what do you feel when ever no one answer to your discussion?

mylot - image from mylot
April 11, 2008 2:43am CST
when no one answers to the discussion that i have made, it makes me feel really sad and lonely. mylot really affects my daily life.hehe how about you do you feel sad whenever no one answers to that discussion that you have made?
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12 responses
@savelife (516)
• Philippines
13 Apr 08
i really hate it when i made a disscusion that i really think about it and no one will replay....it's kinda likfe useless
• Philippines
3 Aug 11
i think everyone feels the same way, it is sad to know that no one appreciates your works even if you spend so much time in creating it
• Romania
11 Apr 08
I feel kind of dissapointed but i'll get over it! Not everyone has the same hobbies as me or the same interrests. But i'll keep posting maybe someday i will get my answear or hopefully my posts will have some usefull information for someone!
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
nice attitude, having that "i will try my best" attitude of yours is really nice.
@plumwish07 (4057)
• Indonesia
13 Apr 08
a big question would straight on my mind when i see my discussion has no response at all. does my discussion not interested to response? does i choose the wrong tittle of my discussion? how could be like this/ well, after all i feel disappointed to have this kind occurence dear friend
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
4 Aug 08
It just makes me feel like no one can really relate to it or they are just not interested in it. Sometimes I just think my friends have alot to do or alot of friends to respond to. I know they will eventually respond to me. I am four months behind right now with my friends discussions but they will all get a reply from me sooner or later.
• Philippines
13 Apr 08
Of course I will get disappointed when I get to see that my discussion is one of those that have NO responses. Sometimes I get the feeling that I have posted something that is not interesting enough. But I get over it in a while especially when I see that my other discussions are doing well. Based on my experience, I do have some discussions that remain to have no responses for a few days. After a while, someone takes notice and responds to that discussion and will start the ball rolling.
• Philippines
1 Aug 11
I think, It should not bother me... why? For this might not be the interest of my friends so as they dont even give a glimpse of what I am discussing, I am sure the best way to do is find a topic that would interest everybody.
@winterose (39887)
• Canada
12 Apr 08
hi sweetie, I don't like it if nobody answers my discussions but I am better than that, I do not let these people put me down, I am a good person and so are you. I will answer your discussions though sometimes late because I am so far behind, but if I can answer it meaning I know what I can say then I will answer your discussions hon.
@subha12 (18441)
• India
11 Apr 08
i feel sad. what can be it otherwise? today morning i started a long post at Life intrerest. none was answering it. after that few freinds rsponded it. itreally bad to get no response,
@blackbriar (9076)
• United States
11 Apr 08
Doesn't bother me if noone responds to my discussions. My first few I started, I got no responds at all to for several months. Then a friend I had added, went thru and responded to them so they got the best answer.
@s2a2n2 (1732)
• India
11 Apr 08
I feel dispappointed a bit for sure. At the same time I wonder what went wrong. I tend to figure it out why nobody responded or I feel like i posted a wrong thing in wrong time. So many questions go around and around..
@Esoteric1 (863)
• Canada
11 Apr 08
Yeah I think it sucks if no one answers our discussions, I have a few discussions that are not getting many if any responses. Personally I don't let it bother me as I am new now and will learn. Maybe you need more friends to answer your discussions also maybe you should post in interests that have a lot of people in them.. like "People" that would probably help. Good luck ... send me an invite if you need more friends to answer your posts, I need more people to answer mine as well. Eso
• Philippines
11 Apr 08
it feels like you had useless ideas...