I'm Ashamed of Myself!
By worldwise1
@worldwise1 (14885)
United States
April 17, 2008 11:02am CST
As I write this I am feeling so ashamed of myself.
You see, my second oldest daughter's birthday was yesterday, and I didn't phone her to wish her a happy birthday or acknowledge it in any way. We have pretty much had a volatile relationship for a very long time, but she did something that really hurt me during the Holidays last year. If you knew me you would understand that I always try to be the bigger person who is quick to mend fences. She has been so unkind to me, however, that I have the impression that she doesn't want me included in her life anymore. I have neverallowed any of my children's birthdays to go unacknowledged before now and I am guilt-ridden. Would you have done the same thing in my situation? She has been very dismissive of me to the point of almost cutting me out of her life.

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51 responses
@ctrymuziklvr (11057)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Don't beat yourself up over not acknowledging your daughters birthday. I've been in a similar relationship with one of my daughters and they know I am not the type to wish someone a happy birthday if I don't mean it and being treated badly by them of course I wouldn't so I just let the day go by. Thankfully we are all getting along now and past birthdays are all "water under the bridge" and forgotten....as they should be. Please don't feel so bad about it. If she doesn't want you in her life a Happy Birthday from you won't mean much will it?
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Thanks for the vote of confidence, ctry. I guess I have just reached the point where I'm fed up with this girl's bad behavior towards me. I have tortured myself trying to figure out if I wronged her in any way, and I can honestly say that I have not. We may never have the relationship that I long to have with her, but it won't be because I haven't tried.

@shoelessjoe (81)
17 Apr 08
I understand what your going through .But I would make peace with her before it might be to late and you have to live with it.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I have gone out of my way for so long, shoeless, trying to make peace with her, but she doesn't seem to want that, so I feel that the only thing left for me to do is respect her wishes.
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@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
17 Apr 08
Call her today and apologize. At least you are not like my MIL she forgets and never remembers LOL One of her daughters called 2 weeks after her b-day had past and was so upset. She told her to get over it LOL
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I adamantly refuse to offer her any kind of apology, sedel, since I have not wronged her in any way. I always give her a gift for her birthday(except for this one), and on other occasions. That is more than I can say she does for me. There have been times when I've been verbally abused by her and I took it all in stride. No more! I had to draw the line somewhere.

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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Oh I am sorry world, but no need to feel ashamed..Give her a call today and wish her a belated birthday and you never know, maybe things will turn around, you will start talking again..
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
If only it was that easy, carmelanirel! This situation has gone on for far too long, though, and I know she will not change, so the best thing I can do is try and move on.

