Are you a "book addict"?
@hitomikanzaki (128)
April 16, 2008 6:39am CST
Reading for me, is as natural as breathing. I was introduced to books/magazines at a very young age (in fact, I'm not too sure all were "appropriate" for my age when I read them). Both my parents were inclined to reading (my mother worked in a bookstore and my father sold books and magazines at one point - I remember my dad when he was supposedly "cleaning" one of our unused rooms, I was 10 or 11 years old, I was starting to wonder why he's taking too long, so I checked-up, only to find him reading a stack of old Time Magazines he'd found :p). I've never considered it a "problem" until now.
I have a growing stack of books I have never read, yet (on top of the ones I'm currently reading - I read "alternately"; meaning several books at the same time). And still, I cannot stop myself from buying even more books (I always rationalize by thinking, what if I come back and the book isn't there??) I still haven't finished 3 recently acquired titles, and yet, last payday I bought two more (The Poisonwood Bible and To Kill a Mockingbird)...I shell-out 500-1000+ pesos worth of books every payday. My father was beginning to get "concerned" that I might turn our house into an "archive" of sorts. ;p
I could never get out of the house without a book in my bag. There are also reading materials in my work locker (there was a time when I had to clear out, because there are literally dozens of newspapers inside, that I can no longer use it). Basically, you can find books in whichever part of the house I happen to frequent *we even have newspapers inside the bathroom - not for that "other" purpose ;p* And what's really "disturbing" is that I find reading more fascinating than my co-workers- I get some "flack" partly because of this, I am now the official "eccentric" of the group), during breaks, instead of chatting, I find a quiet corner and continue with whichever book I have.
Another thing is my obssesion with certain "versions" of a book (for example, I am more likely to buy the trade paperback - because the design and quality is generally superior - than the mass paperback; even though the trade is much more expensive - I've had this dilema with Lord of the Rings and To Kill a Mockingbird etc..).
Sorry, it's quite long, but how about you? Is it "normal"? What do you guys think? What about your own reading habits?
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49 responses
@gazal61 (20)
• India
17 Apr 08
This habit of reading books is quite a natural ,i think. i too am in this habit, no body in my house is keen reader,it was my tutor who introduced me to this. he used to read all kind of books and when he find something intresting he pass that written work to me , i started with short stories, mazagines for children than the time came when i can only be seen in the library in my free times. i read novels,science papers, mazagines,news papers.... any thing which got any written material.. there was hardly any extra syallabus book in my home ,so i started issuing from lib or borrow from my tutors and friends ,when could not find anything ,i took out old newspapers from store......... and this habit has grown with the time, now i spend my nights read one or other thing , if i have started a novel ,i ll finish reading it in two to three days ....... sometimes my mom do get woried with that, but she never complain... she think it adds to my knowledge .... and i think the same.
@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
thanks for the response, keep up the good habit! :D
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@paid2write (5201)
17 Apr 08
I share your love of books and reading. I buy a lot of books but now I get them second hand or used rather than pay full price. I used to work in the book trade and then I could buy books at trade price or for a discount. I ended up with hundreds of books, all of which I read.
I can understand your friends thinking you a bit odd but you will end up with more knowledge and understanding of the world than they will.
Reading is a habit which lasts a lifetime and it can only enrich and improve a life, so don't ever worry about your addiction to books.
@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
19 Apr 08
Thanks. My friends will just have to accept my "oddity". :D
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@praveenvijay (35)
• India
17 Apr 08
Oh!! I hate reading, perhaps its a good habit to keep up.
Whenever I realize it, I tend to go the library and start reading a book which I'm interested(mostly humorous or some comics). Your trait is quite a normal one, I've seen people like you. Infact I've a friend like you. But I'm not hooked to books, rather I'd would like to watch movies or just drift.
@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
19 Apr 08
I like comic books as well! Thanks for the comment!
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@itsmepinky (1300)
• India
5 May 08
Ya i was like that before. I always had a novel with me whenever i went out. I have read to kill a mocking bird before. It is damn good. I am not much of a reader now coz it consumes lot of time.
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@bunnylady01 (483)
• United States
5 May 08
My mom told me I started reading at 2, and I have not stopped since. I believe everyone should read. It is amazing what knowledge you can acquire by reading. You can learn new things everyday! I wish I had had the forthought to write down all the books I have read, since I could write anyway, LOL. I read about 5 books a week. My family can always tell if I am out of books, I get grouchy. They are always buying me books. I love to read not only books, but anything I can. Reading is awesome!
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@xXxMikesWifeyxXx (3072)
• United States
5 May 08
Well i dont read more then one book at a time. and i have a good book collection. htey are all vc andrews though. i collect them. i only buy books when i see one i havent gottten in my collection and i always buy paper backs. im not to fond of the hardback as they are more expensive and take up way more room.
