I JUST took down my outside Christmas Lights!
By koalatbs
@koalatbs (2229)
United States
April 10, 2008 2:37pm CST
Ok, I admit it... just a few minutes ago I went outside and finally took down our outdoor christmas lights! Here it is already April 10th, 3 & 1/2 months later, I decided it was time. LoL! I was waiting patiently for my husband & my 13 year old son to take them down, but guess what? They won! I couldn't stand it any more!!! Todays it is sunny and supposed to reach the low-70's and it just didn't seem appropriate anymore to keep them up! lol!
Does anyone STILL have YOUR christmas lights up?
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18 responses
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I live in a subdivision with covenants which are rules to abide by. If we break them, the HOA (Home Owners Association) gets involved. They will send a letter saying what we are in violation of and ask us to remedy it. If we don't they can fine us, or deny us things like access to he common area like the pool or something. Not sure what all they can do because the hubby and I are never willing to test it...LOL! But, I can see them getting all fussy if we left our lights up as long as you did! Actually they once got on us about leaves in our yard. Our yard guy got his truck and equipment stolen and the hubby and I were feeling a bit lazy so, we just let the leaves get mostly broken down and absorbed in the yard but, there were still some that they got ticked about. The problem is, our yard sits in the center of what we call a vortex. Every time the wind kicks up, everything from every other house around us, gets blown into our yard. I am not just complaining about this because we are too lazy to do our own yard work. It really is that way. Plus, we saw our next door neighbors yard people, and the people that live in the house on the other side of us, actually blow their leaves into our yard. I kid you not. We have actually witnessed them doing it. So, we got annoyed, were not brave enough to stand up to them and tell them to cut it out and, decided to give up. LOL! I know...we're big babies! But, it just got to be an every day cleanup thing what with our own leaves from our trees and both of our next door neighbors leaves, then anything the wind generated!
So, whew! I bet you are glad you asked! Aren't you glad you don't live in my neighborhood? LOL!
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@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Those HOA are good for many things though. My parents always used to say they were wonderful because that way nobody could park a rusty old RV in their front yard for months at a time making the whole neighborhood look trashy! Or... god forbid, 4 or 5 non-working cars or old toilets, etc. etc. LoL! It happens... believe me, I have seen it before!
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Apr 08
Hi our apartment complex has some outside christam lights that are still on in the quad in front of our complex. I guess the manager has forgotten them. i remember one year my husband and the man across the street were in a battle as to who was going to take down the christmas tree last. My hubby won that one as the wife of the man across the street made him take it down a day before I made my husband take it down and that was the last of March of that year, many years ago.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
26 May 08
thanks for the best response. i appreciate it much.

@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
10 Apr 08
haha that is too funny. We took ours down a week after New Years LOL
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@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
10 Apr 08
I have never ever left our x-mas lights up 4 this long before... I swear! LoL! I would have done it myself long ago but I try not to do many things that require a lot of reaching & standing on top of things like taking down our lights. I developed some weird condition last April, a year ago and my primary doctor, including the neurologist I see, haven't been able to give me a diagnosis yet! It is soooo frustrating. The neurologist says he is only 50% sure it may be Multiple Sclerosis. My legs get really weak and painful, including all around my hips. I get a lot of other pains but if I were to tell you everything this post would take all dang day! LoL
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
10 Apr 08
i don't,but a house up the street from me still has their icicle strand lights up,i don't think they ever take them down.i think they're kind of pretty
actually :)

@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
10 Apr 08
i do that myself.
it makes a nice soft glow in the room while you are relaxing.
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@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Hi scarlet_woman -
The white or clear light are pretty I think too. In the last place we lived we hung them up around on the wall up near the ceiling all around our family room. We would turn them on at nighttime and turn off all of our other lights. It was really soothing actually. The ones that I just took down from outside our apartment however were the colored lights. I have actually seen a couple houses around here with theirs still up too and some of them were even turned on! LoL
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
10 Apr 08
Totally the husband's job. One year he did leave them up the whole year, problem is that the colors faded in the sun, so it was a waste. He had to take them down and get new ones!

@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
10 Apr 08
LoL... that is funny about leaving them up the whole year and then come to discover he had to buy new ones anyway. That must have been a real let down! LoL! I agree it is definitely my husband's job (poor him & he's muslim at that! LoL). He is just finishing up dental school however and has been exhausted lately (well, lately means the last year & a half since he began school! LoL). Poor guy! :)
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@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
30 Apr 08
I am very good about that. As long as it is not too horrible outside I take them down on New Years Day, the weather gets really rough here in January and February so if I can get them down before it gets really bad I feel much better.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Apr 08
nah, everyone around here takes them down the beginning of January, most people don't even put them up at all. Pretty pathetic.

