Do you use coupons, discounts etc?

@overhere (515)
United States
April 16, 2008 9:35am CST
Since moving to America I have become addicted to the "good deal". In the UK coupons were for pence and there weren't that many good deals to be had but here in the USA I have discovered it is almost a crime to pay full price for anything lol. I am hooked on coupons, price matching, online sites etc. If I don't save upwards of 20% on a shopping trip I feel cheated. Do you do this or am I the only one and what are your secrets for the best bargain?
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6 responses
• United States
16 Apr 08
I don't feel cheated, but if I can use coupons to save money or get rebates or free shipping, I will jump on the opportunity! When you shop online, are you getting cash back? You might want to accept my friend request because I may have something you'd love to use to save even more money!
@overhere (515)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Many thanks that looks very interesting
• Hong Kong
17 Apr 08
i have very interest to use the coupons to save the money.
@gcrew931 (228)
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
In as much as I would like to use coupons, I can say that I haven't been using them in every chance that I get to use them. It's either I forget about the coupons and hence not use it when I am shopping or I don't know where to use the coupon. I think people really love the idea of getting something for less and I guess this is the reason why people enjoy discounts. Bargain hunting helps you stretch your budget that's why I'm all totally for coupons. I think I'll be needing more coupons in the future given that I will be living alone soon. I think it would help me make ends meet. That's the reason why I can't say anything against coupons. It may look cheap but it's practical so who cares if I use coupons.
17 Apr 08
I use the coupons I get sent to me linked to my store loyalty card. I get money off my shopping and extra points added to my loyalty account. I generally tend to clip coupons and use them where I can, every penny helps.
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@overhere (515)
• United States
18 Apr 08
When people say ooh a few cents dont save much I always reply 10cents a week = $5 a year. Like you say every penny counts and we save way more than that a year.
@ayou82 (3450)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
Yes i do sometimes but they are all spills to catch the peoples attention but if you look at it you dont save anything after all.
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@overhere (515)
• United States
18 Apr 08
I rarely if ever buy something that we wouldn't e buying anyways, or as you say you are actually spending additional money. But we save a lot only buying when something is on offer and stocking up then. We never pay more than $5 for a Pepsi cube or $1 for a 2 litre Coke - over the course of a year on the amount me and hubby drink that saves us a fortune lol
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
16 Apr 08
i certainly would if I could but here in Italy it'snot very often that you get offers with coupons. I usually manage to get to some 3 for the price of 2 offers but that's as far as it goes. Hopefully within the near future and the present crisis here (which they say will get even worse) coupons might come back into fashion and in that case I will definately use them too.
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@rhane7315 (5649)
• Philippines
17 Apr 08
i only use coupons/discounts whenever i buy some food at mcdonalds lol but i don't use some coupons/discounts in the groceries
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