When Belief turns to Disbelief

@p1kef1sh (45681)
April 15, 2008 5:03am CST
Have you ever had one of those days when everything goes just peachy? The sun shines, the birds sing, the cop lets you off the speeding ticket, you aren't overdrawn at the bank after all. All's well with the World and you are the happiest person alive. Then it starts to get a little cloudy, the unlikely looks like it might happen after all, and your lightness of step evaporates. This happened to me yesterday. I cannot tell you the detail, but trust me my perfect day went a little out of kilter and I am now a slightly worried man. Does this happen to you? What defence mechanisms do you use.
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22 responses
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Apr 08
Well whap, whap with a really hard cricket bat! And just for that, a conical bra for the cahones as well as the chest! And colour pictures - lots of them! Humph! - I am off to pout! *pouting now.......*
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• United States
15 Apr 08
Wait, Spark! Don't go by yourself, wait for me!!!!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Apr 08
As soon as I posted this, I nearly went back and said "you just did this to make me pout!" lol So here you are: "pout, flutters eyelashes, pout, purses lips in cupie doll bow, pout, breathing a little heavier now, pout.............oh my, shower time!" LOL
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
LOL. I shall take my punishment like a man. With apologies to Oliver Twist - may I have some more please Miss? Well I am ex public school. Don't pout. You know what it does to me. Oh go on then. Just a tad more.
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Apr 08
First off dear friend, please assure me that you and yours are healthy. Secondly, to answer your question.....my defence mechanism is the immediate search for the positive in the negative and making it happen. Otherwise, just shoot me now, because I really don't think I could take another blow. When my world gets rocked, I go quiet and I think. I go through the worst scenarios, then I go through the best. Somewhere in between is the balance that I can achieve and that's what I set my sights on doing. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't, but it keeps me from getting lost in the worry and therefore able to come through and out the other side with lessons learned and my optimism intact.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
I try not to worry about stuff too much. But this has been a bit of a crusher. I don't want to go into right now but I do appreciate your words. You might read Goodie and Nova's posts and then come back and whap me. I think that I'd like that.!!
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• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Apr 08
LOL, see below to #14. I hit the wrong response box link. DUH!
@nannacroc (4049)
15 Apr 08
I hope you're not too worried. My days all seem to be like this. I usually give my eldest an ear bashing and then she will say somethig like, what can you do about it? If I say nothing, she tells me not to worry. If I can do something she will motivate me to do it. I very often manage to see the funny side of things. Remember the Chumbawumba song, 'I get knocked down but I get up again'. Always bear that in mind and count your blessings. Take care.
@nannacroc (4049)
15 Apr 08
In that case it serves you right for accepting the bet. No sympathy now you don't deserve it.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
See. That's why I like you so much. You tell it how it is. I'm off to stew now.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
She's right of course. But getting it out does help hugely. I remember the song but there is no way that I could have told you who sang it. Interesting name. I count my blessings every day Nanna. I have no right to be miserable at all. In fact I don't think that I am really. Just mulling over a silly little thing that will actually bring most people some pleasure and make me very red faced. I have accepted a bet and I think that I am going to lose. Never mind, worse things happen at sea. Thank you Nanna.
• United States
15 Apr 08
The thing is Pike, you did not tell us how you handle it. Tell me then I will tell you.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
I hope that it will pass. I could think of 50 reasons why everything would be fine. But 24 of them have gone. Get the picture? Otherwise I shall just have to grin and bare all. LOL.
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
Yep, I've had that happen to me and it's not the best thing to happen. Sorry that it happened to you . MY defense mechanisms change according to the situatian and what it requires. But lately I've been having so many of those days that it seems that the best defense mechanism is just to hide in my little shell. I know I'll bounce back soon though - at least I hope so :)
@arkaf61 (10881)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
Of course you will!!! Would I miss that ???? LOL Glad to see you positive and bouncing back.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Apr 08
Thanks for that. I know that I shall bounce back. In fact I think that I have done so. I'm off to se who the latest people to want to see me in a conical bra are. I hope that I won't see your name there! Or maybe I will!!
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
15 Apr 08
You're just damn lucky that I read the rest of the responses here, mister! I got a knot in the pit of my stomach for a moment there, p1ke. Such a shite you are! Just for that, I'm gonna make it a bra with tassles!
