China's Round-Up of Cats To Make Country "Clean" Before Olympic Games
By pyewacket
@pyewacket (43903)
United States
April 17, 2008 8:08pm CST
Well it looks like there something else to protest about China...not just inferior and sometimes deadly products, or inhumane treatment of Tibetans, but I got this from the Alley Cat Allies website that in order to make China's capital appear nice and "clean" for the upcoming Olympic Games the government is ordering a round up of all the cats, to send them to "death camps"
Here's the article:
..." Alley Cat Allies to Ask China to Provide Humane Care for Outdoor Cats
Media outlets are reporting that in preparation for being at the center of the world’s attention during this summer’s Olympics, China’s leaders have ordered a round-up of thousands of cats to be taken off the streets of Beijing and sent to death camps.
Because news reports are not always accurate, we are working with other organizations to research the situation so we can most effectively respond.
Reports are that China’s cat cull is motivated by the government’s desire to present the capital as clean, respectable, and welcoming to Olympic athletes and attendees of the games.
Alley Cat Allies wants to help the Chinese government implement a more effective, humane method for managing Beijing’s outdoor cats. We want to consult with them regarding outdoor cat health and put an end to any information that may be [u]encouraging residents to abandon their pets in the streets.
According to news reports, Chinese animal welfare groups estimate that tens of thousands of cats have been collected in the past few months. These same reports go on to say that there are increased incidents of citizens killing cats themselves believing it is for their own safety. The welfare groups are protesting China’s move, but they fear reprisal for their actions.
Alley Cat Allies needs your help in asking the Chinese Ambassador to the United States to investigate these reports of cruelty. With your help, Alley Cat Allies is working to open the lines of communication with the Chinese government to stop the spreading of false information and the killing of Beijing’s cats.
There's even a petition one can sign about this
All right,....through out the world there are overpopulations of all kinds of feral type pets, both cats and dogs, but yikes I don't think rounding up cats to kill them just to make a city look "nice" is the answer--do you?
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14 responses
@98765m (1017)
• India
18 Apr 08
Thats very rude indeed.
Do they have hearts made up of stone?
If they truly like to be clean,then they would have taken some preventive steps long ago.
So,it now makes every one look like they are all doing this,to eye wash every one that China is clean!
If they were truly concerned about cleanliness,then they should have kept it clean all the time,not just at the time of Olympic!
Killing is never the solution for over population and crowding!
Kindly,please sign the petition every one.
Thank you
Cheers ! Good day to you

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@blackbriar (9075)
• United States
18 Apr 08
lol Learned from my post, did ya, 98765m? I was in a rotten mood when I responded to it so didn't think straight and had to amend it somewhat myself.
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@98765m (1017)
• India
18 Apr 08
I am definitely not against China or Chinese.
In fact,next to my country,I like China and Korea till yesterday.
I always admire their talent and their hard working.
What I said as "hearts made of stone" is only those who are responsible for killing of the stray cats and those who are in responsible for health and hygiene,who didn't do their duty properly.They should have taken steps long ago and that too in a good way.
Please don't interpret what I said wrongly.
I definitely did NOT mean all Chinese.Only those concerned in the killing of cats.[/b][/i][/u]
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@Alle91 (188)
• Australia
18 Apr 08
yeah, its not cool to cull animals. I think rather than having to kill a whole lot now, they should've taken some preventive measures like desexing so the cat population didn't spiral out of control...that would've been alot more humane, but the country probably can't afford it especially when so many people are still living in poverty. But its unfortunate that culling of animals happens even in countries like Australia, the RSPCA puts down heaps of cats and dogs every year, because the animal shelter simply can't afford to sustain that many. They also culled kangaroos a few months ago because they were ruining land. Is it ok to kill cane toads though? because they're considered a pest?
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@joysun10 (14)
• Hong Kong
18 Apr 08
All right. I got angry now! Not because of those "inhumane" treat of cats, but because of you guys!
