Have you ever lost your cat somewhere in the house?

@sunkissed (4330)
United States
April 16, 2008 11:09am CST
The other night I was getting ready to go out. Usually when I am doing my hair & getting dressed my cat is right there, because he knows I am getting ready to leave him, he was nowhere to be found. I always lock my bedroom door when I leave, so I have to make sure he is not in there. I could not find him anywhere,I looked in the spare bedroom, not there. I kept calling his name, I could hear him meow, but did not know where it was coming from.Soumnded like he was behind the dryer. Then I remembered I had shut the back door about an hour ago after feeding the dog.So I opened the door, there he was in between the storm door and the other door, he ran out!! What in the world was he doing in there in the first place? I sure am glad I got him out of there!! Have you ever lost your cat in the house?
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24 responses
@luvstochat (6907)
• United States
16 Apr 08
We just got a couple of kittens about 3 weeks ago. Yesterday we could not find one of them my 4 year old daughter had left the door open so we thought she got out we looked all over the house under the couch under the bed extra about a half hour later my son heard something we found her in my dresser drawer sound asleep I had left it open a little when I got dressed that morning so she got in and made herself at home.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Oh, that's so cute. They will go and make their self comfortable anywhere!!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
16 Apr 08
I couldn't help but laugh at your post because I have had that happen, far too many times actually. I've looked all over for the cat and can't find them so i figure they got out somehow and I'm about to panic right? I turn around and they are by the food dish. I look at them thinking where the heck where you? I checked everywhere and they just give you that innocent look of "I'll never tell". I have found them in the cubby's behind the tv, up in cupboards, and in linen closets. They find the darnedest places to hide and some I still haven't found yet. I wonder if I ever will.
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Sneaky isn't the word for it. They will even hide up inside a mattress if there is a way to get in there. They also like to hide in the clean laundry . I never know where they might be next.
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
16 Apr 08
You are right, they are real fast, and sneeky too. I will never really figure them out. All I can do is laugh. But always so glad tio find them..
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@ElicBxn (63795)
• United States
17 Apr 08
My roommate's father has a really shy cat. Oh, he's not shy with family around, but let a stranger come in the house and he's GONE. Well, her father has some issues and since his dogs (now gone) killed his previous kitten, he's been really anxious about this cat (now grown) getting outside and killed. He spent a couple of hours on christmas day calling for the cat outside only to have the cat found behind the claw foot tub.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Well that would be a very good place to hide I suppose, in the bathroom..
@cher8558 (425)
• Canada
17 Apr 08
Hi friend,You've got to hear this one. We had a cat living in our apartment. We lived on the second floor. We looked everywhere for her for 2 days and could not find her. Now this apartment was not that big. Well we figured the cat jumped off the balcony. We were heart broken. We had had her for a number of years. We lived up on the 14th floor and we figured the move made her brave enough to jump over. Well about 3 days later, my nephew who lived in the same building, was in the lobby of the apartment building. He heard some scratching a little mews. Sure enough, there was our Sasha stuck behind the big baseboard where the heat vents are. He crawled in a got her. Needless to say, she never tried that stunt again. We had her until she was 18 years old and buried her here at our house about 2 years ago. Silly girl ay? Cheryl
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
WoW, I know sasha was terrified, she was real glad to get rescued from that baseboard, they do get into the darndest places.
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
17 Apr 08
yes, my late cat and current cat are very sneaky and hide well. but just early today, i had put the cat in my bedroom and shut the door because the ac man was coming to install a new ac for the summertime. i might have opened the door by accident without realizing it and then shut it, and my cat had sneaked out without my knowledge. he is an indoor cat, and he had gone outside without my awareness. it is 6:00 pm and the ac man left. i went up to my bedroom, noticed the light was on, and my cat not in there. i search the whole townhouse and couldnt find him. then all of the sudden, at 7:30pm, i looked out the window and noticed him walking outside. i went out to get him and bring him in.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Oh, that was very scary, he could have gotten lost!!