• United States
15 Apr 08
This is so funny,Spark. I just finished a message to you, detailing his little goof-up here. I do think that he's well and truly learned his lesson. Well, have you p1ke?
• Regina, Saskatchewan
15 Apr 08
Tassles my foot! Pointy little spikes dipped in poisen is what he deserves! Not enough to kill him of course, just make his stomach as sick as ours got when we read his discussion!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
I shall practice my twiddling.
@dorypanda (1601)
18 Apr 08
Oh yes, that's happened to me a few times, just when I'm feeling happy and content and all's well with my world, suddenly BANG! There comes a knock at my head, bringing me back down to Earth. Usually I get all the bills sorted, then from out the blue I end up with a bill dating back three years from some random place or something like that. I prefer to stay in my own little world, it's rather nice there, it's blue and pink and fluffy and friendly, feel free to pop by some time. :)
@p1kef1sh (45681)
18 Apr 08
Dory's World sounds like a lovely place to be. I go somewhere similar sometmes. I have just been on a 60 mile drive and have been to a number of beautiful places in my imagination. It helps to pass the time.
• India
16 Apr 08
It has happened to me so many times... but alwaiz i used to come out of it. Its pretty simple. You have dream towards which you are progressing. When you feel down, dont look at your dreams or goals and get scared. visualize as if you had achieved your dream everything will get resolved...
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Apr 08
Thank you for that. I shall give it a try.
@Rozie37 (15499)
• Turkmenistan
16 Apr 08
This happens to me all the time. In fact, it happened to me earlier this week. My bank sent me a letter saying that I owed them money that had been credited to my account and it had long been spent. I also was waiting for an auction on e-bay that I knew I was going to win, but all of a sudden I did not have the money for. Then Mylot paid me and I had the money for one thing, but not the other. So, my roommate offered to loan me the money. I was set to go put it in the bank the next day, when I realized I was not feeling well. Being that this was my last day to get it in on time. I knew that I would have to drag myself anyway. Then I thought about my keep the change savings account. I said to myself, I can close that account and have the money transferred over to my checking account. When I called, she said that I did not have to close the account, but I could transfer the money. I was so happy. I just trust God with my needs and he always supplies them.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Apr 08
He clearly came up trumps for this week Rozie. I am pleased for you. Take care.
@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
15 Apr 08
When my day is going sour and I need my spirits lifted; I turn to my hobby. Which is photography. How you started coming up with good poses in the mirror yet?
• United States
15 Apr 08
*Ugh. That should read...have you.... I'm sure you get the picture.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
I have been practicing sucking in my tummy. Don't want you girls organising a baby shower for me!
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
16 Apr 08
OMG!! It isn't because of my joke is it? I hope not, I hope that made you laugh and cheered you up. My defense mechanism would be to make a joke out of whatever it is that is bad. Laughter does seem to be the best medicine for just about anything.
• United States
16 Apr 08
There are worse things than piles of lingerie...:)
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Apr 08
This is the post that has backfired on me big time Skinny. But yes, the combined ministrations of your gang including my entire so called fan club, have brought me the very edge of the abyss. I am peering down hoping to see something that I can call home. But as yet nothing. Just a pile of conical bras reaching up to me and laughing. Oh for the humour that you deploy as your safety mechanism. I know that I am doomed. I shall slip quietly into the deep pit and be swallowed by lingerie.
• China
16 Apr 08
I am always believing everyone has so many reasons to live happily for our parents give our life.when I am sorrow or pressed by some unexpected incidents,I remind myself there are more unlucky person in the world.Maybe someone have no healthiness so they have no chance to pursue what they want. Comparing with them,I am very lucky!So many things become not so bad.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Apr 08
I always try to count my blessings when I am down. It works too. Thank you and welcome to myLot.
• India
16 Apr 08
it does happen to me a lot when the my happiness turns sour!it happens specially when i can't seem to believe the luck i experience due to which i get to experience such happy and favourable events.what i do in such cases is to let go and just accept as it comes my way taking it with a pinch of salt.i just take it in my stride and let it go.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Apr 08
I think that is the best way to do it. Thank you.
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
it already happened to me, i was with my collegues in the office, we were talking nonesense things, all for fun and laughter..then after an hour or so, things gets really different, overloads of work come in no signal, causing stresses and worryings because the boss needs the paperworks within 30mins or less. luckily i survived!!! by focusing on what you do, you'll get the things done accurate, if not, mistakes would be at minimum. don't loss yourself in times like this. reminber: "only you can help yourself."