@winterose (39887)
• Canada
14 Apr 08
my mother used to do up her house and she won two years in a row for best house in the city where she lives.
I have seen it and yes it is beautiful all the lights lit up on every house.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
12 Apr 08
Hi winterose - That is a shame that a lot of people in your area do not even put up christmas decorations at all. It is sooo pretty when a lot of neighbors all have up pretty decorations during the holidays. It makes everything look so nice. Sometimes our family will drive to specific neighborhood who really go all out just to look at their light & decoration yard displays. I have been to many before throughout my lifetime where the cars were lined up and backed up for blocks just to see them! So pretty! Have you ever done this before?
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
11 Apr 08
I do, but they are inside on the fake ficus tree and they live there. However, I do have to take them down to dust once in a while and to take the ficus tree outside and wash and "wax" the leaves. When the tree is dry I will probably just put the decorations back up as that tree is in our winter home and we won't see it until we come back at the end of summer. By then it will not be long before the stores start having Xmas things on display anyway, even before Halloween, so if they can do it why can't I.
We pretty much believe that it is Christmas every day of the year.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
11 Apr 08
I love the decorations at Christmas-time drannhh! The house always seems so bare once taking them down. I have not recently, but for awhile I was buying pretty fake flower/ivy strands and putting them up above some of the doorways in our apartment to make it pretty. In the fall I would put fall colored leaves up and in the winter-time I'd drape pointsetta strands down our stair railing and, of course, in the spring I would buy pretty spring colored ones, like purple, pink or yellow to brighten up the place. I do like the white clear lights too, especially since we can't use candles too often because of our cat. I'm afraid she will knock one over and start a fire. So, the clear lights make a nice ambience, almost like candlelight.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
12 Apr 08
Yes, the cat will do that. Once ours knocked down the whole Christmas tree and knocked the lights and decorations all over. It was a wonder the house didn't burn down. You are wise to avoid any decorations that could become dangerous when mixed with cat play :=)
@missbdoll (1165)
• Australia
11 Apr 08
I don't do Christmas lights, but one year my Christmas wreath was still on the door at the begining of Febuary.And I've still got 2 large Kewpie dolls with there santa hats on, cause the are high up and I haven't got round to dragging out the big ladder I need to get them down.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
11 Apr 08
LoL! I found two Christmas decorations yesterday too - one in my kitchen and one near my front door. Finally took them down too... I hope I do not find anymore! Maybe I will when we start packing to move out of state this summer! Thanks for replying missbdoll! Hope you are having a nice day!
~ Jill (koalatbs)
@gemini_rose (16264)
10 Apr 08
No, I do not have any christmas decorations still up!! I was always told that it was bad luck and I certainly do not need any more bad luck than what I already get. I already get more than my fair share without bringing any on myself!! But just thinking on, on the way to school the other day I noticed a house that we passed still had some tinsel in the window.
@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Nope I finaly took my Xmas tree down around March 1st this year. I was happy to see your discussion, it is good to know I am not the olny one who waites around for it to magicaly take care of itself. No magic this year either, I ended up doing it. but hey we have a snow storm coming our way tonight. I could still of gotten away with it. Hehehe ... nice to have them down I bet.

@Deea48 (1166)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Well I am up here in MN and they are predicting a big snow storm, hopefully our last one, feel free to come for a visit next year, I am sure we will have more
The only good thing is that of course it will not last, suppose to finaly hit 70 sometime next week.

@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
11 Apr 08
I live in the DR and some people still have theirs up but not many. I must admit that mother instilled in me the fact that one has to take down my Xmas decs before the 12th night otherwise bad luck. But I see people with them up all year round and what happens with the places that sell Xmas decs all year round...:) Ho hum, you can't believe everything that you hear. Well at least they have come down!
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Well, my luck has been just terrible this year so far and hasn't improved since taking the christmas lights down either. Maybe there is some true in that supersition then... maybe it really isn't a supersition at all! Hmmm... either that or I just am being punished for some odd reason. :(
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@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
12 Apr 08
You poor thing. I hope your luck changes soon. I have had a couple of years when the year was full of bad luck and that was nothing to do with taking Christmas decorations down - it just happens that way sometimes. Wishing you a better ending for the rest of the year! :)
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
11 Apr 08
i take down christmas decoration in january. but you are right. men never do anything. if you want anything done around the house, you have to do the work yourself...women always end up doing all the work...that is why we are superwomen, the stronger one and can have it all, family, career, etc.
@koalatbs (2229)
• United States
12 Apr 08
LoL - I think you are right fifileigh! However, I have to defend my husband here as he is just finishing up a grueling 2 years of dental school, due to graduate 1st in his class this June! He doesn't have much time for anything but school right now, so I don't blame him one little bit at this point. Now, after he finishes school if this happens again then he will be in big big trouble with me! LoL :)
@TerryZ (22076)
• United States
18 Apr 08
Hi koalatbs no we take our decorations down in January. I know the feeling when something is suppose to be done and of course the hubby doesnt get to it I do the same thing.LOL Sometimes I think they plan it that way.LOL
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
11 Apr 08
No I do not. One house in our neighborhood has their outdoor Christmas light up nearly all year. They are the most talked about people because of this and the remarks are not very complmentary. The folks across the street from mr reported them to the city for being trashy!

@celticflower29 (82)
• United States
10 Apr 08
Don't feel bad. We have a small wooded area behind our house and I can see my neighors back deck. He has french doors so it is possible to see into his living room. Now I do not go, to lengths to see into his living room. But I can not help but notice that he still is plugging in his Christmas Tree every night. This is normal for him. He keeps his tree up until around May. I don't get it but I guess he must really like his tree!