I declare now, with proud, that I am a Chinese. And most important, I am not "mindwashed" by my government!
I cannot understand why there are so many people and organizations in this world against China and always comment on those so-called "humane" affairs. In fact, to tell that in a rude manner, none of these is your business! What's more, I don't think countries like U.S, have any right to interfere with China's own affairs.
The only reason why the world is "interested" in China I can think of, is that you guys are jealous and afraid of a more powerful China!
We are getting stronger and stronger now. And you are afraid of that!
We host the Olympics and we do welcome friends from all over the world. The Chinese people have been famous for there hospitality for thousands of years. And we even gave up the compensation from Japanese when they killed 300,000 people in Nanjing!
Premier Zhou once said, we Chinese are people who don't always remember others' faults, or even betrays, or even KILLINGS!
I want to declare here that in fact we do remember. Every Chinese does remember. In fact, the whole family of my grandfather except himself, got killed by Japanese in World War 2!
But we will still welcome Japanese to our country as long as they are friendly!
Also, we welcome everyone from the world as long as you are friendly!
For the Tibet, well, what do you know about Tibet? Have you been there? Do you know where it is? Do you know what the situation there was like in the 1950s? Do you know tibetans actually kill Chinese? Do you know Tibet has been a part of China since such place existed?
If you do not know anything, or know less than me, then please SHUT UP!
Again, stop making such boring, meaningless, and annoying comments about China!
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 08
joysun...hold the phone here okay.
First of all I'm glad to hear that you are proud of you're being Chinese, just as I'm proud to being American, and by that I can rightfully claim a true American, as I'm part Native American...that is my ancestry is of the original indigenous peoples here in this country.
Second of all I think there is a great misinterpretation here. I think I can speak for a lot of people, not just myself, that non of us are in general against Chinese people--this could actually be more of a general feeling of non-Chinese people against the practices by the Chinese government itself, which I think you can admit has been anything but humane in it's treatment of its own people for centuries. Need I remind you of the Tianamen Square incident of 1989 in which was a virtual massacre of people---The same genocidal tendencies as you know occurred in my own country against we Native peoples so our government has also been inhumane to the peoples here as well
I do sympathize with the Chinese people as they are unfortunately being targeted for all the things that have occurred recently, especially when it comes to the inferior products that have been manufactured in China, though I repeat, not due to the fault of the people themselves, but by the companies that want to cut corners, manufacture products cheaply by people who get perhaps pennies for their labor, but sold in non-Chinese countries making the companies rich
As for the statement you make that
..."[i]the world is "interested" in China I can think of, is that you guys are jealous and afraid of a more powerful China!
We are getting stronger and stronger now. And you are afraid of that![/i] ..."
No that is so far from the truth to be comical---the only real reason why non-Chinese countries might be interested in China, since I as I mention the world in general has found a country that can produce and manufacture items very cheaply, and like I said paying the Chinese people next to dirt as salaries while the rest of the world makes money out of that labor--which of course is unfair---
@joysun10 (14)
• Hong Kong
19 Apr 08
Frist, thank you for your reply and I am rather glad to see someone more reasonable than some people in Paris or London recend days.
Well, hope you notice that China is only a country with merely 60 years of history. And many things do need improvement, I admit. By the way, I don't think I belong to those mindwashed'cause actually I live in Hong Kong. Our factories are still producing low-value-added and even maybe some inferior products as you mentioned here. But please understand that it is the only way for a nation who suffered so much and finally in the 1980s found a way to rich to get rich at the very beginning.In fact, teens like me, are all working hard to make our country other than the so-called "world factory" and some do set a great examples.
One of the major teams you U.S basketball team will meet in the Beijing Olympics is Argentina. And yet Argentina wears LINING brand which is made in China. Same is Spain, the newest world championship.
In fact, we notice that some of our factories produce not-so-good products and we are improving that, with great effort. Just a little time and we will do better.
