They all left and didn't tell me!
By p1kef1sh
@p1kef1sh (45681)
April 20, 2008 6:53am CST
According to myLot I have 9 pages of friends. But where have all these friends gone to? I looked back just a month ago and I saw that I was in regular contact with people that now don't or hardly ever post. Now we were all at about the same level of activity, but suddenly, I seem to be the only one left. Does myLot cause posting burnout? Have they discovered a life that I, in my sad little world don't have. I have made some new friends, but what happened to the old ones?
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46 responses
@nannacroc (4049)
20 Apr 08
I wish I knew. My first two pages seem to be made up of friends who no longer post on here. I'm glad you posted this discussion it's reminded me to look at their profiles and see if they are still members.
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@nannacroc (4049)
20 Apr 08
Strangely the one I miss most had the same first name as you and a similar humour. I think the cybermen got him and he was deleted.
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@ellie333 (21016)
20 Apr 08
I was thinking this too just last night. I know one is away for a month and another haas discovered another website that they spend more time on now and another has actually left completely but what about the others. The only thing I can think is that now the better weather is arriving people are up to more outside activities so not able to spend the same amount of time. I have been out in the garden until about 10 minutes ago as the sun was shining and reorganising the rabbit and guinea pig hutches and just in now for a cuppa and a bit of a rest for my back. I was going to PM a few just to make sure they ok. Or they all have burnout and having a well deserved rest! I'm still here LOL! Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
20 Apr 08
Aaah Thank you I would miss you too if you weren't on here.
re the rabbits and guinea pigs. My daughter actually paid for the cats out of her own money a few years ago but I still had the £600 vet bill when one got run over and had to have his tail off and that was with insurance and I pay for the neuturing, boosters, food etc. My son did help with the hutches though bless, trying to teach him how to be responsible and the fish tank is mine so I can't complain there, kids and pets eh once the novelty wears off. Ellie :D

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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Apr 08
Thank goodness you are Ellie. You are a staunch friend and I'd miss you if you weren't about. I do know where some of the others are, but I have pages of friends that have just disappeared. Perhaps I should have a cull. Maybe the weather does have a bearing. But it is still nippy here overall, not too bad today though. I have to laugh about the hutches. "Can I have a pet. I promise I'll look after it". I have been there!!
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@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I have no idea. I have been here over a year now and have accumulated about 200 friends. I don't think any of my olf ones are active anymore either. I have accumulated new friends recently and i do get thier discussions but I guess my old friends have left. I was gone for about 6 months also but I came back. I am hoping some of my old friends do as well.
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@MH4444 (2161)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I know what you mean. Many leave I believe because the atmosphere is too difficult to begin a relationship with others. They come and chat, and then get upset when their posts aren't replied to. Sad actually, and quite the scam as it means that thousands of posters are "driven" off prior to pay-out. hmmmm
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Apr 08
I suppose that does happen. I have know people get quite upset that they haven't received any comments. That has happened to me. But one advantage to having a small group of close friends is that we usually look out for one another in that respect. But if you have nothing to say, then nothing is all that you can say. If that makes sense.
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@cinderella2007 (2662)
20 Apr 08
friends come and go for various reasons but the best ones are the ones that never leave!! Its those nasty trolls that have lost all the friends pages and the conical bras! I think the trolls are trying to take your friends away so that they didnt add to the bra discussion but as usual the trolls were late and oh dear....its bra time lol
Hopefully your friends will be back full of discussions explaining where they have been and what they have been upto.
Take care and enjoy making new friends x
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@cinderella2007 (2662)
20 Apr 08
Maybe that can be the next challenge, it can be easily arranged??? See how many people want to see you in a corset, corsets are more common than conical bras?!!! I think your digging yourself a hole here that you dont want to get into lol
hee hee
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@Cajunhellcat (2073)
• United States
24 Apr 08
I have the same thing I have 4 pages of friends but hardly ever get mail about them starting a new discussin don't know what is going on
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
20 Apr 08
Pikie - people have lives, people find better money making sources, or get a job, or just get too busy to post. Sad as it is, there it is. I have "friends" that haven't posted in months. I'll go check on them and if htey haven't even signed in in months, I may delete them, but even then I may not.
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Apr 08
I have typed almost your exact same words myself to someone bemoaning the loss of friends. But it does seem a shame that so many people come her and go again without giving it a chance. I suppose that some get a little bored. I have done occasionally. I shall have a cull of my friends list I think. Maybe keep some of the better correspondents on for a while longer, for old times sake if nothing else.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I finally deleted one person after she hadn't signed on in like 4 months, sadly because she used to be one of the people I regularly responded to.
She recently (in late Feb or early March) requested my friendship again so she's back.
I do wish she'd said why she was gone.
Another friend of mine, The Spy, has just come back from being gone about 4 months too.
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I was going to post a discussion along the same lines. I'd imagine the weather is getting warmer and people are starting to spend time outside. Maybe some are having trouble coming up with some fresh discussions...There could be a bunch of reasons!! :) I'm still here though!
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Apr 08
I struggle to think of new discussions too. I also trawl through the discussions up for response. All too often I see nothing that whets my appetite or stuff that has been around the buoy before. Like this one actually. I have responded to similar discussions about friends myself. The weather may well be a factor. Although today is warm; it's still blooming chilly over here.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I do the same thing as you do. Last night, I was looking for some good discussions and only found a few but there were a thousand on star ratings- Sigh...
How warm does your weather get there in the summer P1ke?
I heard weather in the UK resembles the rainy weather in Seattle. But the summers were beautiful- am I close?
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
20 Apr 08
Um, yeah, the world should BE so sad as your 'sad' little world. You're happy as a clam, p1ke, don't be tryin to go fooling us. And I've not got the faintest clue as to where they all go - mylot pergatory? I think that a lot of people just get bored and go elsewhere. That's pure speculation, though, because I don't visit any other sites, so I don't have occasion to run across their names. I'll bet they think they're gonna make a lot more money than they end up making and leave because of that too. And burnout does occur.
I think it was Xboxboy who posted a discussion the other day about delting a bunch of friends and it sort of gave me the impetus to do a bunch of deleting myself. People I just don't talk with anymore, or who sent friend requests just to disappear right after, and also some who've sent them and I've never been compelled to answer any of their discussions. THat's a big part of it for me. If I don't go into their discussions, then why do I want to keep them as friends? Some people I'll always keep, though, 'cause even if rarely, I do communicate with them, and a lot of them were my first friends and I feel quite sentimental about them. I've gotten off point again, p1ke, sorry about that. Too much four twenty indulgence, I think. Time to go watch a movie......
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
20 Apr 08
People come and go here all the time. Life, boredom, being driven away by trolls - it's the nature of the beast my friend.
Don't worry P1ke, one day they may show up again, maybe not. But the beauty of the site is that their are always new friends just waiting to see you in a conical bra! LOL
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@sparkofinsanity (20471)
• Regina, Saskatchewan
21 Apr 08
Thanks for the heads up on the impending bra delivery. I will now go and open a You-Tube account................................LOL

