The ;price of food has gone up and does it not make yoiu angry
By suspenseful
@suspenseful (40192)
April 9, 2008 7:51pm CST
that so many fields where they once grew corn to feed us as well as for feeding animals are now using the corn to produce ethanol to put in gas tanks. Yet these same environmentalists and global warming aye sayers want us to be healthy. Even here in Canada, our wheat prices have gone up and milk powder is through the roof. I believe that those who told farmers to put more of their fields into ethanol production have no conception of the harm they are doing because it has not hit them, just as the Hippies who came from the Upper Middle Class had no conception of what they were doing because they only lived the life of a poor person for a few years and not a life time. But when these poor people have to see the denturist because they have lost most of their teeth, and die of strokes and heart attacks because they cannot afford to buy decent food, who are the global warmers and environmentalists going to blame?
Certainly not themselves. Comments anyone?
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17 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Apr 08
O f course they wont blame themseleves.
ANd dont hink the farmers dont kinow they might not know how many farms are growing this kind of corn for they probably been told so many crow food corn and so many grwoing gas corn. And I said something in amother post about bringing our little farmers back and cut out the big corporation farmes. We wiould be alot better off.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
I sort of miss the family farms. When I was in my late teens, there was this family that had their farm and although I am a city girl, we got to have real butter and real cream. Also when I was a girl, my aunt had a farm and I actually saw her kill a chicken. Was I ever scared. The chicken ran around with its head chopped off. Now all we see are big farms and they really do not care if we can afford to buy the stuff or not. Just so long as we go to Kentucky Fried Chicken.

@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
23 Apr 08
It certainly is getting harder to feed our family, but we manage. Just means we have to cut back in other areas, but don't really mind.
We are planning on starting our own veggie patch soon, so that will help and we will know how fresh the foods really are.
If prices keep going the way they are, then the Developed World will have more starving people to deal with.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
I would love to plant a vegetable garden, but my husband will not let me. I bought a couple of blueberry plants but that is all i could do. I would have to make a container garden and that would mean me nailing the wood myself and buying the dirt, and it would be quite a bit of money. The trouble is that when the prices of vegetables get higher, my husband will say we cannot afford it and what can we do? He got upset when we had to spend more one week because we ran out of everything.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
8 Jun 08
That sounds like a good idea. Only here we have such a short growing season that we either have to start them in the house and there is no room or we have to buy the plants or start the seeds in the first two weeks of June. I already bought some blueberry plants and planted some coriander seeds, but that is all I can do right now. When I get my next check, the planting season will have ended. So we have to do with what we can get.
@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
8 Jun 08
You could always buy the larger plastic garden tubs. Most veggies will thrive in them just as well as they would if they were in the ground. Means you aren't bending down to ground level all the time too and the containers can be moved to where ever you like. Oh, and keeping track of watering is much easier as well. And, you can be very creative in the way you plant your plants and make little art works.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
11 Apr 08
It does make me angry. They keep raising prices, which with gas prices I understand, the businesses cannot help. Now, they want to take corn and use as fuel and those items will go through the roof. It is crazy. Everything but the wages go up.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
It seems that they are making things worse rather than better. I hate the idea of taking corn from food and using for ethanol. It also takes more room to make ethanol tnan drilling for oil. I also saw on Tv that Ford is using soy beans to make their cars environmentally better. Is not soy bean a food product? So they use food produces for cars, substitutes for gasoline, and for making your hair nice. Yet, they forget that these were designed for food not for making the car go faster or for cosmetics.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
16 Apr 08
Well a lot of comments really as I am a very middle-class working woman who would like to give up the job and stay home with her child, but cant really do so coz of rising inflation. I feel so frustrated sometimes at the way I am forever missing the bus. Every year the company gives me an annual increment whose rate, the inflation manages to beat every time. And I don’t really understand these political, economic, social and environmental jargon, nor am I interested. I hear that international oil prices are shooting through the roof and that is causing a trickle down effect on all food products as these are transported thru vehicles running on oil. And if this is the condition in first world nations (I read it everyday in Mylot) think of poor nations and developing countries like India. The prices have more than doubled in a single year and its hurting most in rice, wheat and oil (the staple requirements of an Indian meal). The only solace is that being a family of three, I am just making ends meet with a tiny left for some much-needed entertainment. But don’t know how long I will manage to do even this.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
It seems that everyone except the rich suffer. I do think there is enough oil, but much of it is blocked by the environmentalists because they believe that animals are more important than people. And now in the Stats, they are getting the high gas prices and food prices that much of the world has. And here in Canada, in the winter, we have to heat our homes because the temperature will go down to 40 below. And with the high gas prices, many may have to chose between food and heat. Many are not used to that. The people of poor countries know about hard times, but we did not have harm times since the Great Depression.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
29 Jul 08
Amen to that. Everything seems to be getting worse these days. there are alot of food recalls and such also. The high price of gas and food and everything else is so ridiculous these days. I don't even know how we are going to afford to live anymore because of it.
