partners that snore
By kilachalk
@kilachalk (10)
April 17, 2008 5:08pm CST
Hi my husband snores like a bear it has driven me mad for 10 years.He wakes the kids up in the night and none of them want to stay in the same hotel room with him on holiday i have to take them ear plugs.We recently nearly got a divorce because i just couldnt go on without any sleep and i hated sleeping in seperate bedrooms,i could hit him on the head with a frying pan when hes asleep and he wouldnt wake up, but me i will wake up at the drop of a pin not a good combination.I think us mums always listen out for the children though and i do have 4 children under 9.I have spent years trying to find something to stop my husband from snoring and for years everything we tried just didnt work but a friend of mine told me of a product she got her husband to try and it really worked for him.
To be honest i had given up of finding an answer to my problem so i didnt even bother trying to get it of the net.She must of known deep down i had given up all hope so she bought a sample pack for me to give to my husband!Oh my did it work or what! We have now been sleeping in the same bed for over a month
SO all you suffering from no sleep because of your partners snoring go on to adkinssnoringaid and let me know how you get on it saved my marriage and it could save yours too.
the nicest part of it all i am finally finding me again and im happy life is great---IM NOT LIKE THE WALKING ZOMBIE ANYMORE & MY CHILDREN HAVE THEIR HAPPY MUMMY BACK.MY THANKS TO MY BEST FRIEND PENNY.XXXXXX
Let me know if you had similer problems or have felt desperate for years as i did
2 responses
@kasandra411 (69)
• United States
17 Apr 08
I had a similar problem but i took him to the doctors and found out that a cartlidge in his nose was blocking his air path causing him to snore. Well he got that fixed and since then nothing.