What kind of Relationship Do You Have With Your In-laws?

@catjane (1036)
United States
April 14, 2008 10:31am CST
When my mom-in-law was alive, we had a pretty good relationship. When she died I was surpised about how bad I felt. I get along with my father-in-law pretty well. My husbands sisters and their children all live away from us, so don't see them too often, but we all seem to get along. I seem to like them all more than he does LOL. How do you get along with your in-laws?
7 responses
• United States
14 Apr 08
I have wretched in-laws and I want nothing to do with them. I refuse to have people like that in my life.
• United States
14 Apr 08
I not only have wretched inlaws, but they are also evil. I have nothing to do with them nor do my children. It is really a sad situation. All I can do is pray that one day they will change.
• United States
18 Apr 08
I have great in-laws. However one of my sister-in-laws is very mean to me. Always has been no matter how hard I tried to be friends with her. She'll probably always be like that. Oh well. Everyone else is great!
@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
14 Apr 08
I am not close to my inlaws. My MIL has 5 kids, and all of them are married. She tells everyone that she doesn't have inlaws, she has outlaws. We have a son that has special needs, and don't want to have hardly anything to do with him. We get along, but only because we need to.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I had a fairly good relationship with my mother-in-law before she passed away also. We used to not get along because she thought I was too young for my husband and he had just got out of a divorce. I proved tham wrong and his whole family finally seen it too. I never met his dad because he already passed away, but his sister never gave me a chance either or his children. I could have got along with them if they would have accepted me, but it has been 16 years now and nothing has changed.
@sharay (2769)
• India
14 Apr 08
I was married 3 years ago and until last month, she was quite okay like, she does not speak much to me and i too maintain the distance with her even though i liked to move with her like my mother (because she does not encourage that close relation wiht me), now suddenly seh has become so selfish and mean that even her own son (my husband) had to defend me instead of takign his mother's side (like how a normal son does)
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
14 Apr 08
I still get along great with my ex-husbands Mom and i get along great with my current mom-in-law.I guess i've been blessed!
@cderrs (69)
14 Apr 08
Technically mine aren't in-laws. But i get on great with my boyfriends mum.. and he gets on great with mine..