is being a girlfriend fun???

April 15, 2008 7:41am CST
for me, yes... but not all the times... coz sumtyms, i'm obliged to do my responsibilities as his GF - the things i'm juz forced to do.. but its okay.. i can manage.. wat i dont lyk is, sumtyms, i am punished by him coz of unknown risons... where's the justice and equality?? tsktsktsk.. dat's y sumtyms, i think being a GF is a curse.. ^_^
6 responses
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
well being a girlfriend is really fun..! The happiest feeling ever is that u love and you are being loved as well. Being a girlfriend is not a responsibility but a Commitment. responsibility is doing this because u have to do it. but commitment is doing things with your heart with it. Your boyfriend should not punish you for whatever thing you have done because as we all know love is patient. more years for you and your boyfriend :)
2 people like this
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
I really enjoy that but sometimes I'm just force to be their gf....But I really want just to be happy with them!
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@amnher (290)
• Philippines
24 Apr 08
Your not making them happy if your just playing them, why dont you let yourself fall in love with her i mean with him :) :)
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@amnher (290)
• Philippines
25 Apr 08
WHat is that english carabao harharhar LOL!!! But hrting is part of loving. They say "The more you hurt the more you loveeee....."
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• Philippines
25 Apr 08
why are you saying like that...sometimes too i'm falling with them but they always hurting me!!!!
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@kezabelle (2974)
15 Apr 08
No man has the right wether he is your boyfriend or not to force you to do anything you dont wish to do, nor punish you for something you havent done either. My partner would never force me to do anything and as for punishing me im not a child and wont be treated as one either. I think you need to talk to him and tell him how you feel or he will continue to treat you in such a bad way
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• Philippines
15 Apr 08
ya.. right.. i guess, God will lend me the right time for me to talk to my bf.. tnx for the comment dear.. it gave me hope.. lolz.. ^__^ Godbless!!
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@busta1baby (1230)
• United States
17 Apr 08
lol i love it
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@Jezebella (1446)
• United States
22 Apr 08
i love being a girlfriend. I love telling my boyfriend how much i love him and what he means to me. he's the greatest and I just love holding him and just being with ihm
• United States
17 Apr 08
it is the funnest thing ever!! such a good feeling :)
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