Is this Art, Murder, or Insanity?
By AnimeMom
@AnimeMom (516)
United States
April 18, 2008 9:59am CST
The newest story of insane "artist" I was told about is that of Aliza Shvarts, a Yale art major. For her senior art project the "artist" documented herself through out a 9 month process where she artifically inseminated herself and then periodically took abortifacient drugs in order to induce miscarriages. The exhibit which opens next tuesday, will include video recordings of the forced miscarriages. It will also include several samples of her blood during the process. According to Shvarts, her goal was to "Spark conversation and debate on the relationship between art and the human body". At the actual exhibit she will feature a large cube hanging from the ceiling. Wrapped around that cuber will be hundreds of plastic wrap sheeting which will be lined with her blood from the miscarriages. Now on a seperate site, Warner Todd Huston exposed this as a hoax. The "artist" told 2 Yale deans that this was a work of "creative fiction" and that she did not impregnate herself to acheive her art project. Personaly i think this is one sick person, who need serious mental help! But what do you think?
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11 responses
@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
21 Apr 08
This is an example of a person who wants to use Art to shock and upset people. Her intendent was to get news coverage. I am guessing that when deciding upon what to do she thought what can I do that will be shocking and trying to push the envelope of the obscenity and decency laws. What she is doing is a perversion of Art and to my thinking should fail the course. If that is the best she can come up with it does not say much for the College. Then it is Yale and they think that anything is anti-establishment is good. Vulgar is Art and Beauty is bad.
@CoffeeAnyone (3210)
• Canada
18 Apr 08
The only thing I have to say to these insanity stories is this. Be careful who your friends are? If I knew these people I would not want to be within 10 miles of them at any given time. These people are down right scary and in my books that makes them untrustworthy. Stay away!
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
19 Apr 08
That is just plain weird. It would be one expensive project if it were true too.
If anyone here watches The L Word, this totally reminds me of an art show that was put on where Bette worked... Provocations.
I think artists do like to provoke people, but this one is going too far. Although, I guess it's in her legal rights to do that as long as she didn't do it to someone else.
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@Pigglies (9329)
• United States
22 Apr 08
As far as I know, fetuses don't have rights? A woman has the rights to her own body and if she wanted to abort a bunch of pregnancies, I guess nothing is stopping her. It would be pretty senseless to purposely do that, but let's face it, there are senseless people out there.
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@Dissposition (469)
• Canada
21 Apr 08
I am an artist.
I think this is SICK whether it real or not! It's gross....
What has gone wrong with some humans today?!?
I am perplexed!
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@lisaradgirl (404)
• United States
21 Apr 08
yeah, I just looked this up on and there was a link to read all about it. Sounds like it's just a hoax to me, like they said "elaborate performance art". It's like she is trying to blur the line of truth and fiction with a really bad choice in topic. She might have just decieded to pick "abortion" as the focus becuase that is what would grab the most people's attention. Who knows.
@lisaradgirl (404)
• United States
24 Apr 08
I do know of one art piece that was not a hoax. A girl collected used tampons in ziplock bags and then diplayed them in a filing cabinet. It was meant to say something about women in business and the corporate world or something like that. I appreciate what she was doing but, i don't think i could really look at a piece like that for too long. ick.
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@bobmnu (8157)
• United States
21 Apr 08
Artist have had their work removed because it was a depiction of Allah and Muslims were offended. The Dutch Cartoons were not published in US paper. Art is not all the same. If an art student did a display on what an aborted fetus looked like at various stages that it would be viewed favourably at Yale?
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@AnimeMom (516)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I wouldn't go that far, I agree to the freedom of speech and what not but art, true art is not saying your going to use your induced miscarriage blood as an art project. In my history of art class I think i got a pretty good understanding of what art is. And that my freind is very far from it.
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@Mythion (188)
• Israel
21 Apr 08
What I meant is that everyone sees what art is in a different way, I personally wouldn't care if my artwork wouldn't be accepted at Yale, they can say what they want art is what I see as art. All those Art "experts" are experts in field that everyone can be an expert on, it's like being an expert in food or music - everyone sees his loved food or music as the best. Art is in the eye of the viewer - some may see it as nothing some may say it's a masterpiece.
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
24 Apr 08
Okay hoax or not...thats some pretty messed up stuff..And I agree that she is sick and twisted. I mean what would possess someone to do that OTHER THAN attention I suppose cause really thats just nuts.
@livewyre (2450)
29 Apr 08
It is certainly a very provocative statement, and one that leaves a bad taste in ones mouth, but it has undoubtedly provoked discussion as she intended so maybe she is very astute. No publicity is bad publicity for the modern artist.
It has transpired that there was no evidence of any actual pregnancy at any point in the proceedings, and of course she is the only one who can be sure about how much she meant to really get pregnant and abort. I remain hopeful that this was just posturing rather than a serious attempt.
If it transpires that she actually really had the intention to get pregnant just so that she could abort, then one has to question her mental health immediately. This is taking the idea that a woman is totally in control of her own body during the process of childbirth to a very undesirable conclusion, but maybe that is the point of the 'piece'. highlight what fanatical pro-choicers are saying.
The idea is clearly to shock, the motive is not clear but to me it says that acting irresponsibly and then not taking responsibility for ones actions is a sickness of our society.
Just my thoughts, I have no idea if any of this was in her mind...
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@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
23 Apr 08
It sounds like she is on the verge of insanity. This isn't art. Art is something that is appealing to others not something that is repulsive. This poor woman needs help and I hope one of her professors try to get some for her. What will people try to pass of as art next? Will they steal aborted babies and put them in a bubble and call it art? I sure hope this is a hoax and not true.
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@jdrhodes (111)
• United States
11 May 08
This is not art, it is sensationalism. An individual is trying to get your attention by offending your morals, something that is becoming harder to do every year. I don't care if she actually miscarried or not, she is a disgusting woman with no shame. Art is meant to elvevate the human condition. She just wants us to go screaming to the press, politicians, psychiatrists, and anyone else who will listen because that will make her famous, and when you're famous your art doesn't have to be good. Just look at Pauly Shore. Wait that's not fair compared to this chick Pauly Shore is Leonardo DaVinci. I've noticed this disturbing trend in the "art" world and it is disappointing. People call themselves artists because they have no other credentials and no one can easily dispute that claim. This is not an artist, this is a sick individual.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
24 Apr 08
I think this is outrageous!! Where would a mind get this idea from? Even if she didn't actually impregnate herself and force miscarriages, she still thought about it, and that should be enough to get her committed. For one, that's a horrible thing to do to your own body. Miscarriages aren't kind to the human anatomy. The flux of hormones, added blood then blood loss, depletion of nutrients...why would anyone do something like this? And how could a college professor accept this work?