Do you subscribe to any magazines?

April 14, 2008 4:50am CST
What types of magazines do you have coming to your house? When I was younger I used to have a subscription to TEEN. Other then that all my life and to this day my dad has gotten the National Geographic one sent to the house. Which was awesome because it helped a lot for projects in school. Do you keep your mags after they come? At what point do you get rid of them and where do you give them to? have you thought about a local doctors office? Or somewhere they could be useful?
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20 responses
• Singapore
18 Apr 08
No I don't. I used to when I was younger. To quite a few every now and then. I was probably too rich then LOL.
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@ClaireN (13)
• France
16 Apr 08
We get National Geographic through a gift subscription and so far we've kept then all. I also keep my family history magazines (subscribed to 2) for reference. I've just started a subscription to Cooks Illustrated, going to see if they're worth keeping but running out of room really! I also get Private Eye (a satirical mag from the UK). It's a great read, but I throw them once they've been read.
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@idowrite72 (2213)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I have always subscribed to Reader's Digest and right now I am about 6 months behind in reading it. I have sent it with my daughter to her work, at a hospital, before, and I can see why she asked me about it when I was there with her a couple of weeks ago when she had surgery. I had taken my own People magazine and had a woman ask me if it was mine when I laid it down for a minute. She complained about how they didn't have anything decent to read. So I also subscribe to People and that and the internet has put me behind on the Reader's Digest! I also get Reminisce, a geology magazine that I don't know the name of, tv guide that I don't even look at and need to cancel and I just ordered Oprah's magazine O for some reason I haven't figured out since I can't keep up with the ones I have. I also get the AARP magazine and one from the AFT (American Federation of Teachers) that I don't read!! What a waste of money!! Guess I should send them to the hospital with my daughter...........thanks for the suggestion. My garbage men will appreciate it. I do give my People to another daughter to read when I am finished.
@shaggin (74018)
• United States
15 Apr 08
Right now I am receiveing free subscriptions which is awesome. I get cosmopolitan, country, Scuba diver, Babytalk, and Parents. All of them were free so I didnt have to pay anything which is awesome. My mother pays for subscriptions to various different magazines so when she and my sister are done reading those she sends them over to me to read. I send back the pages she has dog earred and then I also tear out any pages that interest me. Then since there isnt much of the magazine left after that my daughter and I either cut it up for collages or it goes into the garbage because we dont have recyling pick up around here:( Our library already gets most of these issues so there is no point in dropping them off there for others to read. Some magazines my mother passes on when I am done with to her brother to read.
• Philippines
15 Apr 08
i buy magazines whaever caught my fancy and read them with my child so that she too can appreciate reading at early age
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• United States
16 Apr 08
get home,allure, the disney magazine for the kids, i get parenting, i use to get alot i mean alot i slowed down my mailbox was getting too full lol
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• United States
15 Apr 08
I have subscriptions to Smithsonian and Writer's Digest. I used to get SPIN when I was younger. I only keep certain issues, the rest I recycle at the recycling center or use for art projects.
@eloynet (50)
• Brazil
14 Apr 08
Always!!! It's very important to stay update on the matters you appreciate
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
14 Apr 08
We buy magazines a lot. We have a lot of MMA ones; though we have been shipping them off to my brother in Iraq to read when we finish them. I subscribe to Marie Claire. My husband wants to subscribe to one of the gaming magazines but I don't know what it is called. We get lots of free magazine subscriptions too. I think we get Men's Vogue, Four Wheeler, Home Theater, Domino and a couple of others. I have magazines still sitting in their plastic. I give them away all the time.
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@Kecia08 (554)
• United States
14 Apr 08
My husband and I get a lot of magazines. I subscribe to Weight Watchers, Seventeen, Cosmopolitan, and Better Homes and Gardens. My hubby gets Guitar World, Men's Health, Car and Driver, and PC Magazine. We subscribed through a special publishing company that gave us 6 subscriptions of any magazine for 5 years for $300. Not bad!
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@ReoTwo (194)
14 Apr 08
I have been reading and subscribing to magazines for a long time. The type of magazines that I subscribe to are: Ebony, Essence, don't laugh, ABC Soaps, Soap Opera Weekly, Woman's World, AllofYou, Redbook, EbonyJet. And read many more when I'm taking a break from reading novels and bestsellers. I keep the magazines and decoration around and under my coffee tables, and in my livingroom and bathroom magazine racks. I get rid of them simply, when the new issues arrive. I have always if not dontated passed my old magazine to someone. I hate waste money. Especially, on something that someone else could derive pleasure from. I give to neighborhood schools (for the teachers lounge or school office), some beauty palors (that just stock hair stylist mags), visitors to my apartment, and local clincs (some who are known to have the oldest magazine issues known to man!) Pass them on, you'll be surprised how much they'll be appreciated.
@bc3000 (42)
14 Apr 08
i subscribe to glamour & cosmo, and i buy company nearly every month lol. it's not good.. it's kinda a waste of money, but sometimes they have interesting articles. i keep my magazines, sometimes i look over them. i have a really bad memory so yeah haha. i'll occasionally look over them again to remind myself of an old article.
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@Swaffy (21)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I prescribe to mainly fitness and nutrition magaiznes since Nutrition is my major. My favorite one is self because it deals more with your inner and outer self instead of just the way you look. I have a problem with getting rid of magazines. I hardly can ever bring myself to do it. However, I did do something with them useful this year. I took magazine pages dealing with nutrition, exercise, and things related to that and made a book out of it. So I can just look in my book and find recipes, calorie information and workouts! I love it!
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15 Apr 08
I subscribe to Private Eye and Prospect (they are current affairs mags over here in the UK, nothing else!). I even buy the official binders and bind them up and put them on my shelf I'm that sad. Still it gets rather oppresive to have piles of magazines lying around and I am not very good at throwing them away.
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
14 Apr 08
I love to read so I get Better Homes and Gardens, Woman's Day, Diabetic Living, People, Newsweek and PC World. I give them to my daughters when they come down to visit or when I go visit them. The PC World I give to one of my sons. I have a lot of magazines and books. You might say I'm a read-a-holic. I do more reading than watching TV. And even then I read during the commercials.
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@Marg12 (329)
• United States
14 Apr 08
I subscribe to several magazines, which are Prevention, the Health magazine, Equus, and a dog and cat magazine. I am very fond of my Equus,cause it is about horses, and horses have always been the very central of my life. And I have always subscribed to Prevention and enjoy it very much. I have always kept my magazines, but you sure gave me a good idea of putting them in doctors offices so everyone can read them. I think that is a super idea. Will get started on that project right away.
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@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
14 Apr 08
I subscribe to several magazines...National Geographic, Canadian Geographic, Our Canada, Canadian Photography Journal and a couple of travel ones...
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@May2008 (179)
• China
21 Apr 08
I used to subscribe to Translators Journal from which I learn English and the tactics of translation between English and my mother tongue. After finishing reading them, I kept them on the shelves. I rarely donate them to others. At times, I buy the Readers Digest.
@paid2write (5201)
14 Apr 08
I used to read a lot of magazines on different subjects, some I kept for reference and others I recycled. Now I get most of my information on the internet and I don't have time for reading magazines. I have also worked in publishing and was involved in the publication of magazines. I did everything from dealing with subscriptions and distribution to editorial work. My father also used to subscribe to the National Geographic when he was alive.
@yuanhuann (197)
• Malaysia
14 Apr 08
i didn't subscribe, but i buy every month.
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