@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Right after moving into the home we are in now, I went hunting my cat Patches. I called and called, looking through boxes, high and low. Suddenly I heard him meowing in the living room. He popped out of the fireplace, covered in soot, leaving little pawprints all over the place. We immediatly put someting in front of it so we would have to worry about him getting in there again.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
16 Apr 08
WoW, that is really funny, I can imagine he was a mess.
@Carolyn63 (1403)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Patches was a male calico. He was completely white except for the calico markings on his head, paws and tail. I assure you he wasn't white anywhere when he came out of the fireplace, lol. Cat's don't appreciate baths at all!
@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
17 Apr 08
ROFLMFAO YES!! my youngest cat being the little bugger that she is managed to find a spot in the upstairs hallway that lead into the walls...I was down here at my computer and could all of a sudden here her meowing from what seemed like above me..Turns out she got into the walls and was roaming and ended up down here LOL..I also lost one of my older cats under the floorboards when we were renovating upstairs...We had to coax him out with cat treats and it wasnt easy
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
WoW, that is really something!!Got into the walls..
@edjump (60)
• United States
17 Apr 08
We lost Sam, our 14 yr old Siamese, the other day. We looked all over the house for him, but nothing. My wife, Nellie, finally called out to me to come see "your cat". We have several vegetable plants in the back of the house that I am getting ready to transplant into our garden and there was Sam, hunkered down between the Anaheim Pepper plants, snoozing away. What has really surprised me is that Sam will not touch catnip, but he absolutely loves eating those young Anaheim Pepper plants, and for some reason, gets about the same effect from them as a cat gets from catnip.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Well, isn't that something.Glad you found your cat.
• Philippines
16 Apr 08
Well I did lost my cat for 4 days. He never goes out of the house and when he does he's either just in the outside window or near the door..but during those days he was gone we kept calling him but he never came out. One day he just reappeared when the kids opened the door we were thinking someone might have catnapped him but then he got away...because he looks so weak and very hungry.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
16 Apr 08
WoW 4 days, I would be frantic. I am very happy you did find him,hope he is well now.
• United States
17 Apr 08
oh yes.i have a big victorian house,with plenty of hidey holes for a cat.one time we could not find our calico after a storm (it frightens her),we looked up and down,in the same place two or three times,still couldn't find her. finally i rechecked the closet yet again,and this time pulled out every single thing on the floor. i heard a rustle,and sure enough,she was behind a hamper,her fur blended with what was in the basket. ..the closet now stays closed so she can't do that again LOL
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Yes, mine once got into the closet, it took me along time to get him out of there, he loved it..
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
17 Apr 08
At least your cat will meow! I have lost cats in the house and called and called and they will sit where they are and watch me go nuts looking for them. The funniest one is a Siamese I had by the name of Charlie. He disappeared in the house and as I was looking for him I noticed the dryer door was ajar. I closed it as I walked by and kept looking. After not finding that darned cat I turned the dryer on, and found him a short time later as I heard a "Thump, meow, thump,meow". I raced for the dryer and found Charlie with his eyes moving back and forth as they do when they're dizzy. It didn't cure him of not answering or of crawling in the dryer. I had to remember to check for the cat before I closed the dryer door. (No, he wasn't hurt from his "E ticket" ride in the dryer, and fortunately he didn't mess the clothes either)
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Oh, That is too funny!!Glad he did not get burned up in that dryer!!
@aviva08 (120)
• China
17 Apr 08
Yes,i had lost my cat in my home,I find it anywhere.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
You never did find your cat?
• United States
17 Apr 08
When my children were little, I couldn't find the cat after they left for school. I called him and there wasen't any response. I gave up. As I went into my son's room I noticed that he had left the drawer open on his dresser. There was the cat in a very deep sleep curled up in the drawer.
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Bot, they do like to get into those dresser drawers.
@ClaireN (13)
• France
17 Apr 08
Your post made me laugh (as did a few others here!) We've shut ours out on the balcony a couple of times, but we know pretty quickly because the flat is silent, way too silent without them!
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Yea, well I always do stupid things, do not know how my cat got in between those doors, nor how i did not know it!!
