Mouthy kids, where do they get it from?

United States
April 15, 2008 10:50am CST
Ok so I have 2 beautifull daughters summer 4 and peyton 2, My four year old though latley has had the mouth of a 15 year old it seems like. Sometimes im in shock at how lippy she can be. Ive been wondering alot if it has anything at all to do with these princess movies she watches, Or any of the other movies she wathces. We dont ave cable so she doesnt watch tv but some of themovies ive actually watched even though I watched them when I was a kid the way that parents and adults are talked to in the movies I think a lot of it comes from there, where else did she learn it? tell me what you think do your kids talk back more then you ever remember talking back to your parents? where do you think they get it from?
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18 responses
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I don't know where it comes from but, I can remember that my parents put the fear of God in me and I didn't talk back to them more than once which was all it took me to learn my lesson. But, I have neighbor kids who have told adults off. One told a cop that he didn't have to do anything the cop told him to do when the cop told him that it is law that he should be wearing a helmet while riding his bike. That same kid told another adult that his parents and all their guests could park wherever they wanted to in our cul 'd' sac when they were gearing up to have 150 guests. Do you know how many cars it takes to bring 100 guests to a home? How many cars it clogged up the entire cul 'd' sac and about a 1/4 of a mile down the street in my subdivision? But, they could park anywhere they wanted to. Well, not according to the cop that was called on them. But, I have noticed both on tv and in real life how snotty kids have gotten when talking to their parents. I never would have talked to my parents the way these kids today talk to theirs. In fact, for fear that my parents could read my thoughts, I never would have even thought about talking to my parents in such a disrespectful way! I don't know if it is because of TV, movies, or just a new trend they dreamed up all by themselves. I just know it needs to stop.
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• United States
15 Apr 08
It really does but as long as people keep thinking that punishing kids is so wrong and people keep loosing there kids because someone seen them swat there child on the butt to grab there attention when there throwing a fit in the middle of the store or whatever. Were just teaching kids that they can walk all over adults, theres no respect anymore. We were at the mall the other day and these kids were walking by us I had my daughter in a stroller and instead of waiting (since they were doing this at the last second) they ran right in front of me cutting me off when I was pushing a stroller. If it would have been a cart I was pushing I would have ran it into them. But come on they couldnt have waited?
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• United States
15 Apr 08
Children become mouthy from not having firm, yet fair parental limits to behaviour in the homes and parents who do not set "time outs" for trash talk or who do not follow through on consequences for "potty mouth" when they hear it. If parents is not an excuse for a minor to join in. If older siblings mouth off, the parents have the job of providing more chores, taking games, privaledges, tkaing the child away form an undesirable group of fiends,etc...bringing the child closer into the family and talking to them about how bad this is to do. But teens can also be given time outs and, if they refuse to follow the family rules, that should be done. (Contrary to popular belief, kids/minors DO NOT have the rights to choose all friends, if they cannot behave with those friends. They can be introduced to a new group of kids easily ..possibly made to take a musical instrument and to take band..and bring grades up and told not to see the bad behavioured ones. And if they do not listen..they can be grounded until they get the idea!) Children , of course, do NOT like getting time outs. The sooner in life you can talk to your kids about appropraiate language vs, being mouthy, disrespecectful or trash talking, the better. The younger they learn, the less likely they will to do that later. At two or so..a simple loud "NO!!!" when you hear a bad word will work fine most of the time. Many parents use excuses..the older siblings or a parent says it and they hear. This does not excuse the parent's responsibility to the child to teach them right from wrong. No matter where kids hear mouthiness or trash talk..THEY/the parents are still responsible for what comes out of their mouth and..hey..if they insist, it may be time to take their favorite toy away until they conform or give them a longer time out until they tow the line!
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• United States
15 Apr 08
I always take this or that away I dont like to spank (I will swat on the butt or smack on the hand) plus spanking really doesnt work for mine she just crys for a little while then goes right back to doing whatever it was she was doing. Granted shes only 4 but I remember when I was 4 I listened to my parents. The biggest problem I have is when I tell her to clean she trys everything to delay, then gets lippy when I tell her to get it done or else...... *sigh*....