For the government, well, I'd say I like my government because most of our lives got significantly or unbelievable improvement in these decades. And I am one who benefit from that.
May be last post I was a bit "on fire" but that's because recently there are so many unfair comments about China. And I declare again, that Tibet is a part of China and that China did not pose militant pressure on Tibet. But when Tibet starts killing Han people, do you regard it reasonable for our government to take that for granted and do nothing?
In fact, Chinese government has already given Tibetans much freedom. I once heard that a Tibetan student in HangZhou killed a Han student and didn't receive any punishment just because he is Tibetan!
Those last words are not targeted on you. Just hope to let more people know the truth. One more is better than none.
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@winterose (39887)
• Canada
20 Apr 08
no it is only a cosmetic effect at best, they should be concerned year around about their unwanted cats and what to do about them in a human way, but it brings to mind the los angeles games and the government wanting to dress up the bums on the street with tuxedos that were given to them so that they would look good in front of the eyes of that world. That fiasco was totally ridiculous, help the indigents don't just dress them up until the games are over and then forget about them afterwards.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I agree, that steps should have been taken all along, for years to solve the overpopulation of maybe a TNR program (Trap, Neuter, Release) instead of initiating a round up like this and killing the cats--and wonder..just how humanely are they going to do that anyway
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
18 Apr 08
That's the only solution they can come up with, gee maybe it's better that they don't hold the Olympic Games there at all. There has been so much trouble there already that I think many people will not even attend the games there. I will sign the petition.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 08
Thanks ever for signing the petition Howard--I think a lot of people are against the Olympic Games to be held there in principles for the govt inhumane treatment of its peoples in general
@Aurone (4755)
• United States
18 Apr 08
Geez, China is not getting any good vibes from the rest of the world. They are trampling human rights, animal rights, and selling harmful things to the US. I can see why many want to boycott the games. And I support them. I don't think I will support the games this year. I usually watch the games and buy a T-shirt or something. But I think this year I will pass. I don't think the games should be held in China. How can a country who does not respect animal rights and human rights hold an event that represents peace and goodwill?
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 08
I know it does seem an irony that the Olympics have always represented a gathering of peoples from all over the world, whether we agree with their "politics" or not and is a time of goodwill, but yes seems ironic that they are to be held in China where their govt is anything but humane...perhaps a lot of people forget about the whole Tianamen Square incident of 1989
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@briggitta (47)
• China
19 Apr 08
hi, pyewacket. i'm glad to see an animal-lover here! i myself love animals, and i think cats are cute and lovely.
however, when something became too much and became a disaster it'll turn into a horrible thing. everyone knows that alley cats is a problem in many country, and they carry many diseases.suppose some has some kids, when they went out play they were scratched or bited by an alley cat or dog and their parents didn't know that, what will be the result? maybe nothing, maybe they catch some vital desease. so, do away with those alley cats and let kids get disease, which would u perfer? suppose, u come to beijing to watch the games but got bitten by a disease-carrying alley cats? suppose a meddel winner got some desease from those alley cats. so our government wants to give u and us a better surrounding, what is wrong with this?
as for the way how they did it, u say that is inhumane. what i want to say is that i also think that is cruel, but can u give us a better solution. maybe u'll say to building some place which provide food and shelter for u know that needs money and need people? our country is not so rich as to build this kind of thing, how about ur country? there are children who are so poor that they would drop out from school if our govnt do nothing about that, and there are people in some area who cannot afford t o go hospital when they are ill. the money our government must spend on the matters like that instead of helping those "poor cat."
