It's bad enough using cell phones when driving....
By fpd1955
@fpd1955 (2074)
United States
April 9, 2008 6:53pm CST
now I notice way too many people texting while driving!! At least on the cell phone there are earjacks and speaker phones. While too many can't drive the speed limit while on the phone, at least they can watch the road. How can a driver watch the road while texting? Simple...THEY CAN'T!!
I don't like talking on a cell when driving and do it only in emergencies. Do you text while you are driving? Do you realize how dangerous and irresponsible that is?
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23 responses
@katfish86 (146)
10 Apr 08
As a rule, I don't use my phone when I'm driving, except in very rare circumstances. For example, the other day I was driving to pick my boyfriend up from the train station and got stuck in a HUGE traffic jam and was driving at about 5 miles an hour on a de-restricted dual carriageway (which means the speed limit is 70mph, just to give you an idea of how SLOW the traffic was) so i sent him a text to tell him i was on my way but stuck in traffic and would be there as soon as i could. I kept the message short, and made sure i kept checking the road. It helps that i use predictive text and can text without looking at my phone, but I made sure I still paid attention to the road. I wouldn't do it in any normal circumstances.
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@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
12 Apr 08
This person was texting while her car was stopped at a traffic light. The light changed, but she didn't notice it and didn't move, until a car honked at her. Then she just looked up and gave the car gas, unaware of what was going on around her. She assumed the car was honking because she wasn't moving, which it was, but what if it was honking for danger? This driver would have never known if there was anything dangerous happening in the traffic because she was paying more attention to her texting! No matter when it is done while driving, I feel it is still dangerous.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I know here in Florida they are talking about making texting while driving illegal. What gets me is the fact that they feel the need to do this. Where is common sense? Would these same people think of reading a book while driving a car? Probably not (at least I hope not) but they think nothing of reading and punching in text while trying to drive down a busy road. I just can't understand the logic in that. What is so important it can't wait till they are stopped somewhere?

@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I know what you mean. Common sense should tell them they need to keep their eyes on the road but I guess common sense isn't that common.
@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I have actually seen quite a few people reading some kind of paperwork while driving. And it wasn't maps or anything like that. It was ubelievable to me. I know that talking on a handheld cell phone while driving is illegal in New York City and Chicago. I am sure it is illegal in other cities. I guess people figure texting while driving isn't against the law so they can legally do it. I think it is irresponsible and they should be ticketed for being a hazard on the road.
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@ShepherdSpy (8544)
• Omagh, Northern Ireland
10 Apr 08
Here in the UK,you can be fined for using your phone without a handsfree setup...There was a case a while back in England where a Police Helicopter was used to track a woman they thought was on her phone in the car,but It was discovered She was eating an apple...the case cost about £10k..!
Don't they have handsfree laws where you are? It's proven that being involved in a conversation distracts you from Driving-there's no way you should be texting! Might as well have a TV on the passenger seat,Cos I wouldn't want to be in the car with them!
@creative_king (55)
• India
11 Apr 08
Using cell phones while driving is like playing with your life,because if you use cell phone while driving you can not concentrate on driving & there are chances of accidents.Now a days accidents are increasing due to use of cell phone while driving.
I never use cell phone while driving my bike or car,if there is very important call then I take my vehicle at the side of road & then talk.
My kind suggestion to all of my friends here"Please,avoid use of cell phones while driving".Take care

@creative_king (55)
• India
11 Apr 08
I am really sorry I posted twice because of a mistake(Really not intended to do so)
After first (above post ) post my internet connection get disconnected & I thought
my post was not published but now I can see here two posts of myself.
Can somebody delete one post pls.
Sorry it was by mistake