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@shizuoka (352)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I found that my eldest daughter, 7, got very mouthy when she first went to preschool at the age of 5. I'm guessing that she heard other kids saying things and decided to try them out at home. She came up with things like, "If you don't do such and such I won't like you anymore." She also began saying "No" and throwing tantrums. She had never done these things before and found out fairly quickly that they didn't work out as well as she thought they would, but it was trying there for a while.
• United States
15 Apr 08
My oldest went to head start last year and when she was there she picked up so many things from other kids that she thought she could get away with at home she learned really fast I wasn't doing that. Now next year she will be going to kindergarten.....OH BOY
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• United States
15 Apr 08
Mouthy kids are a sign of disrespect, if they don't respect their parents and the parents let them get away with it because they think spanking their child will somehow destroy their lives, it only gets worse. They won't respect teachers, bosses, police officers and worse the laws that govern us. It's a downward spiral. I don't have kids that talk back, they know that when they do its going to be a quick end to their verbal outburst. Teach respect at a young age, it will do the world good. Nobody wants to try and teach respect to an adult, they will fight to defend their words.
• United States
15 Apr 08
Im teaching Im just hoping its sinking in.
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• Canada
15 Apr 08
I think they get it from our generation and how we talk to each other, kids are very observative and see us talk like this and think it is ok, also i think we joke around more with our kids and use phrases jokingly and they pick it up and they may not mean what they say they have only heard us say it and think it is ok to use it jokingly as well
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• United States
16 Apr 08
I think your very right in most situations.
• United States
15 Apr 08
my son who is five never used to mouth off to me b/c we taught him better but when he started school things like that started to happen and as the school year has progressed it has gotten worse but i know that he also hears his two teenaged uncles mouth off to my parents so i know he also gets it from them and also from the t.v. programes that he watches so he see's and hears it from a little bit of everywhere now.
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• United States
15 Apr 08
Think about what our kids are going to have to deal with there kids if things keep going the way there going. and the sad part is that A lot of people dont even care what there kids are doing half the time
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@mansha (6298)
• India
15 Apr 08
My son was very docile but my daughter just about two seems to have a mind of her own only. She is not at all obedient and will make it a poitn to sleep in her brother's bed (at east pretend to) and eats with him from her plate. She copies everything he does and now is after me that she wants to go to school. In morning hse is ready with a toy bag on her shoulders to go to school and we have to distract her so that my son can slip out to catch the school bus. I can actually feel how difficult things are going to be when she grows up.
• United States
16 Apr 08
I have a few friends that have boys and I have girls It seems that boys are much easier till there older and girls are just always hard cause you go from a whinny not listening, toddler to a whinny not listening teenager and theres BOYS lol
• India
16 Apr 08
my 8yr old answers back a lot too and he is kind of desperate in the way that if you take away certain priviliges from him for bad behaviour, that doesn’t change him but makes him more rebellious. And then not all families teach their children the same manners and the values of different people are different so school is a big factor. we never watch mainstream commercial cinema so we thought that our son would be off its influence but no, he knows all the latest cine gossip that one can possible know and its all from his freinds at school. so for people like us (who think that children should learn better ways of speaking) our only hope is to be polite and respectful in our own speeches with them. Gone are the days when we could just scold, shout and beat them into submission.
• United States
16 Apr 08
Very Very true. But I dont think being polite to my child all the time is going to make them be nicer and more well behaved, there are times that call for being stern and a little loud. and I dont care what people think is going on with me and my kids because people always like to think the worse and as long as I know and my family knows that theres no abuse going on I dont give to rip what others think is going on. I think that teens and kids have taken the whole "abuse" thing way to far. There is abuse and then theres discipline and no one can tell me that I cant discipline my child.
@maddysmommy (16230)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Mouthy kids need their mouths washed out with soap, so my mother would say to us LOL I think they pick it up from other kids around them mostly as well as tv and video games. One time I talked backed to my mom and I got slapped across the face. Never did that again!!
