Why people do abortion?

April 11, 2008 4:50pm CST
I would like to know from you, why you think persons have an abortion, and if you would do?
3 responses
• United States
14 Apr 08
Women get abortions because they want them. End of story. I would get an abortion if I ever go pregnant because I refuse to ever gestate a pregnancy. I think it's absolutely disgusting.
• United States
14 Apr 08
You need some serious counseling.
• United States
14 Apr 08
So says the women who stalks strangers on the internet for not agreeing with her.
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
17 Apr 08
So says the women who stalks strangers on the internet for not agreeing with her ROFLMFAO omg that was too funny!!!
@Beero30 (55)
• France
12 Apr 08
I think most of time they do that for the wrong reasons like not being mature enough to take the responsibility ..or seeing it as a mistake or even thinking it's not the right time to have a baby .. In rare cases they are obliged to that if the pregnancy is dangerous for the mother or if there's a genetic disease that will be transformed to the baby and in that case it's better than suffering all his life. For me .. I would never do it .. children are a gift from God .. before having an abortion, one should have a look at those who can't have a baby to be grateful of what they have.
• United States
11 Apr 08
Well some people do it because they cant care for the baby. Personally, I would rather put the baby up for adoption. But it really is the womans choice. i dont think it should be against the law, but I would advise the women to put it up for adoption. Where I live we have low abortion rates because you can leave a baby at the hospital and they will put the baby up for adoption with out a question. It really helps out.