I love to read. though i love to chat so what wouldnt be an issue with me and my friends. and its not that its not normal. it just not normal to them because they would rather talk. reading by yourself every change you get can be more fun then talking with your friends. i dont know about you but when i read i tend to loose track of whats going on around me and i get lost in the story kinda as if i am there in the book, anyways. reading is good to gain knowledge as well. so i thin its normal no wirry's.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I was raised in a reading family, married a reading man and have three kids who love to read. If I don't have a book going, I feel lost, like I can't quite focus on life.
I don't buy many new books, though. I borrow a lot from the library and buy used ones when I can find them (thrift stores, second hand book stores and garage sales).
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@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
thanks for sharing. I wish to pass on my love of eading, if ever I had kids. ;D
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@SHAMRACK (8576)
• India
17 Apr 08
Dear friend,
I would like to read books that are not boring and moreover I am a slow reader, I used to read much of comics when I was in schools and rarely I read novels, magazines. Still I do read if that book has attracted many and that too skipping many of its parts. I do like to read but not all addicted. I do like to read most of real incident stories and news.
@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
oh, that's ok. I used to read a lot of comic books too (my dad was a Marvel/DC/Dark Horse distributor too, so i get to read before they got sold). the good thing is you enjoy reading as well. it's matter of preferrence.
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@ayumitakashi (4462)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I understand exactly what you mean. I am also a book addict and there is always a book in my bag when I go out. My mother would look at me weird when we are going out. But I need a book there in case I get bored or something and I want to read. I used to read more than one book at the time but I stopped doing that a while ago because I couldn't concentrate as much in one book. When I would be reading the second book I would be wondering what is going on in the first book? So I stopped doing that and am only reading one book at a time.
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I get so agitated if I get in the mood for a book while our and needing to waste away some time (waiting in a line, or at doc appointment, at a light lol) because I feel like its wasting time or other times its just some extra time i can steal and doesnt come often.
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@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
Me too (my mom doesn't look at me weird, but my some of my friends do. I've been known to bring books to drinking sessions and even swimming excursions). ;p
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@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
16 Apr 08
I wish i can be like u, reading books in a corner, enjoying your own private time with no disturbance or needing u to entertain your frenz.. hehe ^_^ Reading is a good and nice hobby, but too bad i dun have the patience for reading.. There are books that interests me, but after reading awhile, i will give up or i will just read thru very fast.. In a way, i'll be wasting money on the book.. LOL ^_^ Thus, i only read magazines, but only health magazines, because i'm really interested in it.. Thus, i can read it over and over again, but not for books and newspapers.. hehe

@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
oh, not to fret (some of my friends were more of the magazine people). the important thing is we all enjoy reading. :D
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@michelyn (717)
• United States
17 Apr 08
My mother was an avid reader. She had quite a book collection and still ordered more. I was raised that way. I was always an above average reader. I still read a lot although I have gotten rid of most of my book collection. I had one of those days where I realized that I had already read everything that I had and would never read them again, so I passed them on. So instead, I went and got a library card. I have to stop myself! I remind myself that I can only check them out for so long and if I check out too many, I won't get to read them all, so I end up putting some back. Lately, I've been reading at least 2 books at a time. As was the way with me, my daughter has indirectly been raised this way too! She has been reading at a college level since 6th grade. She is way more addicted to reading than I or my mother ever was. She gets so caught up in the book she's reading that she doesn't even hear you talking to her. Half the time, she'll get out of the car and won't put the book down to walk. At times this has caused her some problems such as reading a book in a class that she wasn't suppose to be reading a book in. But, on the flip side, she also just won an award at school for having the highest reading score in the school. She won a gift card to Barnes & Noble and a keychain thing. You don't ever want to tell your child that they are reading TOO much.
@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
thanks for sharing.when we were kids, my brother and I would generally get bored with our school textbooks (we like reading the remaining copies of my father's college books, it has authors and stories coming from as a far as africa - and it would always pique our interests). wow! congratulations to your daughter. nowadays its hard to get kids to read, because of videogames -although i play them as well- computers and the like. :D
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Me and my dad were the only readers in our family. My dad always read PC Magazine and Readers Digest religiously. It was great because they always sent those Readers Digest books with store excerpts from new titles but I was more interested in the special books they sent only twice a year. One was a book on alternative health, world health and things like yoga and I just loved this book because it was glossy white, hardback and the pages were perfect and tons of pictures. We only had one small bookcase in our house and half of it was taken up by encyclopedia set other ancient books and I always went through them when I was bored. I was never into TV, except right after school, (Fresh Prince, Cosbys, Sesame Street) and then later around prime time I would always run away to my room to read a book (while listening to the tv on my radio).
Once my dad bought me my own magazine subscription, Crayola magazine which made me feel so special but its was more about art and projects but little reading but I was also vey into drawing growing up. Still I really loved the gesture.
I did have the bad habit of obsessively buying books every chance I got but having kids seemed to save me from annoying the crap out of my bf. Eventually I figured out that all I needed to do was use my library more often and stopped handing out 20 bucks a book. It still is hard because there is not one time I go into the library and find something that doesnt interest me, even though the day before I took one out. Right now Im working on four different books but have 15 more that are just screaming for me to read them. I got them from Goodwill and half came from a goodwill that still continues to sell their books cheap (25 cents paper, 50 cents hardback), not the 2.00 a peice some Goodwills are pulling.