• United States
27 Apr 08
I was cunsulting my best friend on tis stuation on day and she told me that her grandparents (they raised her) wahed her mouth out with soap when she was little and was back talking and they never spanked her but the soap worked great and she never talked back to them after that, she said it taught her a lesson the first time cause it was so nasty. so I think maybe I might try this if my daughter trys to mouth back again like she has before. Its not abuse, Its getting a point across..
@lavmadog (75)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
What do you mean lippy/mouthy? Does she speak bad words? As long as they are not bad words, let her. Yes, children of today are more liberal. I allow my kids to reason out but not to talking back. They learn this from television shows, playmates or from other family members. The minds of kids are like sponge, they absorb everything they see and hear.
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
Oh, really!!! That is why i don't even know the meaning of lippy/mouthy, lol. Generally speaking, this is a big no-no in my country, the Philippines. A niece who brought her family to the UK is all regrets because her kids have grown to be bratty and yes, i guess lippy/mouthy. She regrets that she did not wait for the kids to have grown more before she brought them with her to other country. They answer back, they go home any time they want to and one daughter sleeps with her boyfriend because as the daughter says, she is called a "square" when she does not do this. Ohhhhh, wooooow! My niece says, Philippines is still the best country for kids to grow. Children in the Philippines respect their elders more, more considerate of the people around them, more sensitive to the feelings of others, more sweet, more loving to their families, friends and other people. Well.....we just can't have everything, can we?
• United States
16 Apr 08
Im talking about all kids in general just using my own as an example I guess but lippy/mouthy meaning when she doesnt get her way she stomps off crying telling me im mean (all I tell her is "I know Im soooo mean") But just things like that. older kids when there not with there parents out in public they are rude to other adults Ive seen a few even be very rude to an older person in the grocer store by not even caring he was stuck in a grou of people and he shoved his way through. amoung things that have happend to me in public. used to hate how my dad always put down the kids in my age group because of how they acted, saying he never acted like that. I think every gerneration ust gets worse. I dont even want o know what kids will act like in 100 year lol
• United States
17 Apr 08
Ive said a million times to my boyfriend that I would love to move to a different country. I dont know where america is headed if people keep going the path there going on. our kids are mouthy our health care SUCKS our government.....dont get me started. lets just say im sick of them making the rest of us look bad. but yes it is bad here with our kids. I think its got about 70% to do with hollywood.
• United States
27 Apr 08
Yes I agree completely, kids today don't seem to have any respect at all and most of it I blame on the parents. Yes kids see movies and things that show disrespect, but when they talk back to their parents what do the parents do? Now don't do that Jimmy, wait til we get home, go to the naughty chair. Right we are really teaching our children a lesson. I don't believe in abusing children, but I do believe that a fanny has more than one purpose. I have 5 grown children, and to this day, they will not disrespect me. My youngest will talk back to his dad, but you know why, my dear husband never believed in spanking, he would rather yell. We now have 5 adopted children, same thing, they will not talk back to me, but they do to hubby. They know mommy will spank their bottoms in a skinny minute, misbehave in the store, not with me, I don't say wait until we get home, I get them where they misbehave. Now before I get some bleeding heart scorching me, my children will tell you up front, I am their favorite parent and they love me with all their heart. It is because I love my children that I teach them right from wrong. I want them to grow up to be good kind people who care about others, not what I see in the high schools today, where kids will stand up and spit in teachers faces, curse them, and then laugh because they know that the poor teacher can't do anything. Is that the kind of children we want taking over in the future? Not me!
• United States
27 Apr 08
I also belive the fanny is for more then one thing,lol. look at how kids were raised in the past, My dad didnt mouth off to his parents, my mom didnt mouth off to hers, and Im SURE my grandparents NEVER mouthed off to theres, Now how do you think they were raised back then? when a spanking wasnt considered abuse by most. I mean there are people out there who do abuse there kids but the ones who are just disaplining there kids shouldnt be looked at like there abusing, theres a big difference.