@ruby222 (4847)
21 Apr 08
Oh dear what is the matter know the sun is shining here today...its a quarter to two...and ive been bitting and bobbing all morning..getting knowhere as usual!!..but thats no worry.
If I were you I would jush bash away regardless...people come and people go...the weather may have an impact...but who knows..
As you know ive not been here on Mylot for long,but there are people on my list who seem to have vanished already!!!
Just keep posting away...and worry you not...
@p1kef1sh (45681)
21 Apr 08
I know Ruby I know. I was feeling a bit low when I posted this discussion. I do know where some of the folk have gone, I talk to them in other places. But I do wonder about the zillions of people that wanted to be my friend and then cleared off. I shall soldier on. My avatar will change later today. You know what to. That will be a laugh at any rate.
@jeaniezheng (229)
• China
22 Apr 08
Oh! I am sorry to hear that.You are great that when you have the new friends you can still miss the old ones.Maybe the fault of the systems.So not worry now you can inquire the net assistant for help.
May you lucky.
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@Breath (1297)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I believe we have all ask our self the same question...all these friends but yet no repsonse or contact...People just come and go on mylot.a few though have been here a long time and a few leave then make a come back later down the road...I use to be a memeber on here my self almost a year ago and just come back around a month ago..So maybe some of your old friends will find you again...
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Apr 08
Yes you are right of course. But it is odd how you can be having an almost intimate conversation one minute and the next the person that you are corresponding with has disappeared. Forever! I have no idea when I shall become time expired myself of course. I know that some have gone and come back, like yourself. But I do wonder about the plethora of "friends" that are on my lists yet no longer lurk here at all.
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@ElusiveButterfly (45942)
• United States
20 Apr 08
Many of the people I once had contact with up and disappeared. For many it is the star ratings that got to them. For others it was how the earnings went down. I remember when I could earn nearly $80 a month on this site and then it went down. I am lucky if I make payout in a month.
@p1kef1sh (45681)
20 Apr 08
The ratings issue has been a blow to many people and I don't pretend to understand it myself. I have hung out with some of the most controversial posters and not been touched. Others who are about as far from controversy as you can get are sliding madly down the scale. I have made $25 but not more, although had more in my account if you see what I mean. I average a dollar a day.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
20 Apr 08
Yeah I just cleaned my friends out and noticed alot of avid posters have disappeared I guess they got bored or something I dont know. Not me im sticking around may slow down with summer coming but ill still be around mylot.
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@cwgrlsarefun (1581)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I have noticed that many of the old people on mylot are not here any longer. I had to be away for about six months and came back and very few from before are still active here on mylot. I don't know of any other place that they may have gone, wish that I could answer that question for you. There are many new good people here though.
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@bellaofchaos (11538)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I have been a little bit on the sick side and so have my kids .. LOL! so I have been not posting but I know the one day I posted a crap load of discussions to make up for the days that I was out. LOL!! But I do think that we all get various levels of burn out. LOL!! have a nice one dear.
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@gemini_rose (16264)
20 Apr 08
Oh I am sorry that your friends seem to have disappeared without telling you, I guess it could be because they have discovered life outside myLot, although surely it could not be as interesting as it is here at times!! Or maybe I am still quite new enough to still be enamoured of this site! However, I cannot see me getting fed up of it here at the minute, I still seem to be very eager to come on here everyday so you will still see me around for a while yet!! Lucky you!

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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
20 Apr 08
Posting burnout, trolls maybe, other sites or possibly life has just intruded (illness, work, whatever). Maybe they will be back!