• United States
17 Apr 08
I've lost my cat in my house several times. The first time I lost her for several hours and it really upset me because I was going through all the places she could have been and I even looked for her and I couldn't find her anywhere. I thought she may have gotten into our basement and was worried she got into the rat traps or something so I looked there and she wasn't there. I even looked under all of our beds and couldn't find her there either. Eventually, I stopped looking and she came out a few hours later..from under my bed. Apparently she was wedged in a place I couldn't see.
@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Quite a few times. The lil stinkers sure find creative places to hide, don't they? lol Back when I still had a dryer, it had just stopped and I opened the door to empty it. Well, the phone rang so I went to answer it not realizing one of the cats was in the utility room. In the meantime, my daughter came home from school and shut the dryer door so she could get by (small utility room here). Started heading back to the dryer to empty it and kept hearing a soft mew. That's when I realized one of my cats was missing. Followed the sound out to the utility room. Heard it again so I opened the dryer door and there was Lightning, sitting in the middle of the clothes with a confused look on his face wondering who shut the door on him. lol He always loved snuggling in the warm clothes and would often find him buried in the laundry basket full of clothes fresh out of the dryer. Just recently, I went to let my dog out to go bathroom. Closed the door and went looking for Tigger cause I needed to apply the vasoline to his bare skin where he chewed himself up at last year. The hair never grew back in that spot so I put vasoline on it couple times a week to keep it soft and smooth. Well, Tigger was nowhere to be found. Went to let the dog back in and there was Tigger sitting right on the other side of the door wondering why I closed it on his face. lol Apparently, he walked out side w/o me knowing it.
@hezoid (2144)
16 Apr 08
There are times when i've had to search the house over several times becuase i can't find her anywhere becuase she's so darn good at hiding! I even try calling her name as she often responds to it unless she is sleeping. She's very good at finding new places to hide herself and to be honest there really are lots of places she can hide without easily being found. She always comes running when you have food though!
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Yes, mine has plenty of places to hid also, bur he too usually comes when I call him several times, and as you said if I shake a bag of food, it is on!!
@angemac23 (2003)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
Yes I have lost my cat in the house before! A few weeks ago, I was moving some things into my apartment and I needed a moving truck. I thought the cat was asleep on the bed and quickly brought the boxes in while leaving the door open and making sure he didn't get out....however when I went back in to feed him, I could not find him....I looked everywhere and a terrifying thought crossed my mind. He must have snuck out and jumped onto the truck as he was not anywhere outside either! I called the moving company and they called the driver who said the cat was not in the truck...an hour later I began tearing the house apart and finally found him...the little bugger had found a nice cozy spot deep in a closet under a bunch of blankets and clothes!
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@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Oh, I know you were frantic.. Probally had a very bad headache after all of that. Glad your precious kitty was safe..
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
16 Apr 08
Oh your poor cat! LOL! I sure hope he learned from his mistake, and won't repeat it. ;) I had a cat for over 18 years. Timmy, an orange tabby with green eyes, got lost on the very first day I had him. I was 5 years old, and he was given to me for a Christmas present. By early afternoon on Christmas day, he was nowhere to be found. He was just a little kitten, so we were worried. My parents were worried that maybe he crawled into a box and got put out in the garbage shed by accident... so they went rummaging through it. Nope. No Timmy. We were living in a large 3 bedroom townhouse with a fully furnished basement and sub basement. Couldn't find him on any level. Then they talked to neighbours who had cats, and discussed them bringing their two cats into our house, figuring that they could find Timmy for us. Now, I don't remember if the cats did come in our house or not, but I DO remember that thanks to the neighbours, we did eventually find Timmy. He was hiding behind the fridge in the kitchen, all curled up, where it was nice and warm and cozy (back then, our kitchen was carpeted... gotta love the 70's lol).
@sunkissed (4330)
• United States
16 Apr 08
Yes.I hope my cat did learn his leason too, he is always wanting to go outdoors, but he is not allowed!! I am so glad you did find your little kitten too, you are right, back in the day we did have carpet in the kitchens!! He found him a little cozy place to rest!!
@banunche (256)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
yeah! my pregnant cat is hiding everywhere! i think she's trying to find a place where she could give birth. =) but i always find her behind our ref and sometimes behind the tv.. haha! =) also my other cat. i almost lost him at the mall when he freaked out!