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@selby70 (283)
17 Apr 08
My son has done the same thing to me, it has been awful many a tear I have cried over him, it came to the point were I had to see a solicitor to see his two daughters my granddaughters. I have also missed his birthday and wondered how I could do such a thing and was so so ashamed but time is a great healer and she will come round, because of what my son was like and he has come round. It has taken a while and I know it is hard as you are going through it at the moment.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
You are very kind, selby, but I have lost all hope where my daughter is concerned. I'm glad that you and your son have worked through your differences.
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@selby70 (283)
18 Apr 08
Dont lose hope if you seen the txt I got from my son you would have said that you could never see us speaking ever again. At the time I was sure I would never speak to him again in my life. I wish I could say more to you, at the time people used to say to me that things would work out and I always said never things had gone to far.
@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
17 Apr 08
Please don't beat yourself over this one. It is hard to be dismissed by your child but if you can feel that you can send her a card (belatedly) or something like that then do so. At least then you won't be feeling so awful with yourself and it is up to her to make amends. She may ignore you now but things will change I'm sure as she matures.
I know how you feel as I did it to my mother and I hated myself even though I thought I was in the right. I was 18 and decided to move in with my then fiance and my mother being terribly catholic sent me into conventry. I wouldn't break that silence it was my father who in the end mended the bridges after 6 months. I probably still wouldn't be talking to her if he hadn't. I know that the longer a situation is left then the worse it gets and then it gets to the point where you can't go back. Don't leave it that long, I beg you. It really isn't worth it. If she wants to ignore you then so be it but life is too short and when I lost my Dad and my sister I was so glad that we were all talking because you can't do anything once they have passed on.
If she wants to cut you out of her life then that is her perogative, it is very hurtful for you but leave the door open so that she can come back (hopefully with her tail between her legs and a peace offering in her hand!).
Good luck
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I really appreciate your advice, wickedangel, but my daughter is forty-two, and if she has not changed in all this time I don't see it happening.
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@wickedangel (1636)
• Dominican Republic
18 Apr 08
Hmm, see what you mean. I am sorry for you - I always try to think positively but I suppose if that is the way she is going to be then I suppose one must accept that. My thoughts and prayers go out to you. And I do hope she can resolve her issues, it will make her a happier person in the end. HUGS :)
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
17 Apr 08
First let me say I am sorry things are rocky with you and your daughter. I hope things will change in time and you both can have a better relationship.
I would have handled it differently unless I just forgot one of our kid's birthdays accidently.
If one of my kids and myself were having issues, I would have sent a card but not called. I like to avoid arguing or disagreeing so it would be easier for me not to call.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I would feel much differently, carolbee, if this was only a dispute we were having, but it has been an ongoing situation in our relationship for many years now.Probably the best thing for me is to just leave it alone.
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@carolscash (9492)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Well, as I get older I realize that life is too short to not tell the ones that we love everyday how much we love them and how special they are too us.
If you can't talk to her, at least send a note and wish her a Happy Birthday and let her know that although you feel that she doesn't want you in her life, that she is still your daughter and that you still love her and will always care about her. We can't turn our backs on our children even though we feel that they have left us. They need their space to grow and learn on there on but we have to be willing to be in the background to love them when they realize that they need us.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I know this is hard for those of you who have never had your efforts to show love thrown back into your face, carolscash, but that is the situation with my daughter and I. At this point I just can't do it any more.
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@mummymo (23706)
7 May 08
Sweety I feel for you, I really do! I know of families where the grown child has cut themselves off from their parents/siblings for a variety of reason, it happened in my own family and I can never forgive my eldest brother (actually my mums brother but cos I was adopted mine too) for the pain he put my Grandparents (his parents) through when he cut off contact with them becuae his wife was jealous that I got more attention and bought more than her daughter of the same age - even though they were raising me! D'uh. I do hope that at some point your daughter and you can work things out and resume a relationship but for now I wouldn't feel guilty about it! maybe next time you could post a card to her and see if there is any response - I know she has hurt you badly but you never know what is around the corner! xxx
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@kriszelunka (557)
• Australia
17 Apr 08
Of course, without fully knowing the situation, it is a little difficult to judge if I would have done the same thing, however, I do believe that you are being a little harsh on yourself.
If the relationship hurts both of you, sometimes it's best just to let things be.
Perhaps if you still feel like you need to do something, why not write a letter? Personally, I find that I can be far more articulate in writing than I can be in speech. You could say that despite everything that has happened, you are still thinking of her, and love and care about her.
But please stop feeling ashamed! Any relationship, including that between mother and daughter, is a two way street. You cannot hold yourself responsible for her actions.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
In a nutshell, kriszelunka, she has harbored resentment towards me for years-and I don't know why. Maybe she doesn't even know why. I have overlooked her behavior for so long that I am tired of letting it go. I have decided to leave it alone now.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I don't think you understand, FiveZhuo, but I have not wronged her, just didn't wish her a happy birthday. We have not had a fight. It has been this way dor most of her adult life, and I'm tired of just letting it go.
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@Breath (1297)
• United States
17 Apr 08
As a mother I believe thats a mothers worse fear of being cut out of their childs life.My heart reaches for you I know you must be in pain.I am a lot like you.I try to take the higher road and forgive.Soemtimes though I believe even with our children it is best to just walk away and not try so hard even thoughh we hurt.I hope in time your daughter reaches for you again and thinks about the good times.Life is too short to hold onto hate or rage.Be strong and just know your a good mother...Am sure she will come around.Hugs...
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
You are very understanding, Breath, and I thank you. Although most of her anger seems to be directed towards me, she seems to harbor some resentment towards her sisters also. All I can do is be here in the event she decides to come around.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I am no less ashamed at my behavior, figjam, but I maintain that I am the one who is in the right here. I have always loved my children and treated them very well. They are not youngsters any more.
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@jskdjd (20)
• United States
8 May 08
I really do relate to what you are saying. My daughter has a pattern of blaming me for all things wrong in her life and she also did something that hurt me a lot over this last holiday season. After years of dealing with that type of behavior, I drew a line for myself. I decided I had to find a way to not be a victim to that kind of verbal abuse. So for a long time, I didn't contact her. When she contacted me I talked as usual. She seems to like it better that way. I always think about a way to leave when we get together, so that I am not stuck with her when she tries to pick an fight. I'm hoping that a new pattern of behavior will develop between us. Sometimes, just being together can trigger her outbursts, but the more often we are together without this happening will be building a new relationship style between us. So far, it's working well.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
17 Apr 08
Despite the fact that you and your daughter had a "falling out", she is and always will be your daughter. We tend to be really hard on ourselves when we forget something. Send her a card. Call her. Or send her a small bouquet of flowers. Don't continue beating yourself for a slip of the mind. We all get bwain cwamps occasionally. Big huggers to you.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
28 Apr 08
hi worldwise! i think it would have been better if you have phoned her and wished her a happy birthday. i have a similar situation like you, only i am in the position of your daughter and in your position is my brother. i just had my birthday last April 19 and my brother didn't send me any birthday greetings like he used to. like you we don't have that smooth-sailing relationship and we're kinda cold towards each other mainly because i am cold towards his wife. but even with that, i was still expecting a birthday greetings from him. after all, he's my brother. i got really disappointed and i'm wishing that our relationship would just be back to normal.
@drknlvly6781 (6246)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I know you are feeling guilty, but the real question is if you would have called, would she have accepted the call? If the relationship is so volatile, then maybe it was best that you didn't call her, it could have started an argument, that may have had you feeling guilty for a whole other reason.
The best thing to do is to leave it alone. Its been my experience that we all "rage against the machine" at some point in our lives, thinking we are grown and know everything. But our bubble gets busted, and what do we end up doing? We run back to our mom. Don't worry, it will all work out in the end. Just let her bump her head a few times, and she will come to realize your wisdom.
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@wormzydaizy (202)
• Philippines
26 Apr 08
That is so sad worldwise. I guess you and your daughter needs to talk a lot things together. I am a daughter too and sometimes my mom -feel the way you feel because I am always looking for ways to be independent and all those stuff. At one instance my mom really believe that I do not love her anymore because I want to live alone in my own place and because I rarely visits her at home. As her daughter, I never wanted her to feel that way - there is no way I would meant her to feel that way. I love her soo much but of course I need to grow on my own too. I talked to her about it and I told her that never will I cut her out of my life - because that is really impossible because she is my mom - even if we turn the world upside down that fact will still remain - alongside my love for her and dad. Worldwise, I believe that your daughter never intends to hurt you in her ways, I guess she is just living her life in a way that she wants to learn more about it on her own. Just like you want it too when you were her age. Its not yet late to understand and talk to your daughter. God bless.