Panic Stations!

April 17, 2008 11:40pm CST
Do you ever have Panic Attacks? Ever since i hit puberty i've been getting gradually more and more anxious, usually about simple everyday occurrences, that i know i really shouldnt be getting so uptight over. Yesterday i went to the supermarket to do some shopping. It was particularly busy for some reason, and as i entered i knew i didnt feel comfortable. As people pushed past me with their trolleys, and squeezed into my as i tried to choose my shopping, i started to feel hotter and hotter. I started to feel agitated and almost frightened, for no apparent reason, and this feeling grew until it was almost unbearable. My heart started racing, and tears started to well in my eyes.. with every person who brushed by me i felt more like i wanted to scream. I had this awful urge to drop my shopping and run.. like my life depended on it. And as much as i kept telling myself how irrational i was being, that i was just dloing my shopping like everyone else here, the fear and anxiousness grew and grew, until i just couldnt take it any more. I left my trolley where it was, and quickly rushed out of the supermarket, leaving all my necessary groceries behind. When i got to the car i just sobbed ~ but i immediately started feeling better as soon as i was out of the crowded public area of the supermarket. I felt safe in my car, on my own. Of course as soon as i got home i felt ridiculous for what had just happened... and the next day i had to go back and get the shopping again, and i was fine. So... do you ever have panic attacks? Or anyone in your family? Or friends? hat situations brings them, on most? Have you found anything that helps relieve or avoid Panic attacks? Any feedback would be so appreciated here, because im beginning to worry about why it just happens to me?. xxxx
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7 responses
@busta1 (1026)
• United States
18 Apr 08
hmmm wow love to write huh well i dont think i ever had a panic attack hmmmm i dont think anyone in my family has ever had one im not sure..
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18 Apr 08
yes, sorry about the long post, i just wanted to explain how it feels properly ~ and i still didnt really get accross exactly how bad it gets .. like with your throat closing up too, and the sweats. Its so weird ~ am i the only person here that gets this happening to them? I hope im not on my own here. xxx
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@busta1 (1026)
• United States
18 Apr 08
wow thats crazy and your not alone ill try to have one so you wont be alone it might take a while but is it like you cant breath?
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18 Apr 08
im not so sre you can have them to order, but thanks for the thought! xxx
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
19 Apr 08
oh yes I used to get panic attacks in this huge grocery warehouse which had really low prices and always a ton of people in there. I would start shopping and suddenly it seemed as if all the people in theworld were coming towards me and trambping on fruits and veggies thatthey had knocked down on the floor.I could not breathe and I had to get out of there but could not move.My husband would come to me and take my hand and the cart and lead me over to a place where there were tables and chairs.He would talk to me so calmly and getme a soda and a sandwich and we would just sit and talk. soon I was okay but I then felt so verystupid for having acted like that. for awhile I did not think I could breathe.
19 Apr 08
That is exactly how i feel! You have explained it perfectly! When you mentioned about it feeling like all the people in the world are coming towards you, i thought Yes! She knows! ~ it's like they're all coming at you isnt it. I know how irrational this all sounds, and i feel just like you afterwards.. so silly for having such a breakdown because of a few people brushing past me. But whatever i do i cant seem to get the better of it ~ when it comes on its like a huge tidal wave engulfing me in fear and panic.Its like im fighting for my life! It helps a lot to know im not alone with this problem ~ and just talking to others who understand is helping a lot. I hope together we can get our heads around all this, and learn to avoid these panic attacks for good. xxx
@lucy02 (5015)
• United States
18 Apr 08
I don't actually have panic attacks but my brother has had a few. I have a friend that suffers from them too. I do get anxious when I am around people. I take an antidepressant and it helps with the anxiety too. I get really anxious when I am in heavy traffic. That's when its worse, especially if I'm in a place I'm not familiar with.
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19 Apr 08
I think we all get anxious from time to time; its only human... but when this anxiety starts affecting your life negatively and regularly it really starts to become a much bigger problem. Im sure you can imagine. Thanks for taking the time to reply. xx
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
19 Apr 08
You are suffering from the onset of Agoraphobia Its apparent that you realise this problem is not going away, In fact its becoming more dominate in your life. If you do nothing about it you may find yourself so fearful you will eventually be confined to your House.All persons experiencing persistent and frequent panic attacks should consult their physicians. However, many experienced sufferers treat panic attacks with some the following methods and techniques: Diaphragmatic Breathing or Abdominal Breathing — Breathing slowly and deeply through the nose using the diaphragm and abdomen. (Bourne 2005) Staying in the Present — rather than having "what if" thoughts that are future oriented asking yourself, "what is happening now" and "how do I wish to respond to it". (Carbonell 2004) Acceptance and Acknowledgement- accepting and acknowledging the panic attack. (Carbonell 2004) Floating with the symptoms — allowing time to pass and floating with the symptoms rather than trying to make them better or fighting them. (Carbonell 2004) Coping Statements — repeated as part of an internal monologue i.e. " I will let my body do its thing this will pass" or " I can be anxious and still deal with this situation." "This does not feel great, but I can deal with it". (Bourne 2005) Temporary Escape — seeking a temporary withdrawal in a washroom or outside. Taking a benzodiazepine (tranquilizers) — to be used under the guidance and direction of a physician. Talking with a supportive person — a friend or spouse. (Bourne 2005) Cognitive Techniques — demanding more anxiety, observing rather than reacting to the panic symptoms, trying to make the symptoms worse, passive acceptance. (Barry Join A Yoga Club, and to learn slow breathing, and meditation.
