help me please find this guy!!!

April 19, 2008 4:39pm CST
I used to see him, when I was living in Naples, Italy. It was betwen September and December 200Unfortunately, after I've left the country- we've lost contact. His first name is Francesco. He grew up in some small town in Calabria. In Naples, he was taking singing lessons and worked in an ice cream shop, in Rione Alto. The shop was located on Onofrio Fragnito Street and (I think) it was called Gelati del Gallo. Francesco could play classic guitar and sometimes he would join his friend and workmate (can't remeber that guy's name) on Piazza Gesu Nuovo to play along. The last thing is that he lived somewhere around Frullone station. Please, please please, if you know him or may know who knows his and so on- let me know. I'd realy love to get in touch with him. Thank you
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