Movies You Hated...

United States
April 14, 2008 12:07am CST
I want to see if there are movies that we agree were absolutely horrible. Just write out a list of movies that you thought were stupid or just crappy. And why you thought it was horrible. Nailed- A cheap version of the grudge, very hard to follow, bad actors Are You Scared- Just a bad movie. Bad storyline. Cheaper version of the Saw movies. The killer only gave them 1 minute to try to get what he told them to do done. 1 minute is not enough time for anything. The Benchwarmers- I just couldn't watch this movie. It was really stupid and slow. Nothing they did really made much sense. The Bug- Ashley Judd's worst movie ever. I suffered through it for a while but had to shut it off after she started screaming "I'm Super Queen Bug". The guy in it was a terrible actor. That's all I could think of at the moment. I'm sure I'll think of more later.
3 responses
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
14 Apr 08
i really disliked Stranger than Fiction 40 year old Virgin Feel the noise im sure theres more but these are ones ive seen recently that i had a hard time getting through or just totally left the room rahter than finishing it
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Apr 08
I haven't seen Stranger than Fiction or Feel the Noise but now that I know they were bad I won't be wasting any money watching them. Thanks for responding and giving us a heads up.
@yona06 (585)
• Indonesia
13 May 08
Hey... I liked stranger than fiction. I thought it had an interesting plot.
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@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
13 May 08
I think its all a matter of taste...some people really like a movie where as others really hate the movie.
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@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
13 May 08
i really hated movies like harry potter, star wars and any other sci-fi films that i can think of. it would just make me feel sleepy and bored whenever i watch those kind of films
1 person likes this
• United States
13 May 08
Yea. I'm not a big harry potter or star wars movie fan. I just could never get into them. I did read all the harry potter books, but the movies just weren't that great. Thanks for responding.
• Malaysia
14 Apr 08
Tom Cruise's Born on the fourth of July - is the first and only movie so far, that I actually fell asleep within 15minutes into it. That has never happened to me before, falling asleep during a movie that is. Was boring especially compared to his other films. SAW, NAILED, quite a number of others with terrible storyline and bad acting. I'm more choosy nowadays with DVDs I select, don't like to be disappointed after watching it.
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• United States
14 Apr 08
I have a hard time paying attention during movies. I don't know why but always have so it has to be good for me to watch it.I haven't seen the Born on the Fourth of July. I hate being disappointed too. Thanks for responding.