no one loves to see the killing and cruel things (except for japanese governmet).but sometimes maybe we have to. did u ever kill a fly or a spider or a rat? they also has a order to kill the too much rabbits australia gov worked out some solution to sweep out certain number of the animals.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Apr 08
There is really very little evidence though that the cats are diseased....most diseases that cats may carry are only infectious to other cats, not humans...In many countries, including our own there are the TNR programs..Trap, Neuter and Release programs, so stray cats DON'T multiple so much....this is a program they should have initiated in China all along instead of coming up with the idea of simply rounding them up to kill them
As for me killing a rats around me...LOL..and won't kill a spider...bad luck ...a thing my great-grandmother used to say..and nope don't kill flies either
And yes alli I know about the killings of the kangaroos in Australia..really ironic when it is the national symbol

@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
20 Apr 08
They do eat them there, it's a no win eat them or or just round them up to kill period
@spiritwolf52 (2300)
18 Apr 08
Wow, that is just crazy. China is the biggest polluter in the world and they are worrying about some cats? Where is the logic in that? They can't help their already tarnished image. This will only make it worse. Those poor cats deserve better. I hope they find a more humane solution. Cats are just doing what comes natural to them, prowling. What a cruel, sick solution to their cat problem. I wish they never got awarded the games in the first place.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 08
It does seem an oxymoron that the Olympics which represents a goodwill between nations is being held in a country with a govt that has been known for it's inhumane human rights issues over the centuries, doesn't it?
@sincethen (8)
• China
20 Apr 08
I have many words want to say?but i am sorry my English is so poor.
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@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
18 Apr 08
urgh.that's barbaric.those poor cats :(
i have the awful feeling they're not gonna humanely put them down either.i'll sign the petition.
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 08
Thank you for signing the petition....I hope it does some good as well and the Chinese govt listens
@keyers (159)
• United States
19 Apr 08
They should just nip the problem in the bud and start spaying and neurting the cats.I feel so bad that they are fixing the cat issue in that way.I have two cats that I love dearly.I believe in getting your animals fixed and I also keep my cats inside s they are not running the streets.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 08
Yes, they should have addressed this issue long time ago, and had a Trap/Neuter/release program all along like they have in many other countries
@alexpan (37)
• China
18 Apr 08
I AM A CHINESE and feel proud of being a Chinese.
I know recently many western media are giving false report to distort china's image in western poeple's mind. unless you see all that reported on the media,i think a person with brain never believe in that.Go back to whach the news during 1970s,what did your media said about Weitnam War? How many innocent poople were cheated to lost their lives?
did u see the movie 1974 ?China is a underdeveloped chountryand it needs improvement and
development in many sides,but china is safe,hormonious,and being developing in full speed.As chinese we all think it's quite incredible and unbelievable,when our oral english teacher tells us that he dare not walk around in street at night by himself alone.But,IN CHINA,he,as all of chinese fell it's a natural thing to stroll at deep night in street.china is opend-minded,friendly,honest,hospitable and peaceful.if u do not believe come and see.
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@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 08
As I've mentioned to the poster above you, who is also Chinese, I'm glad you are proud to be Chinese, and as I also mentioned to him, that I don't think any of us here who are non=chinese are against the people per se, but of the many inhumane practices perpetuated by the Chinese govt itself that has been going on for centuries in your country ....You mention things like Vietnam here, among other things, but don't forget many of our people were against that war just as we're against the war in Iraq...But just what have you been told of the Tianamen Square incident of 1989 in which was a virtual massacre of your people?
I realize too, that non-chinese countries are taking a great advantage of your people, by the labor of manufactured products where workers get pennies for their labor while the companies engaging in such products become unfair practice to say the least--may I ask a question? Do you completely agree with everything your govt does? We certainly don't
@banunche (256)
• Philippines
18 Apr 08
this is very inhumane! they are coming up with a WRONG program in "making China's capital appear nice and clean". instead of killing the cats, they need to put up a shelter to be the cat's next home, just like the other countries. they are so many alternatives in "making China's capital appear nice and clean". why not try those?
***im a cat lover! =)
@pyewacket (43903)
• United States
19 Apr 08
I'm a cat lover too banunche, and you're so right, this is not the answer to making their capital nice and clean for the Olympics