Kissing and hugging your bf/gf in public..?!?

April 15, 2008 11:02am CST
Now that I go to university, I take the bus and the subway more often. Sometimes, I see young couples kissing and hugging each other in front of everyone. What do you think of this? Should this be done in a room or is it ok to do in front of people? There are people who don't want to see love scene especially when they have children with them. So is it really that wrong or they just need to get over it? Thx in advance ^_^
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7 responses
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
16 Apr 08
Hello there, in my country, we call this term PDA (Public Display Affection). I would think that to kiss and show "love" in front of the public is not really appropriate and certainly not my style. But different people will have different views though and I certainly respect that. Perhaps I'm more of a "private" kind of guy, LOL. I prefer to do things in discreet and the most that I could go in public would be to kiss her forehead and holding hands with her. The rest is not to be shown, ha! When I see youngsters nowadays doing these PDA, I would just ignore it because it's none of my business to be telling them what to do. But if they are really doing extreme things like French kissing for like 5 minutes and more, I would just walk off. I'm not going to be a spectacle of that. Good discussion here.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
17 Apr 08
LOL, I totally agree with you on that. It seems like PDA is the norm nowadays..
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• Canada
17 Apr 08
hi zed, When I go shopping with my grandma or mom, I don't feel comfortable when there are people doing PDA nearby. But we are used in the world we are living in...too much freedom could be the cause I guess. thx for your comment ^^
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@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
15 Apr 08
he he i think holding hands is okay... and a quick kiss is fine too. but of course... when i see men putting their hands at the back of the pocket of a girl's jeans... now that is a disgusting site... ewwwwwww and yes, if i see couples getting all warmed up and all kissing in public.. hay i think they really ought to be in private doing that.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
15 Apr 08
We hold hands, hug and kiss in public. What’s the big deal? We even do it when my son is with us. I think it is good for him to see the public showings of affection. I always wonder what is wrong with couples who show zero affection in public.
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• Canada
16 Apr 08
It's good to see that you aren't afraid of people. People give a glare when a couple starts smooching. Sometime, the couple don't live together mostly like students so to get a room just for a long kiss, I don't know if it's reasonnable or not :/ because it's nothing x rated lol.
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@LadyDulce (830)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I have no problem with PDAs, no reservations at all when it comes to my own. My husband and I have always been rather physically affectionate and have been told repeatedly by own own friends (teasingly usually) to get a room. When we walk in public, we're always holding hands, or have our arms hooked, or hands in each others' pockets. We kiss and hug in public, though if it must be a make-out session, it's generally in a discreet place... or at a club. Blessed Be
@asgtswife04 (2475)
• United States
15 Apr 08
I think that holding hands in public or maybe a pop kiss goodbye in public is fine, but when it crosses the line of making out in public then i think it's wrong. those things should be done behind closed doors. everyone already knows your with each other, you don't need to make a scene about it. just my opinion though. God bless
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• Canada
16 Apr 08
Indeed there are limit. thx for sharing your though ^_^
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@roxanne271 (2034)
• Trinidad And Tobago
15 Apr 08
Honestly, me and my boyfriend do hug in public when walking, but I don't see anything wrong with that. If it really cuddling type of hugging then some people might not like it. He even hugs me when we are taking the bus or a car sometimes. People seem to be minding their own business...usually. Kissing is a whole different ball game for us though. We only ever exchange kisses in public on the cheeks. Very rarely I'll tell him I want a fast peck on the lips and he is still more aware than I am and says, there are people around. We only save the big long kisses when we are in private.
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• Canada
16 Apr 08
Your bf seems to be very careful. I think like him but my bf is the opposite lol take care!
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• United States
20 Apr 08
As long as the kissing is done in a tasteful way I see nothing wrong with it. I think that people that don't want to see people kissing each other ought to get over it. All it is is a show of affection. There is nothing wrong with showing in a public place as I said as long it is just the kissing and the couple is not going over board.