On your own, in your home, ever had the feeling..........
By gemini_rose
@gemini_rose (16264)
April 18, 2008 5:32pm CST
That something is in the room with you, or something is standing behind you? Or ever felt really uneasy for absolutely no reason at all??
Last night, I was on here until gone midnight (witching hour!!) and my hubby had gone to bed quite a while before, I decided to have another drink before calling it a night and went into the kitchen to make it. While I was standing at the unit waiting for the kettle to boil, I felt so suddenly that someone was standing behind me that the hairs on my neck stood on end!!! I just froze, I could physically feel it and I just did not want to turn around, I felt that if I turned around then someone would be there. I took a deep breath, and turned, nothing. Absolutely nothing was there.
I have never felt anything like that, I mean I have sometimes felt it in the bedroom that someone is in there, no not my hubby!! Someone else. But that I have to say was totally weird, and needless to say I did not bother with another drink after all!!
So anybody else ever had anything like this? Do you think it could have just been that I was tired or was it something else?
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27 responses
@Darkwing (21583)
18 Apr 08
It sounds as though you have a friendly spirit in your home, Rose. I don't want to scare you... I know how much you fear this happening, but if it happens again, talk to them. Ask who they are and what they want. Tell them they're scaring you, and there's a possibility they'll go away and leave you alone. They might give you a sign, or a mental thought as to what they want, but it would seem they're not harmful.
I often experience spirits in my home... it's full of them! Also my garden... photographs show them up, but I'm not afraid of them. In fact, I feel protected by them, which is a little odd, but I just know they're not going to hurt me.
Brightest Blessings, my friend, and don't worry too much. xx
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@gemini_rose (16264)
19 Apr 08
I have felt that there is something in this house from when we first moved in, I had the distinct impression that it did not want us there, and sometimes I still get that impression. I am scared, but I am not if you know what I mean, its like I will be lying in bed and I will hear a rustling from where our wardrobe is and I will feel scared but then I ask who they are and what they want but never get nothing from it. It scared me the other night because it felt so strong, I have never had a feeling that strong before.
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@constantina (23)
• Egypt
19 Apr 08
It wouldn't be smart to think that we are alone it wouldn't make sense, the fact is we are not alone! off course there must be beings other than us whether here on earth or out there on some other planets, people have called them many things over the ages, ghosts, demons, angels, spirits, genies, aliens! it doesn't really matter what they are, how they are or where they are, what matters is they are! I understand that humans by nature always need an explanation, they need logic and reason but the fact that they can't find proof to a certain matter doesn't mean it's not possible! ''All things are subject to interpretation''
Humans also like to believe that they are in control of all things and the possibility of there being others threatens them, yet they are as well contradictive because they still get drawn to the idea of the paranormal they actualy enjoy the mysterious.
I don't care if we were not the finest or smartest species in the universe i don't even see how that is possible because we have only proved otherwise looking back at a history full of ignorance. All i know is that my own logic tells me that we are not alone.
Some people do indeed just fall into the traps and tricks of their own minds which is pretty normal because the human mind is a very tricky thing in a way that many wouldn't believe. But how can we tell whether what we experience every second of our lives is real or just another trick made up by our own minds? Im afraid that is almost impossible! all one can really do is to follow or ignore one's instincts and feelings because we simply don't have other options.
I have experienced such feelings before i have also felt things that i have tried to conclude as illusions of my own but then i couldn't help not ignoring my inner feelings and since i have always believed that everything is possible i thought i'de loose nothing if i just believed in my feelings.
However, in all of this must lie something that we should capture, a new understanding, a new discovery or a message maybe. As far as im concerned there are no things that happen by chance or by circumstance.
I know It is frightening to feel watched or touched by the invisible just as much as it is also frightening to wait for the unknown but no matter what, in the end, as Aristotle once said ''In all things of nature there is something of the marvelous''
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@constantina (23)
• Egypt
8 May 08
Thank you!:) but no i don't write articles although i write short stories:)
@PinkPeas (1)
24 Apr 08
Constantina your post is one of the best articles i've read about this subject and i have read a lot
though i have never had an opinion about whether there were or were not such things i support your opinion
you should write articles for real:) or maybe you already do?
Have a great a day

@sedel1027 (17846)
• Cupertino, California
19 Apr 08
I have had that happen alot. There are different reasons for it. Could be your mind playing tricks on you or ghost/spirits.
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@Breath (1297)
• United States
18 Apr 08
I do believe in the supernatural...so maybe you was not alone...I know I am not being very comforting...I have had the very same thing happen to me more then one time...So I know it is just this creepy feeling...No more late nights for you...:)
@shannonjyl (421)
• Canada
18 Apr 08
i believe "witching" hour is not at midnight, rather 2 or 3 am (anyone know?) that feeling is something a lot of us were told not to listen too at an early age. do listen to your "gut feeling" and feel confident when responding to it. it was something else , that part of your brain that seldom gets any attention..its that part of us that know when someone is watching..it could have been someone from the the other side that was just checking in with you..no need to be afraid :)
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@gemini_rose (16264)
19 Apr 08
I am not sure when it is, sometime in the early hours though! It would be nice to think that someone was coming to see me.
@Neo_Knights (1882)
• Indonesia
25 Apr 08
Yup... those "soft creature" we called in Indonesia.
They are really exist, and there are at least one in every building. Some of them are bad, bud some of them are good, even though sometimes they became very naughty..
They may shout to call your name... but when you see the direction the voice came, you'll see nothing.
If you can feel their presence usually you have done something to them.
In Indonesia, if you take a pee in a bush or tree or even a yard without asking permission to them, you may damaging their properties. There was a boy who had took a pee at small gutter at the back of my house... some times later he couldn't take a pee again. The "wise people" of my kampoong said that when the boy took a pee, the boy was peeing the "soft creature"'s son's toys. But fortunately by apologizing, "the curse" was taken off.

