Is it worth taking the risk?

marriage - two people getting married
April 10, 2008 10:23am CST
I dont know finding a groom sounds very risky to me. I have posted my profile on a matrimony site and since then i have been getting so many resposnses. But i really wonder whether they are for fake or real. And i dont have anyone to help me in this. I am rally scared to take the plunge into this as it might turn out the guy will not have a good background. I really don't think it is worth the risk. How can i refine my search. Is arrange marriage a risk? What if i end up getting married to a wrong guy and screwing my life. What are your views on this?~pinks~
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10 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
10 Apr 08
Firstly, I would like to ask you a question, Pinky. You mentioned arranged marriage... is this a part of your culture? If not, then I would suggest to you that Internet Sites are not safe places to seek a husband. Ok, there are a lot of genuine people on here, but then there are a lot of unsavory people too... those who hide behind the computer, pretending they're something they're not, and who prey on trusting people like you. You're a beautiful woman, and you sound as though you're sensible too, so how about seeking somebody local to you. Go out once or twice, or even just chat to a few men during your daily routine... at work, or wherever. You'll soon find somebody whom you get on with and fall in love with and hopefully, he'll feel the same way about you. I see how old you are, from your profile, but still, this is not something to be rushed. You're seeking somebody to spend the rest of your life with, and the chances are, if you do so through Internet sites, they won't be suitable. Think "Only the best is good enough for me", and go out and find him. You'll be much happier that way. Brightest Blessings, and good luck in your search.
@Darkwing (21583)
11 Apr 08
Twenty six isn't by any means past getting married and starting a family, my friend. But, if you need more mature help, then I would seek the help and suggestions of your family. If an arranged marriage isn't compulsory, you may be presented with choice? It might well be your answer, but don't give up your own search... ever. It's just advisable to do it off the internet. I'm glad I could be of help to you and thank you very much for BR. That's much appreciated. I hope you find happiness very soon, because you really deserve it. Brightest Blessings.
• India
10 Apr 08
HI darkwing, Yes it is a part ofour culture , but its not compulsary at all. BUt i have fallen in love before and i dont have any gud experiences to mention here. Also i am 26. Girls of my age are happily settled and have kids and good families , so i feel i little out of place here. thats why i want to rush things. I completely agree with you here , but i no longer trut my instincts here , want someone more mature who can help me sort this out. I liked ur response and marking it as the best response. Thanx a ton for ur help. Really appreciate it. ~pinks~
1 person likes this
• India
10 Apr 08
hey i thnku u should let ur folks find the mr. right for u i know they might not find the bst match for ur but i know this for sure that they gonna find u the guy with better backgrnd and good family than v can find on net.if thats not possible then its better to sprd the word of ur marriage among ur frnds and relatives who knows u might find right guy in ur frnd circle like ur best frnds bro or some cousin of his/her.and if u really keen then i can send some really good applicants to u including mine if u dont mind.just kiding .i have to b free for a while longer.
• India
10 Apr 08
Thanx a ton for ur reply. Really appreciate it.
• India
11 Apr 08
ur most welcome .
@subha12 (18441)
• India
11 Apr 08
i know about the situation here. i think you are also from India? If so this concept of matrimonial site is not very good as i think. i am not saying all are false. but many people give false profiles and details. just its not contacting and marryying. you can also ask your parents to contct some of them who are actually contacting you.then meet them and decide. try to judge very well.
@checapricorn (16060)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I have known a lot of people finding their partner online and very successful yet some failed and suffer! Its ok to do that as long as you don't rush you know! take time to know each other, if possible talk to his parents or siblings too, and know everything about him and also share your background to him after that you can arrange to meet in person so that you will really know if you have that magic really that is worth enough to say, you're compatible to each other!Since you are the girl, he has to show an effort that he is interested to visit you and meet your parents but if he will not do that for some reason, move on and try another one! thats life girl and have to play it safe, do not forget to pray always...since its also a risk to make decision as that!
• India
10 Apr 08
Thanx so much for your concern. I will keep that in mind. ~pinks~
@elsoft12 (1821)
• India
10 Apr 08
hi pinks, It really depends on what sought of a person you are.If you are in a HR department and you enjoy questioning..may be you should first call the guy for an interview and drill him with your questions...And you will have an idea of the idea. On a serious note;not all online matrimony profiles are genuine.So get some one offline.
