Bad News, No News, Good News

United States
April 14, 2008 7:57am CST
Okay, first off, I just want to say that I never start discussions on a news stories. I feel like everyone is capable of reading/watching the news on their own without my having to pound the point home. When I respond to news discussions, it's because that discussion is on a topic I didn't catch when watching/reading the news on my own. That said, I have a news story I would like to share. I just read and watched this horrifying news story about a little boy being attacked by a Pit Bull and a Shar-Pei. He started off in his own yard, but got close enough to the neighbors' fence and the dogs caught him and dragged him into their yard, and started treating him like a rabbit--throwing him up in the air and biting the hell out of his legs and face. There was a chain and padlock on the gate, and the whole fence and gate was about 6'-8' high so his mother couldn't even come to his aid. She started screaming for help, and a 17 year old kid was walking by. This kid vaults the fence, knocks the dogs off the little boy, and somehow gets him back to his mother. The teen had his ball cap on sideways, pants falling off his rear end, shoes laced loosely, basically looked like your average local punk. Except for his eyes. His eyes said that he was raised right and though he may look "bad", he's still a good kid underneath. He said he wasn't afraid at the time, but he's been having some nightmares while the little boy was still in the hospital. We always hear how bad teenage kids are these days, how spoiled, such atrocious behavior, the terrible things they do. It is so rare to hear anything good about teenagers! Not all of these kids are bad kids, even if they look it. So while I wish there were more stories about the good things teens do, it is wonderful to hear that at least one teen is capable of not only good morals, but also great deeds. What is your take on this? Have the teens in your area done anything for the good of someone else? It takes a special kid to retain those childhood morals into teen-hood. The morals and values seem to disappear for a few years between childhood and adulthood. So tell me some uplifting stories of the kids in your area. I don't want to hear about them smashing mailboxes or tipping cows over, I want to hear about the exceptional things they've done selflessly. P.S. The news clip is on if you want to watch it for yourself.
1 response
• Philippines
14 Apr 08
yeah... bad teen usually have no fears at all and they have nothing to lose. so they will just tried to risk they lives for anything. for them, it's a challenge. they don't sometimes believe it's a good deed though. because bad kids usually have bad experience so they tend to be harsh. yeah there are very few teens here that have the same kindness as that kid... thanks for sharing.. i think i'm gonna watch that clip... hehehehe