@Neo_Knights (1882)
• Indonesia
26 Apr 08
This is an information that I got from a person who knows about both our and those "soft creature" world. He used to be a high rank shaman.
Our world and their world are upside down. When it's noon, then it's midnight in their world. That's why so many disturbance human get mostly in the evening. Make sense ?
Here's another information from my friend who follow Reiki sect. She said that we live in the same world, same situation (still in different time). They have different vibration as human. They have lower vibration.
Let's stop this first, let me explain about this vibration. This vibration is related to Aura. Every things in the world are vibrating with their own vibrate rate. Our eyes can only capture things with limited level of vibration. Just like a sound, dogs can hear lower pitch than human. We consider there are no noise but actually they are exist, dogs can hear them. Got it ?
To make easy for you. We can see bees, but when they are flying with flapped wings in a ration of thousands flaps per second, we can't see their wings, right ? But actually they do exist. Now, get the picture ?
OK, let's go to the vibration. Like I've said, the "soft creature" has lower vibration than ours. So if they want to be visible to our eyes, they will have to over-vibrate them self. And that's very exhausting for them. SO actually if the "soft creatures" show their form they are in a weak state. But there are also strong ones. So just be careful.
Here's another information from my moslem friend.
The "soft creatures" are also God's creation. they have different level as ours, we are in higher rank. If we explore technology, they explore mystique power. According to the Qoran, we are supposed to live together, but not side by side because we have different world. In Qoran they are called Djinn. Wonder how they look like ? Mostly they have human body but with strange head, like goat head, or bird head, or maybe bird leg etc. So now you know who those ancient egyptians worshiped ?
And here's another information for you. If they are trying to bother you it means that they scared of you. They have a common sense and feeling like human. If scared, human usually get angry. Think about it. Go to your past, and find the time when you got angry with someone, then go back a little far, and find why you got angry, you'll find that you were afraid of something will happen. Maybe you were afraid of losing, or afraid of some thing bad will happen to you.
So basically those soft creatures also scared of you. Don't you show that you scared of them.
Here's one thing I can suggest you.
You go to the room that you usually feel their presence.
Bring coffee and food that has aroma or smells good.
Wait there
If you can feel their presence, tell to them that you would like to talk to them nicely...
ask them why they bothering you.
Introduce yourself as the new owner of the house. Introduce your family.
Tell them not to bother you as you and your family won't bother them.
If they agree with you you'll feel it instantly they're gone.
and when you taste the coffee, it will become tasteless, also the food.
But sometimes they will give you a catch. It could be "Don't ever go to the basement" or don't put that picture there" or "you have to sleep before 10" etc.
Don't worry you can negotiate but don't ask for the reason why you can't do this or that, OK ?
Hope it will help you.
My prayer are always be with you....
@gemini_rose (16264)
25 Apr 08
I am really interested in this that you have said, I have felt that there is someone in this house since we first moved in, some very strange things have happened. I also have felt from the day that I moved in here that we were not wanted here, what can I do to change the way the house or thing feels towards us?
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@scarywhitegirl (2766)
• United States
24 Apr 08
Yup, I had a similar experience in my old apartment. I had two roommates at the time, but one was asleep on the top bunk in my room, and I'm sure that the other was sleeping in his room (next to mine). But I was turned to face the wall, and I felt a very definite presence behind me, and then two other presences above me (we had a skylight in our room). I also didn't turn around to see what was or was not there!
The apartment we lived in was used as a morgue during a small Civil War skirmish, so we always thought there was a good chance for spirits to still be there. I suspect that the presences I felt were related to that skirmish, though they didn't necessarily die there.
@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
19 Apr 08
Hi gemini_rose! I have same experiences in our home too. Usually when i am all alone or I am the only one awake, while typing here at mylot, something seems to be standing at the corner of the room where I am and when I will look, no one is there. Sometimes, i could feel someone passed by at my back and I could my heart beating fast and the hair at my nape is standing up. I got used to it that it does not bother me anymore. I just don't like it to get worse or my time her e in mylot will be limited.
Take care and have a nice day! 

