how much weight to lose in a week

April 18, 2008 11:43am CST
i've read that the healthiest way to do it is to lose 2 lbs a week. in the tv show the biggest loser however, some lose 30 lbs a week. is that still healthy?
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4 responses
• United States
18 Apr 08
I agree with the above post. People there on that show are exercise just about all the time. Most people can't realistically do that. Also, they are in a competition to lose weight, so they are harder on themselves than they should be. If you really want to stay healthy, don't push yourself like that and 2 pounds a week is perfectly fine. I know with me, my metabolism is weird and sometimes I lose nothing and sometimes I lose more than 2 pounds.
18 Apr 08
certainly. the 30 lb/week weight loss really freaked me out. i don't think they should be losing that much weight at such a short period of time.
@suspenseful (40193)
• Canada
18 Apr 08
Well considering that the Biggest Losers have mostly flabby weight, they can lose thirty pounds a week, because most of it is just jelly type. Once they get to the hard abdominal fat and the kind that most of us have that is solid, then two lbs is the best to loose. Unfortunately if it took you twenty years to gain one hundred lb. you think you have to take twenty years to lose it, and that discourages people.
• United States
18 Apr 08
Yeah I know I would watch the show and see that they would lose so much weight and I can't believe it. My doctor told me to lose at least one to one an half of a pound per week. But like some of the other posters said these people are surrounded by doctors and trainers that are all experts in this and now what is right and wrong. But my mouth would literally drop open when I see how much they would lose in a week. It's unbelievable.
@debu1456 (519)
• India
18 Apr 08
yes thats true..