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@xiaocaierdai (12)
• China
30 Jul 08
in my opinion,I think that is normal ,because the things you will do must be useful your life or other things ,If I am a farmer ,I will also do that ,when you can earn more money why not do it ,and you can have a better life .other things like global warming like that questions which are concerned by government.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
30 Jul 08
It is a good idea, but why do they take land out of food production and put it into ethanol? Ethanol is not as effective as drilling for oil, and it takes more land out of production. We can all take extra jobs, work twelve hours a day or more, but if there is less food available, what is the point?
@sanell (2112)
• United States
10 Apr 08
yes it is very difficult to eat well and healthy when food is so expensive, but there are ways to make it happen. It just means having to prepare your food more often which can be tiring all in it sown but it is the only way to keep yourself healthy
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
I make all my meals from scratch unless we are having chili con carne or buy some lasagna. I was thinking of a garden but my husband is against the idea. He wants the whole yard in lawn. I do have a berry garden but that is not much and we do have an apple tree, but it is not producing apples this year. It is going to be very hard for some people because not everyone will be able to buy healthy food or grow them. And guess what will happen, when they start getting heart attacks and being unhealthy, then the ecologists will blame them, not themselves.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
11 Apr 08
I eat from food banks, which means a lot of expired cans of food, I know that is not good for me but what can I do, I have no other choice, everything is just to expensive for me.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
We have bins in Safeway and Superstore where people give food to the poor. I doubt that any of it is very healthy. It used to be that the poor were provided for by the church and the government but now the ordinary people are expected to give from what they buy to feed their families. And when more people are going on foodbanks, then who is going to contribute? They have to lower the cost of fresh fruits and vegetables so all can eat healthy not just the rich.
@cdparazo (5765)
• Philippines
10 Apr 08
That is one of the realities in this world that we really have to address. It is really a global problem. I know it can;'t be solved tomorrow but just taking a step in the right direction is a already a very good start. Here in my country right now, we have shortage of rice. Rice is our staple food and hundreds of people have to line up the whole inorder to be able to buy rice. Prices of rice more than doubled in the last 3 months and the poor farmers and those that are living below the poverty line are the ones greatly affected. People, especially the poor and the farmers here are suffering something awful and wonder what would it take for the government to wake up and do something that would help the poorest of the poor and help put food on the table.
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@dolce_vita78 (8062)
• Philippines
10 Apr 08
Basic commodities here in the Philippines are very expensive and certain government agencies announced that we are expecting more increase in prices in the coming days. For the past few days, prices of commercial rice have increased dramatically. According to experts, this was brought about by lack in supply. Cheaper rice, quality of which is not so good, is now very much in demand such that the supply has become small to the extent that people even line up to buy few kilos daily. People who live below the poverty line are the ones who are suffering the most.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
People think they are doing good by raising the price of oil, but until they have cheaper alternatives that will not take vasts a lot of land, then the poor will suffer. I hope something is done, or there will be mass starvation not only in Asia and Africa but also in Europe and America. Something has to be done.
@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
10 Apr 08
So you're against alternative fuel sources?
I agree that it is very upsetting and frustrating that the price of food has risen so dramatically recently. But if the corn wasn't used for fuel, we would be more dependent on fuel oil. Not only is the price of fuel also rising, but supply is running low. That means that we have no choice but to find alternative sources. I say we look for other sources wherever we can find them, while cutting back on use as much as possible. If you think that this is not hitting the middle class, think again. It is affecting everyone. If we don't find other sources of energy, you will soon be longing for days like today, because it will get much worse.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Apr 08
I am against taking fields of corn and grains out of the food production and putting them into ethanol production. Wind power is all right and so is geothermal energy. With solar panels we have to renew them every few years. Find an alternate power source that does not reduce food production and that does not raise the price of food, and I will be happy. But we drove through Ohio and most of the corn fields there were destined for fuel and not to produce canned, or frozen corn. In Canada we grow oats, and what will happen if Esso, Petro Canada or one of the oil companies offers the farmers double to convert their oat and wheat fields to produce ethanol? Then we will be paying high prices for food. Do you want that?
I think those that want field converted to ethanol should bear the brunt of the cost. Wear a medal or a sticker so that when they go into a restaurant or a grocery store, they pay twice as much as everyone else.