@gemini_rose (16264)
19 Apr 08
It is weird isn't it when it happens, a strange feeling!
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@dont_pick_your_nose (2279)
• Australia
27 Apr 08
I think it could be a real experience, i think the thought is really scary but i still cant help being curious about them. I would probably freeze up if i ever seen one like you did. I dont think i want to see one unless it was someone i love and miss and who came to see me, not that i just bumped into.
@gemini_rose (16264)
27 Apr 08
It is scary, I have always been extremely curious about the paranormal from being a child but that did frighten me I must admit.
@gemini_rose (16264)
20 Apr 08
Well, if it is true, that I was not alone, then it sure would be interesting to find out who the devil was standing behind me!! I don't know, maybe I was just tired, it was late after all.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
20 Apr 08
you could always ask
and yes, it was late, and you were tired.. and it would be easier and prolly less unsettling to blow it off as overactive imagination due to the need of sleep.. but it has been my experience, that being overtired helps in shutting down or at least dulling your concious mind.. and "logical" thought.. and opens yer subconcous to the things unseen and felt by most. in fact, when i had something important i was working on, id sleep deprive myself just for the specific purpose of being able to "see" clearer.

@ruby222 (4847)
20 Apr 08
I tell you when ive have had a similar feeling Rose...when ive been alone in the house and decide to have a bath and wash my hair....the minute I sttick my head over the bowl...theres that feeling ..that someones behind me....and its most eerie....I very often have it then.....it actually makes me shudder...its the thought that I may turn around..and there will be someone behind me!...whic is being silly I know...
Its like the Deja vu feeling...many times I have been oing somthing ..or have been somewhere...and I get this uncanny feeling....that ive been there..or done that before!!
The strongest Deja vu that ive ever encontered was when I started a new job...in a brand new building...which has been built on the grounds of what used to be a church....and the feeling of having been there before was absolutely unreal....it unnerved me!!!
But im sure its all related to the power of the sub concious Rose!!!
@gemini_rose (16264)
20 Apr 08
Oh I get deja vu all the time!! It is so weird and confusing at times, especially when it is really strong!!
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@jesbellaine (4139)
• Philippines
19 Apr 08

@untouchable_67 (46)
• United States
19 Apr 08
I know exactly what you are saying. I have lived in my house for almost 20 years and the oddest things happen. Like the tv's turn on and doors slamming, it sounds like someone walking across the hardwood floors, just to list a few of the strange happenings. At first it would scare us, now it does not bother us, it's not like you get any bad feelings. Our dogs will begin to whine and try to hide. At first I thought it was just me, but when the kids started talk about what they were seeing and hearing, I knew I had not gone crazy LOL.
@gemini_rose (16264)
19 Apr 08
That is really strange!! We hear footsteps in our house too, always upstairs on the landing either outside our bedroom door or the bathroom, they sound like bare feet shuffling on the carpet and we always think it is perhaps one of our sons but when we check there is never anyone there and the kids are either downstairs or asleep in bed. I do not get the sense of bad feeeling in the house just a sense of unease.
@untouchable_67 (46)
• United States
19 Apr 08
I have so many pictures that there are shapes in them that no one can figure out what they are or why they are in the pictures. I have several that looks like white smoke(no one smokes) or shadows, like when we take picture of the kids at Christmas. I think what ever is in my house is a child, because you can hear giggling and sounds like toys are being played with but kids are sleeping and when I go look nothing is there. Just to many things to write it all down.
@tholmes (100)
• Canada
29 May 08
Yes I would say it was probably a ghost or a spirit or what ever people want to call them..
I have also had feelings like that and yes it can be creepy and a little spooky as well....
But I also have had good feelings with ghosts as well..
I just responded to a post about a ghost that moves with me when ever I move, I mean from town to town or city to city..
@timou87 (1638)
• Singapore
19 Apr 08
well, i do get that feeling quite often, and sometimes when im not even all alone by myself. some places just have very weird vibes, even though i am there with a large group of friends, i just feel that there is someone or something who is watching but is not supposed to be there. could it be a figment of my imagination? it could be, and i'd like it to be so. but it could very well be something paranormal, noone could truly discount that possibility.
@gemini_rose (16264)
19 Apr 08
I do think that places do sometimes have strange vibes, maybe they store certain energies.
@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
19 Apr 08
yes, actually i believe that there are more we need to know abou than what appears in the physical eyes, or than what we can see.
people have senses, and though we do not see, we can feel their existence. i sometimes have felt that too, like someone is watching me and when i would look back, i would see nobody but still feel that someone is really in there.
it can be scary at times especially if you are alone.
@gemini_rose (16264)
19 Apr 08
It was such a powerful feeling, I could almost feel a person or thing behind me. I do not know what it was, a few strange things have happened in our house.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
24 Sep 08
I have felt like that a few times. I just get the feeling that something else is there, but when I look around, nothing appears. I think it could have been just being tired also.
@shadowofthestorm (14)
• United States
26 Apr 08
i don't exactly believe or don't believe in the supernatural. I think that your issue has something to do with it being late, witch in itself can cause people to see things. but i could be completely wrong because something similar has happed to me but not really to scary
@phoenix25 (1541)
• United States
29 May 08
I think that happens to everyone sometimes. I am a psychology major and I remember reading in one of my last classes that there is a part of the brain that is responsible for being able to "sense" or "feel" a presence around you. Sometimes this is just your brain playing tricks on you.