@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
10 Apr 08
TEXT?? Where have you seen these phone addicts?? or maybe call them phone addict idiots. I never usually answer calls when I'm driving cos the traffic in India is so horrific, that one cannot decipher what the other person is trying to express. Other than that I do not answer even if i have an ear jack or headphones connected to the phone cos its disturbing.
@fpd1955 (2074)
• United States
10 Apr 08
The latest one I saw yesterday, middle of rush hour (5:00), extremely busy street regardless of time of day. She was texting while driving. The only reason I looked over and noticed her was because the car in back of her was honking at her becaue she was not paying any attention to the traffic moving in front of her and was holding it up even more. After I first noticed her, I kept my eye on her, for my own safety.
@bournecaindelta (2477)
• India
10 Apr 08
I would have blasted my day's anger on her If it would have been me... good that that fad hasn't caught up in India or else I might end up having a brawl or two everyday.
@kalass (611)
• India
10 Apr 08
i have seen a lot of people getting into accidents when they talk in hone while they r driving. But i have not seen anyone texting while driving. If i see one i think i am not going to see him on the road for the next 6 months atleast because he wont be able to get out of the hospital. U know when u do things like talking in the phone , texting etc its not ur life which u r putting on the line but also the innocent people on the road who r going to suffer for what is not their fault. I think this answers ur question, whether i text r not?
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I honestly think they should be banned from being used while driving. In fact the cell phone companys could put a chip in them to disable them if your going over a certain speed :)
Personally I can't stand cell phones and they annoy the heck out of me. I figure there isn't anything so urgent that it can't wait till I get home.
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
10 Apr 08
\No I do not text while I'm driving. I don't even have that option on my phone as I hate to text.
In California there is a new law that will go into effect July 1st of this year. Minors (under 18 years of age) will be prohibited from driving a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone, including a hands-free device, and/or mobile service device (pagers, texting devices, laptops, etc).
Drivers 18 years of age or older will be prohibited from driving a motor vehicle while using a wireless telephone unless a hands-free device is used.
Unfortunately the penalties aren't that much so I doubt a lot of people are going to take this new law seriously. 

@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Apr 08
Well I do not drive so I know I do not do it, only as a passenger! But even if I did drive I would not do it and I certainly would not answer my phone either. I saw a woman nearly knocked down the other day by a driver on a mobile and not paying attention to the road, and where I live when I pick the kids up from school all the women are always on their phones as they are driving along in their cars and the roads are so busy at that time of the day it is a wonder that there has not been a serious accident.
@gxnfly (1147)
• China
10 Apr 08
I know some people texting while they are driving ,that's very dangerous!They are risking their and other's lives.I counld't agree with you more,they are irresponsible for others and themselves.Just think of how fragile life is.Old sin makes new shame!Never put yourself in danger!
@creative_king (55)
• India
11 Apr 08
Using mobile phone while driving is like plying with your life.It is always dangerous as there are many chances of accidents.When driver is talking on mobile phone he do not have his full concentration on driving so he can be in big trouble
I never talk on mobile phone while driving my car or bike.If there is very important call i used to take my vehicle at the side of road & talk
My kind suggestion to all of you "please, do not use mobiles while driving",as accidents due to mobiles are increasing day by day
@anshulsood (312)
• India
10 Apr 08
ya its bad ..
i have seen many persons using their cell phones while driving sometimes it also looks funny for people watching..
today we people think that if are using cell while driving means that we are showing that we are not afraid of the police...
but the rules are there only for our well being...
sometimes this also causes accidents which can even take the life in some cases....
overall i think this should be avoided....
@bc3000 (42)
10 Apr 08
I think that both texting and calling while driving are way too dangerous. if you have something that important to say, just pull over and call the person, and i mean if it's not that serious, which it probably isn't if you're texting, you can probably just wait till you get to where you wanna get to. if you're too late then clearly you should have just left earlier. i mean come on, the temptation to use the phone is big for some people, but surely it's not a hard choice to make when you know you're putting other peoples' lives in danger?! i know that you some people probably get a bit too cocky about how good they are at driving... but those people are probably the worst drivers lol. everyone just needs to be a bit more careful... think about the victims' families... not texting just one time might save someone's life, and their entire family and friendship groups etc etc from grieving. i totally agree with you.
@lkbooi (16070)
• Malaysia
10 Apr 08
It’s strictly inadvisable to text while driving. We couldn’t handle two jobs nicely at the same time. Many accidence are caused by this distraction while driving, especially the car is driven at a high speed. Anyway I never text while I am riding a car. I would have a pause at the road if I need to make an urgent call.
@recycledgoth (9894)
10 Apr 08
In the UK it is illegal to use a mobile phone while driving. Even so, people still chatter on their phones while driving, and yes they text too. It's utter madness, for goodness sake.
@8ctavarium (552)
• Australia
10 Apr 08
And people still do it even though there are serious fines in Australia. In fact I think more people are even texting and driving these days. It's absurd.
@idaantipolo (472)
• Philippines
10 Apr 08
I know that a lot of people are have somewhat busy lifestyle, that wherever they are and whatever they do, they keep their cellphones just within their reach, but I can't believe how can they do driving and texting at the same time. I think that it is the most irresponsible thing to do while behind wheels. It not only put their life in danger but the all the people in the streets where they are driving by.
@Cyrics (84)
• Philippines
10 Apr 08
I saw a couple of accidents and main reason was the driver was texting. Anyone caught texting while driving should lose their license and get ban from driving again. They are playing with people's lives and I don't want any part of it.