19 Apr 08
Getting the better of these panic attacks all seems so simple and black and white when you read it like that ~ if only it could be so straightforward in real life. I shall certainly keep trying the mind over matter approach, but so far, my panic attacks have proved stronger than my willpower and reason unfortunately. I need to read your post again, and try to memorise each point ~ but i only wish it would be so easy to put them all into practice. Thanks so much for taking the time to reply, armed with such helpful information. xxx
@tackas (12)
• Philippines
19 Apr 08
You do not need to worry, things will go out fine , just learn how to block the pressure of the things happening around you. I do get panic attacks as well especially when the situation itself pressures me to talk fast , walk fast, and do things quickly that it comes to a point that I overlook some impt. matters. What i do to prevent this is breathe properly and try my best to compose myself .
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19 Apr 08
Breathing deeply and trying to relax is a very good idea if i can catch it early enough, but once i am having a full panic attack, nothing seems to work to stop it that i can do myself ~ its like im out of control, and thats a really scary feeling when you KNOW you are out of control. I spend so much time lately sobbing, or screaming, or worrying.. about everything and anything. My heart races, i get sweats, i stutter and cant get my words out properly, its like my brain has frozen and just stopped listening to reason. And i do have this awful feeling that something terrible is going to happen... I really need to get this sorted before its completely out of control. xxx
@tackas (12)
• Philippines
19 Apr 08
you don't need to worry.. I do get panic attacks as well, especially when people that I am with pressure me. I don't like it when the event itself pressure me because I feel a different rush of emotion that makes me talk fast, walk fast do things fast just to make sure I would get over it. The thing is, we all need to be calm, breathing in and breathing out properly helps me to stay calm. I hope this would help you.
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19 Apr 08
aw thankyou tackas. Its comforting to hear you understand my problems here. Pressure is a very good word to describe this feeling ~ i feel like a pressure-cooker or a volcano, just ready to errupt ~ just the slightest little difficulty or problem and i feel this huge panic rising in me.. and the pressure is immense. I often feel so intensely that something is just too much pressure for me.. when for everyone else it is nothing, so simple and not stressful at all. I hate being this way i really do, But it makes me feel slightly better to know that there are other people in the world that feel the same way as i do at times. xxx
@taylor96 (46)
• United States
18 Apr 08
Hi Pookie_Pie! Don't worry you are not alone. I used to have panick attacts all of the time. I now take a medication called nortiptaline(sp) that works really well and I see a therapist who has taught me several relaxation excersises. I'm not sure how to explain them but I'm sure your if you see a therapist he or she can help you or at least she can research for you. There is one I'am able to explain before you go into a store and you feel anxious simply close your eyes and think of the place you feel most relaxed and safe. Now visualize it in your head when you go into the market. Thats all it works for me so just try it out. Another thing you have to remember is there is always a way out of the store. Don't torture yourself and stay where you are having your attack if you need to leave then leave and don't be hard on yourself. A good thing to do also is when you are having an extremely bad day then don't go to the store. Go the next day when you feel better. Now I know some days you have no choice and have to go to work or school that's when the relaxing exercises come in handy. I know panick attacks are very scary and you do feel like you are going to die. Your afraid something is going to happen to you but you don't know why or what. Your attacks sound like they are intesifying so I suggest before it gets really out of hand that you seek help. Unfortunately I suffered with panic attacks for three years before I realized I could get help for them. I thought I was going Nuts. It had gotten so bad that I was afraid to leave my home and I had to quit my job because I couldn't deal with it. So do not wait for them to get any worse get some help. speak to your Doctor and I'm sure the doctor will send you in the right direction and find a therapist for you. One more thing I suggest to you is that you form a support group. Tell a family memeber or friend that you are close to what you are going through that way you don't keep it bottled up. That is a very big load to carry. Don't be ashamed and please do not think you are going nuts. It's a mental condition that can be controlled. If you have extra stress in your life then that is a trigger so do something relaxing just for yourself. If it's taking a bubble bath or going to the bookstore do something to unwind. That will help out some as well. Well I'll stop yacking you ear off and if you have any questions or you want to tell me to blow it out my butt that's fine. Take care!
18 Apr 08
Firstly i ant to thank you Taylor, for such a thoughtful and helpful response. It actually brought a tear to my eye reading your reply ~ i know it sounds silly, but it feels so good just to hear from someone who understands, and doesnt just brush it off as nothing, or worse, call me a fruit-cake. Unfortunately, my family doesnt understand. I'm not as close to my mother as i'd like to be, and my father lives 3hrs away, and i dont get to see him all that often. I do talk to him on the phone, but he just gets stressed if i discuss any problems, as it really worries him, so i've learnt i cant really discuss this kind of thing with family. I am engaged to a lovely man who puts up with so much from me, all my panic attacks and funny moods, refusing to go out etc... but he is a firm believer that things will just get better of their own accord, and im just not seeing that. Its great to see im not alone with this problem at least ~ and encouraging that you've found a way to control your Panic Attacks, I hope i can do the same too soon, before they get more out of hand. xxx
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