@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
Hi friend, Unfortunately I think it is a lot due to the government tying our hands when it comes to disipline?? I am one of those people though that do not and have never listened to their child rearing ideas. This generation has been messed up since day one. These kids know, or feel they know, that you cannot touch or discipline them the way you want to. This is simply not true. My children learned the same way I learned. You get lippy, you get a smack in the mouth, or soap in the mouth. This is not going to kill them. Now keep in mind, this is a smack. This is not a beating. This is not child abuse. This is not using a weapon. This is not using abusive material in their mouth. I have three, almost grown children. I have always been so proud when other parents say to me, "how have you managed to have such well behaved and well mannered children? Believe me you don't need to use this method often. Usually once does the job. But if these kids know that you are just going to sit there and take it. For sure, they are just going to run with it. If you can't control them at 4 and 2, you are going to have major problems at 10 and up. Believe me, I am no expert. I just chose to follow my parents example and I think it has been the best thing I ever did. Good luck. Cheryl
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
16 Apr 08
My two girls are grown now but when they were younger they thought i was mean because i would'nt let them watch shows like Punky Brewster. Even other parents thought i was being awful but the child in that show had a smart mouth and lied constantly (which always worked out for the best) and i did'nt want them to think it was okay to be smart mouthed. That was'nt the only show they were not allowed to watch because of smart mouthed kids in it.Also kids now days dose'nt seem to realize that there is a consequence to every action. Children also picks up bad habits from other children-even 2yr. olds as i have recently found out!
• United States
16 Apr 08
My parents wouldnt let me watch a lot of the shows my friends got to watch and I always hated it, I never understood why. Its funny how when your older And have kids your eyes are opened up to a lot, That and when I as younger we played outside ALL day long we didn't stay in and watch tv all day long the only time we got to watch tv really was when it was raining out or at night we might be able to watch a movie. I am scared to let my kids go out and play the way I used to. I used to get with all the kids in the neighborhood and we'd build forts and whatever else. but now days theres so many things you hear about kids getting kidnapped and all that stuff its just scary.
• United States
15 Apr 08
My 2 yr old is mouthy too. But I know where she gets it from--her bubba is 15, sissy is 12 and another brother is 10. Monkey see, monkey do. It just seems all kids these days have no respect for us as their parents. We arent allowed to punish them like we were growing up and I think that has ALOT to do with it, if not EVERYTHING to do with it. Good luck :)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I cant wait for my youngest to start coping her sister....
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@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
15 Apr 08
Children nowadays are much more clever than you think they are. I have a little boy aged 3 1/2 who speak like a big boy. He also knows how to use the swearing languages. I think the influence of tv and also they may copy it from us.
• United States
16 Apr 08
my daughter is just 15month old , even could talk some simple words, but sometimes she also resist us by action, for example, when we want to give her some pill ,so i think maybe some come form the nature , and other part come from the environment of course.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Apr 08
I think that the little ones like summer pick it up by hearing the older teens. My son when in his teens would really sit his dad off by lipping off with the f word which neither I nor my husband had ever used. Come to find out that seemed to be a favorite amog the kids in his class. But when years later I worked in our local library I was shocked to tears at the language young kids nine or ten used. swear words that we would havehad our moughts washed out for.So when I was rebuked for using a couple of damns I was disgusted at my rebuker for the kids had used much much worse swear words.
• United States
15 Apr 08
you are right most parents now days don't care what their kids are doing or who they hang out with. or even if the parents do care they are at work and can't do anything about what goes on and they just give up.when i was growing up my mom worked two jobs to support me and my sister but we were taught not to mouth off and if we did we got into trouble. my children know when i ask them to do something they do it right then and they are pretty good about doing it but there are times when they don't and they get things taken and set in a time out.they are for the most part good boys.
• United States
16 Apr 08
My kids fr the most part are good I mean my oldest is 4 and what 4 year old isn't just trying to see what they can get away with? But then I have t worry about her going o school and being around all these other kids who arnt disciplined or there parents just let them do whatever they want. hopefully I can teach my girls wrong from right, but then I just got a call tonight about my 15 year old brother who's ALWAYS been a really good kid he got busted with pot on him at school. and Hes never even done anything like that, he wanted to "fit in". So who knows what could happen in the future? they could be the best kids in the world and get involved with the wrong crowd and think things are cool or whatever, Its scary being a parent