I keep giving my books to the library crossing my fingers they'll put them on the shelf or that it will still be on the book sale shelf when I get around to reading it. I just do not have the space anymore to hold on to any books and its so tough. Thankfully, I convinced my boyfriend to start taking frequent trips to Barnes and Nobles and Borders so I can read. Barnes and Nobles has the train set which is a god-send for moms who long to have their reading time, something we did so freely before kids, it feels like its a luxury these days but I NEVER cease in trying. Im not at the 20-30 books a year but happy with even 5-10 and reading books about the importance of reading for children suprisingly gives me a boost to stick in there since I am obssessed with learning things.
@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
I do wish we have something like that here. :D
My favourite magazines were "LIFE" (loved the pictures), Reader's Digest, TIME (we actually subscribed to this one), Newsweek and the National Geographic (it was the first reading material introduced to me, even before nursery rhymes,most are back issues).
We never had TV when I was a child (just radio), TV was introduced to us when I was in the third or second grade only (and even then, we only watch selected shows).
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Oh thats the other magazine I grew up with, National Geographic. Then when I got older into high school my grandparents ordered subscriptions for me every year and they were avid TIME readers, they gave me back issues. I still have a years collection of NG because I haven't read through all them and I hate to just throw all the valuable information away. Like the issue on Saudi kids was really interesting.
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
17 Apr 08
So what are your tv habits not that your adult now?
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@eagle_f15 (1827)
• Malaysia
4 May 08
Me too - reading for me is as natural as breathing. I love to read. Gimme a book anytime I will just snuggle up and read away. But - I dont simply read any books. I choose my reading materials carefully. Don't want no junk to eneter my brain. I am currently reading loads of Nancy Drew Flashlight classic edition storybooks. One mystery story after another.........
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@sherwin18 (14)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
There's nothing to worry about! You are not the only one. You're not doing any harm by divulging yourself into books as long as it makes you happy. There are certain things that makes one's life more bearable living in this crazy world of ours, it just seemed you mesh well with books and that makes you more productive,more of knowing yourself and being yourself. Some people find it weird,telling you to get a life. Well, take it from me, they don't understand and they wouldn't anyway. Because behind those thick books of yours, the exuberant expressions on your face while browsing every page of it, the feel of relief by every end of the John Steinbeck's story, it's you being the NORMAL you. They will never understand because they've never lived it.
@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
Right on! Thanks for the comment! :D
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@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
I love books. I just don't know if I'm that addict but books are my primary outlet once I'm bored and I don't have Internet and cable connection. Books are really good for kiiling boredom in the middle of nowhere.
I love reading novels and fashion magazine. Sometimes selp-help mags and cooking book.
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@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
Yes, you can learn while getting rid of boredom. :D thanks for the response.
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@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
wow! thanks for the link, i'm checking it out! :D
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
16 Apr 08
My hubby is getting annoyed as he keeps having to build me more shelves to keep all my books organized or ill just pile them somewhere. My grandma started me reading scary books at like 9 and ive been addicted ever since. So I have been this way since I was a little tyke. i dont see anything wrong with it as long as it doesnt consume your every minute.
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@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
you got it! thanks for the comment. :D
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@p3halliwel2005 (3156)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
I love to read books. Especially books that are scary and also the ones with adventure. I am not much into the love story book maybe when I was in my teen. There was this books I read then called Sweet Dreams. I love Anne Rice book as well and those of Stephen King and Dean Knootz. I like the part when you are reading and it's as if you are in another world. I also write stories but mostly about scary stuffs.
@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
Me too! I love Stephen King (I read him first when I was in high school, I think it was "Cujo" and "Carrie" or "Rage" - my favourites were "The Shining", "the green mile", hearts in atlantis and the dark tower series) as well. I've read a couple of Dean Loontz and Anne Rice (my favourite being "the vampire lestat", "memnoch the devil" and "queen of the damned").
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@KATRINKA (1624)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I am definitely a book addict. I have about 3000 books now, and that number is constantly growing. Like you, I discovered books at a very young age and became addicted immediately. I also buy up a lot of books for the same reasons you do, especially "What if it's not there when I go back?" I shelves of must-reads is overflowing, and it won't stop me from buying more books. Books don't spoil or have an expiration date. Unlike clothes, they do not go out of style.
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@hitomikanzaki (128)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
Whoa! that's a whole lot of books. That's right, books will never go out of style. :D
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@athinapie (1150)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
when i was a kid i loved to read books. just like you, i have a lot of books stacked at home. my parents were very supportive when it comes to my love for reading. they would buy second hand but still in very good quality books. they were cheaper so they bought a lot of them. but when i got older and busier, my reading habits kinda slowed down. but i will however start reading again and hopefully be just like the time when i was young. =) kudos to you for a job well done ;)