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Apr 08
Thank you. That is helpful. Welcome to myLot.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
15 Apr 08
Oh yeah. I have had a few peachy days too. I have had a few good days where everything went my way and then later on it turned so sour. I have alot of days that start and end like that and when it rains bad luck in my household, it pours for days. It is so hard to find a really good day that is peaceful and relaxing anymore. I just have to pick myself up and pick up the pieces and keep pushing forward to get through the new obstacles and over these rediculous hurdles.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
Thank you. You are right of course. I shall just have to face up to the inevitable and put a brave face on it.
@dangnabit67 (2021)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I lost count of my cloudy days. Some days humor pulls me out and other days I just want to be alone. My cloudy days pass-not saying they are gone, but life goes on and we have to do what we gotta do, no matter what. Laughter is always the best medicine. As the world turns this is the days of our lives
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
I do so agree with you about laughter. I have a ball here and sometimes the people here really brighten my day. Thank you Dangnabit. Hope that you have a good day.
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• United States
15 Apr 08
I'm sorry you had a rough turn yesterday! I do so hate it when it happens to me. Having bipolar disorder means that I constantly feel as though I'm walking a tightrope, and I can feel it when I'm beginning an episode. My defense mechanisms are usually anger and rage (i.e. the Walmart Incident, lol), but sometimes it takes a different route. Depression, internalization, "retail therapy" (shopping), even helping someone else to have a better day b/c I feel so crappy. Money is a big trigger for my bipolar, so I try to be extra careful and pay all the bills before we do anything else. I don't even buy groceries or put gas in my car until the bills are paid! So I really feel your pain there. I hate thinking I'm overdrawn, going to the ATM to check, being relieved at the balance shown... And I'll have a great day, finish paying all the bills out of my "available" funds, and a week later get the overdraft statement in the mail. Because I was overdrawn in the first place, the transactions just hadn't gone through yet, and I'd paid the remainder of the bills out of the bank's money! I hope your days are better, and don't worry--things always work themselves out in the end. It may take time, energy, and patience on your part, but things will get better!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
You have to look out for that snake waiting to bite your behind just when you thought that it was safe to go into the grass again. Thank you for that FaerieAne.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
15 Apr 08
hi pike fish my day started out the other way dismal and gray and chilly and mystar went down now to an eight and only79 out of 100 so I was feeling really blue then the sun came out and the birds are singing so now I feel ten times better.I have a potato baking in the oven and all is right with my world. so whoever is trying to force me out of mylot you are wasting your time nanny nannyna na.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
Good for you Hatley. I have another friend who is also going through this ratings drop thing. If it is someone then it is a sick and childish game. Good for you for sticking your tongue out and saying blow them.
@ruby222 (4847)
15 Apr 08
I have many of them Piky my dear....if all in the world starts off wonderfully well..I actually start to get a little anxious... Though it would be very fair to say that I am an optimist...after the odd happenings in the last eighteen months or so..I become quite sceptical at times. But is it because we have nothing to worry about on that particular day..but we have got into the habit of being worried ,that we worry because we have nothing to worry about???...work that one out if you can!!! That `peachy` feeling is second to none...but lol I sometimes think im misinterpreting it as me being `smug`...which I couldnt live with the thought of that happening!!! By the way...this day has so far been a fairly good one.................
@p1kef1sh (45681)
15 Apr 08
I am sure that your day will stay that way Ruby. I hope that it does. Today my day is actually pretty good. If I can drag myself out to buy some new batteries and get my camera working again - I need it to as I'm off taking some pictures for a fellow myLotter on Thursday - I shall be a completely happy boy. Save for the reason why I posted this discussion. But that's going to happen I just know it.
• United States
16 Apr 08
Pike. I believe that we all have been in your shoes. Like the saying goes for me, if it weren't for bad luck, I 'd have no luck at all! That can be me all rolled up into one. But somewhere, behind all those black clouds, the sun does shine on a good day. I use the power of God to get all of my answers. Now, I am not saying he will provide you with the answers as quick as you want them but, he will be sure to get back to you. The Prayer of God does Miracles for one who believes!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
16 Apr 08
Thank you that's helpful advice.