away.
No window shopping when he is with me.

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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I keep forgetting to start my beans and melons. My tomatoes I'm going to buy when they come out because they always get leggy on me when I try to start them from seeds. I found out why so trying to save enough money for a couple fluoresant grow lights and going to set up a spot here in Tigger's room for starting my tomatoes next spring. I want a greenhouse very bad but, like you, can't have one for financial reasons. If I was to buy one, it would have to be at least 10x10 so I can grow most of our own food year round instead of just the warm months.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Apr 08
We alsqways buy a few :ARGE tomato plants in May as well. They are around $20 but we get hundreds of tomatoes from them each so it's well worth that exspense to us. I use just regular lamps on my seedlings. Nothing fancy as a tray either just a cookie sheet with a wire rack then the cups sit on the rack dripping into the cookie sheet. The cups I use are from my wifes work and I melt a small drainage hole in the bottoms is all. Simple and cheap and effective as well.
@valatha1969 (246)
10 Apr 08
No, we didn't have enough space in our flat to grow garden.Whatever area is available we r utilising it for kitchen gardening.But in our native place in our own house where my in-laws r staying,we have huge gardenarea in which we can plant all seedlings[flower n veg].I like gardening alot.But in cities due to lack ofspace i couldn't fulfil my like That's why whenever i go to my native i spend more time in gardening only.
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Apr 08
So what types of things do you grow then in your kitchen garden?
@Ldyjarhead (10233)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I need more of everything!
This tiny house we're renting is only 600+ sf so there is NO spare room here at all.
I've got a dog crate/cage in one corner that I put the cats in for a night or two after they got spayed. When I was planting my seedlings I needed a place where the cats couldn't get at them and also to hang my light, so I tossed the cats OUT and put the seedlings IN the cage.
It works!
I just move the light or rotate the containers within and everyone seems to be happy.
I'm very limited outdoors too but am going to put a few vegetables in the small area the width of the house and then as I've mentioned several times, more will be in containers where I can move them around at will.
I so want my own place again so I can put in a 'real' garden. With just the two of us we won't need much, but it would be nice to not have to watch over my shoulder, wondering if the landlord won't like what I'm doing (he lives next door).
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Tossed the cats out? Too funny.
I rotate my seedlings a few times
a day at least depending on how far they are leaning to get the
light and or warmth etc. I love having a yard now for the gardening.

@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I do not have a greenhouse, extra room or an outdoor room to do the seedlings.. You sound very industrous as to your seedlings.. I used to have room in the last house we lived in and started all types of seedlings, cuttings and anything else that I could get to growing.. I always loved to see the tiny sprout emerge from the soid and was so happy with myself, I felt as if I had created a miracle, lol, but it was fun to watch them grow and mature enough to get them into the ground or into another larger pot.. There is so very much enjoyment in gardening and not only pleasure and enjoyment, but rewards when they are grown.. I do believe I am going to have to start planting seeds again..
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@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I love my gardening. It's theraputis plus I get a lot of exercise in the summer doing the gardening and yard work. You'll see lots of resuklts and photos throught the summer and fall of my garden. I am rated number one in this interest group for a reason. Most my posts are in the gardening category. It is great seeing your work progress isn't it? That's why I love it so much myself. I check my seedlings a few times a day getting excited with each new plant sprouting upwards from the dark soil. Get gardening I say.
@DonnaLawson (4032)
• United States
10 Apr 08
One of the greatest things that I see in the springtime or early summer are the tiny fingers coming up out of the ground, sounds awful, but fingers are the best way to describe them.. That means my Hostas are starting to emerge from the ground and I know that summer is on its way.. I also use to love to grow Asparagus Ferns, the new growth looks like a tiny stalk of asparagus coming up.. I always got so excited to see things emerging from the ground, knowing that there was going to be a flower, a bloom or something to show that we have made it through winter.. We grew tomatoes, green peppers, watermelons and cucumbers last summer.. We will do the same things this summer but hopefully will add something else to the "garden".. Happy Gardening from Donna
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@jennybianca (12912)
• Australia
10 Apr 08
So you have all these seedlings in your dining room! What does your wife think of this? How do you keep Buster away from them?
The ideal situation for you would be a greenhouse, but I guess they are expensive to get.
Is there some cheap option, such as buying shadecloth & setting up a temporary structure outside?
I dont have a shadehouse or hot house as such, but my whole back pergola is covered with shadecloth.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
10 Apr 08
She doesn't mind. She starts some seeds herself also. Some of these are actually sitting on top of Busters kennel. He doesn't mess with them at all. Now once outside I'll have to fence in the smaller plants as he runs rampant not caring what he tramples down.

@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Jul 08
We don't have a greenhouse to start our plants in. We start them in the garage sometimes though to keep them out of the weather. It is hard for them to get sunlight though. It seemed like summer was never going to come this year. It is finally here and our plants have really taken off well. I know yours has too from all of your other discussions about them. We only live on a 1/4 acre and have done alot of landscaping here. We do not have the room for a big garden but I sure wish we did. I would plant alot more.
@oscarbartoni (2581)
• United States
19 Apr 08
You do not have to have them near the window but can put a shop light with plant growing light over them. I would love to have a green house but my pocket book does not allow it either. I have been growing the seeds in cardboard egg containers, I will plant the whole thing (each one separately) and put a few holes in the sides for the roots to grow through.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
11 Apr 08
I sure envy you GRANDPA BOB..I live in an apartment and do have a few hanging plants, but I'm itching to grow things myself from seed but haven't had the chance yet---also like Elic and blackbrier since I have kitties I have to be careful what I grow...of course could always grow some catnip

@jsitko (1169)
• United States
12 Apr 08
I have a little room for starter plants but my main problem is the lack of sunshine that comes into the windows. That is my one reason for buying starter plants from the farmers at the market here in Pa. I would love to have a green house and maybe some day we will. They are not that hard to build yourself but the highest cost is actually keeping it warm in the winter.
You must have quite a garden when you are done. We plant a huge variety in ours and we are still eating from last years crop.
@friskimage (170)
• United States
22 May 09
Have you heard of a Hoophouse greenhouse? You can build one yourself and they are inexpensive. The size can be scaled to your needs. It is basically taking PVC pipe, bending the pipe and anchoring each end to the ground. Each row of bent PVC pipe determines the length of your greenhouse. Once the frame is complete it is covered with clear plastic.
Research it on the internet. If you have any space outside, it may be the solution for you.