@bongkarpasang (1377)
• Indonesia
11 Apr 08
I am angry with the prices rising. Some people have even taken advantages by these things. When they knew the prices would be potentially rising, they stored the older items and just wouldn’t sell them when the prices were still normal back then. But when the prices had gone higher, suddenly the items were out of nowhere and they would sell all these foods, gas, oils, etc with the new and higher prices.
I am angry of course. There are a lot of poorer people, who need these things but couldn’t get any, and they would stand in lines to get these things, but many would come home with empty hands. They were toyed by the sellers.
Some people even sold fake food products or 'counterfeit' good food products for money, including fake medicines and some poor quality fruits that had been 'altered'. I saw in TV news back then how some local farmers (faces hidden on the camera) were showing how they injected some fluids into watermelons so the inner part would look really red. In fact they injected those liquid that was actually the ones people used to dye the clothes!
If I didn’t feel upset seeing these things, that would mean that I was ruthless.

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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
It shows how much when things get bad, there are those cheats who take advantage of it. I have heard of stories of people starving because of this, and it makes me angry. It also makes it angry that the countries that could like the States and Canada are now seeing their food prices rise because of the cost of shipping and many may have to chose between helping others and feeding their families. yet the ones who caused this problem in the first place are doing nothing.
@idaantipolo (472)
• Philippines
10 Apr 08
I thought that poor only countries, like my country (Philippines) is affected by rice, wheat and corn shortage! This food problem is getting to be widespread, that many people are complaining and worrying about what the future holds for all of us.
I think that all of us should do something about the problem, like starting our backyard garden...seriously, I have some greens planted on pots and some fruit trees growing here....
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
I would like to start a garden but when I started to look at seeds, my husband said no. He is against the idea, so all I can do is to grow strawberries, raspberries, pick apples from the tree, and hope that my two blueberry plants can survive. I do not have room for anything else and I cannot afford to start container gardens either. So I am stuck.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
7 Jun 08
I do not think they do. I saw a documentary of a young man who was going to high school and planned to go to college. He was working two or three low paid jobs a day and had no time off except for Sundays, if that. He was also studying. those people do not get the one week or two week vacations most of us can afford and they have to work seven days a week and now they have to do with less. By the way, the young man did get into a college.
@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I started a discussion about this awhile back food has gotton to be just awful in prices. Im just thankful for the local food shelf as I found myself needed some free food now that prices keep going up. I hope it gets better soon.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Apr 08
I hope so too. We do not have a farmer's market, so we have to go to Superstore and the other stores, and with our long winter the only time we get local fresh food is from August to October.
@gxnfly (1147)
• China
10 Apr 08
The price of goods has gone up here in China,especially for food,vegetalbes and fruits has tripled.But the salaries stay still.Now I must live more frugal then ever before.I don't care about what environmentalists and global warming aye sayers say,there is nothing I can do about it.All I know life now is much harder than ever.I agree with you,some have no conception of what they are doing,they live a fancy life,they don't know anything about misery.Theorist ,wake up,live a real life!
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
11 Apr 08
I think the Global Warmer aye sayers and the environmentalists are only interested in people who live in a certain part of the globe and they think by making the prices of food and fuel go sky high they are helping those who they consider more worthy. They also are not affected by what they do. If you have a house worth a million dollars and can buy all the energy saving devices, what do you care about someone who is struggling on ten thousand a year or even one who makes thirty to forty thousand? They don't.
@TheGreatOutdoors (25)
• United States
10 Apr 08
It is SO EXPENSIVE to eat healthy and organic. I would love nothing more than to eat nothing but organic, whole foods, healthy, good for you, all natural everything, but I simply cannot afford it!
It is annoying to read all these things about the warnings of this food and that, this preservative and that one, antibiotics in meat, EVERYTHING you'll find in the news, paper, medical journals, etc......and then you go out to try to follow these guidelines, to try to eat healthier and avoid these harmful things....and then you see the grocery bill SKYROCKET.
I'm sorry, but many people cannot afford to eat like that.
I try to but organic meats and diary, but other than that, I can't afford to purchase all natural products....
I'd also love to have a garden one day and grow my own vegetables. The price of one organic tomato is RIDICULOUS!
I know there are reasons for this, I'm not saying it can all be affordable, but it is frustrating.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
10 Apr 08
I eat a lot of salads, but even then there are organically grown lettuce that I cannot buy. I have to get the kind with the preservatives on it, and wash the chemicals out of it. I would love a garden but my husband does not want one, so I am stuck.