Chromosomal Link to Colorectal Cancer

April 20, 2008 7:54am CST
Researchers at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research and at Cancer Care Ontario have successfully identified a genetic variation on Chromosome 8 that is associated with colorectal cancer. This is the first genetic predictor that has been identified for the most common forms of colorectal cancer, and may play a significant role in how people are screened for the disease. Previous research on Chromosome 8 has linked it to other forms of cancer, including cancer of the prostate, suggesting that people with this newly discovered variation may be at risk for a broad spectrum of cancers. "This information can be used to identify those at risk of colorectal cancer and direct them to screening at an earlier age," says Dr Tom Hudson, co-principal investigator of the study, and president and scientific director of the Ontario Institute of Cancer Research. Colorectal Cancer is the fourth most common cancer worldwide with a growing indidence in Asia but, if detected early, is 90 percent curable. Keep posting, Mickey
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