• India
10 Apr 08
Yeah right but initially everyone is good and nice. You come to know their true colors only after some time.I am so confused. ~pinks~
11 Apr 08
hi pinks just relax, dont just jump to any conclusion, you are senseble, when you are browsing the net & find someone good, try to talk to him, or chat with him in a different id, not your own, never give your orginal id, & get into trouble, i married my hubby through net, metromonial, & you know hardly i came to know him, he just met me, asked if i was interested, then he spoke to my family, both the families finilised, & within couple of weeks we were married, you know i was like you shocked, & wondering if he was a good person, ,he is so good, & so caring, he loves me & my family, to his family i am their daughter not a daughter in law, my mother in law loves me more than any one & the same with me, so there are good & nice people who would have posted their profile, & who knows that even they are like you just waiting for a good match,& a good girl like you i do agree that their are people who are just fake, but you have to be carefull in knowing a person try from your family side as well, & let your parents know what you feel, dont keep everything with in your heart, once your parents knows your feeling, they will surely start their search for a groom, i told my parents, & they enquired the boy & the boys house enquired about my family & only than we got married so even if you after liking, any one just tell your parents about it,& further things will surely happen i will pray that you get married this year with a good person besides everything, god has already chossen someone for you somewhere in the world, & in his time it will happen no matter when it may happen like my life suddenly, i have not yet celebrated a year of my marriage, i wish you good luck, you search & let your parents search too, but be clear with your parents when you do something, i will keep you in my prayers good luck bye cindy
• India
11 Apr 08
Thanx a ton cindel for ur response and thanx for keeping me in your prayers. I am gonna talk this out to my close friends and my parents. I am sure they will be able to help me out. You are quite lucky to find a partner who is so much in love with u.I am happy for u Best wishes, ~pinks~
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
there is a good and a bad side to this one, actually... you seemed a bit desperate to find a loved one... you have to be careful in dealing with people online... there are those who are true to the people they meet but there are plenty of those waiting for their next victim. if in case there are many who wanted to get to know you, there is no harm to it... you just have to be careful while you get to know a person.
@anonymili (3138)
11 Apr 08
I found my hubby on It's my second marriage and I wasn't very confident about meeting guys again after 15 years with one person - so basically I met my hubby 6 years ago and we've been happily married for 4 years now. Happy story yes? But be warned, I met a handful of guys before I met my hubby and they were all a waste of time for me, I live in the UK and arranged marriages do take place here quite often amonst the Indian community. One guy I met freely admitted he was going through a 2nd divorce and had 1 child from each marriage but was still living with his wife but they were separated! Was he aiming to make me wife number 3 and mother of his 3rd child? I didn't hang around to find out! The other guys I met seemed to be after just short term relationships and I made it clear from the start that I wasn't into one night stands or flings. is a traditional Indian matrimonial site and as such people there should not be looking to pick up women behind their wives back or stuff like that. My cousin in India was registered with the site and met a guy from there, dated him for 6 months as he said he wanted to get to know her and after that period he dumped her saying he was only after having some fun and nothing serious but was not happy that she wouldn't have s$x with him! It nearly destroyed her confidence completely but luckily she went on to meet a lovely guy a year later and their families met up and they've been married over 3 years now and have 2 lovely little boys and have settled in the USA due to his job relocating from India. I do know others who have successfully met their life partner this way as well as other who've had bad experiences. My best suggestion is to use your discretion and if someone is serious about you, insist on having their home phone number and calling them there to make sure they're not already married. Make sure that if you you meet anyone from a website that you meet in a public place or if it's in your home with your family around - ask them to bring a family member too. In meeting in a public place, say a cafe, ask a friend along and get them to sit at a nearby table reading a magazine or book if it makes you feel safer and never go off somewhere alone with the person until you have got to know them and met them several times in public places. As for arranged marriages being a risk, it's as much a risk to have an arranged marriage as it is to have a love marriage. Nothing is guaranteed in this day and age, it just depends on the two individuals but it is definitely better to get to know the person before you get married to find out what you expect from each other. E.g. things like does he want you to give up work or study as soon as you get married or do you want kids straight away and he doesn't or vice versa. Will you be living with his parents or does he have his own home? If you are both going to work for a living will he be expecting you to do the majority of the housework and cooking as well? Marriage are equal partnerships these days, finding out beforehand what the other person's idea of a perfect marriage is better than getting married to a virtual stranger and finding out the day after you're married that he expects you to do all of the housework and wait on him hand and foot :)
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
11 Apr 08
This is a tough question to answer. On the one hand, I don't think that you can force love. It just sort of happens. But, I have heard of a lot of successful love on the internet stories. And, most of the internet relationship sites do background checks on their people so, they can be safe. I can only say that it is not my kind of thing. But, then again, I am married and I found my hubby the old fashioned way. We met, we dated, we fell in love. As for arranged is not a part of my culture so, I can't relate and therefore, can't really form an informed opinion on that. So, in the end, my only suggestion is to try the dating service and maybe meet a few of the men. If you like one or a few of them, date them and get to know them and decide from there. It can't hurt. But, I would also suggest getting out there in the dating seen. Meet new people and just give yourself the time to explore your options. Don't go into it thinking Marriage right off the bat. You can't force a connection. Either it is there or it isn't. Good luck to you and I hope you find what you are looking for!
• United States
11 Apr 08
i think if you stumble across someone online and get to know them and really like them and something comes of it then its not judging anyone but to sign up on a site to find a marriage partner sounds insane to me....who thought up that bright idea? lol who could go to the alter with someone knowing thats who you romantic story behind it or just met on a website....listen guys are very desperate trust me i know im a guy and they would even stoop so low as to sign up for a site like that just to get in a girls pants....please dont marry someone from a website! lol your pretty anyway why would you need to do that?