What do you drink with breakfast?

United States
April 20, 2008 11:46am CST
Ok, so I'll admit it. I'm not a big breakfast person. I'll avoid eating in the morning if I can, unless I'm really hungry and will be having a long day and won't be able to get another meal for awhile. So, when I finally do get to eat breakfast, I'll drink whatever I feel like during the meal. Sometimes, I'll drink a soda, depending on how much caffeine I feel I need (I can't stand the taste of regular coffee, so that's a no go). Sometimes I'll drink water, other times I'll have some gatoraide. If I have other juice on hand, I may drink that as well. But usually, I never drink much of anything that people consider "breakfast drinks". What do you drink with breakfast? Do you get strange looks for drinking that during that time of day? Or do you think people are strange for drinking things you wouldn't drink with breakfast?
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90 responses
@AnakSuNamun (2084)
• United States
20 Apr 08
Coffee,i can't start my day without it! Don't really like to eat after i just woke up,either. Good thing i get free breakfast at work. You get there,work a little bit,your appetite wakes up and you're ready to eat! lol I know I should cut down on caffeine,since drink coffee with pretty much every meal and in-between.
• Thailand
21 Apr 08
Yeah same AnakSuNamun, i start my day with ice coffee and sandwich. Coffee make me not hungry. :)
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• United States
2 May 08
Yeah, I know coffee is the best choice to start off in the morning. Sometimes I have coffee and cream mixed in with hot chocolate.
@itsmepinky (1300)
• India
20 Apr 08
well i am not at all a breakfast person. i get up late by 9 - 10 so i prefer to skip my breakfast and have my lunch around 12.If i am at any relative's place i prefer 1/4 th cup of tea or coffee as i dont like plain milk or juice in the mornings. ~pinks~
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• United States
22 Apr 08
Frappuchinos~! I can't live without my caffeine. :P
@k1tten (2318)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I usually try to drink some juice or water with breakfast. That is if it's something that I don't crave milk. I usually have to have milk with waffles and poptarts. lol.
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@bbsr13 (4196)
• India
20 Apr 08
Hello,highflyingxangel! I am not a regular breakfast eater.in the morning three to four cups of tea i drink to keep my body and mind fit for the whole day.two square meals a day i want and nothing more.some times i take two to three glasses of sugarcane juice as it regulates liver functions.thank you.
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
20 Apr 08
Coffee, coffee and more coffee. I can't face actual food when i first wake up (it takes an hour or so) but i can drink coffee anytime day or night!
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
20 Apr 08
Hi! We have the same temperament about the eating breakfast thing. In my case though, I dont really eat breakfast because I sleep throguh it!. I usually wake up about 12.30-1PM, especially now that its our summer break. Well, whena nd if I really have to get up in the morning and eat something,..I still dont. I relly dont eat breakfst but I do drink something! Whatever is available in our pantry thats what my Mom will make for me because otherwise I wont eat/drink at all. My number one drink in the mornign is chocolate flavored coffee. Second, is chocolate drink. And last but not the lest is milk. Someitmes though, I drink soda if I see it in the fridge. If there's none then I stick to the others. hehe As to your other questions,..well, what did you mean about the 'breakfast drinks'?I know its usually water, but I could be wrong. Did you mean those home-made drinks with ingredients like veggies and other fruits, or a glass full of eggs?
@MGjhaud (23240)
• Philippines
20 Apr 08
Coffee. It's always been coffee my dear. It's part of my morning life or actually I don't have a morning life so whenever after I wake up, the first thing I do is boil some water for my coffee. I love that drink over anything else. I hate cold in the morning. It would surely torment my stomach the minute I drink cold drinks such as juice, ice cold water and etc.
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@checapricorn (16061)
• United States
9 May 08
When i will take my breakfast which is very rare since I really don't have appetite in the morning, i prefer cold water, like 2 big glasses! but, most of the time, i am just having tea! my drink and my breakfast! My husband influenced me to start it since, when I first smell it, I told myself, this is something I will never drink again! LOL, but after a while, i started to like it and love it!
@nancyrowina (3850)
20 Apr 08
I always drink just tea with breakfast unless I'm away from home and staying in a place where they serve orange juice then I might have a glass of that. I don't know why I don't do it more often at home as I usually have it in the fridge and it is good for you. I'm not fond of coffee and I don't have a very sweet tooth when it comes to drinks except hot chocolate, which I did drink for breakfast when I was in France as they do that over there and they put a jug of it out every morning.
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@mishastar (734)
• United States
8 May 08
I just drink water with my breakfast. It makes everything digest easier and I don't feel sick afterwards.
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@lilybug (21107)
• United States
20 Apr 08
I usually drink a can of soda first thing in the morning. It is acually my breakfast some mornings. I don't always eat breakfast.
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• New Zealand
2 May 08
Hey there well it depends on weither im at my sisters or at home at my sisters I drink coffee but at my mums she does not have coffee so I drink hot choclate or milo if that runs out so ya.
@pooh08 (671)
• Vietnam
23 Apr 08
I don't eat breakfast usually. But when I get up, I usually drink water. Water make me comfortable. Then I do my work, my study.
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@Anne18 (11029)
2 May 08
I always drink hot water in the mornings, I like to kid myself than it detoxes my system! I drinlk one cup while catching up on the pc and then another cup of hot water while I am eating my bran flakes. This is during the week. Saturdays and Sundays we always have a lay in and hubby always brings me a lovely cup of tea, just the shade of brown
• Canada
9 May 08
When I get up in the morning I like to have a nice strong cup of coffee, As the day goes on I will go to The Second cup for more coffee, but a little different this time. Mocha lattes are wonderful, from The Second cup.
• India
2 May 08
I do take coffee in my breakfast . I take bread butter and a cup of black coffee ...thats it thanks !!!
@sherrir101 (3670)
• Malinta, Ohio
2 May 08
I have to have a drink or two of Diet cola every morning when I wake up. I don't know if it is a habit or an addiction. After that, I drink coffee. I proably go through a pot in the morning. I don't eat breakfast most of the days.
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
2 May 08
At home, I would have some type of juice... orange juice, grape juice, grapefruit juice or whatever else I had on hand. Sometimes I also drink water. If I were at a restaurant for breakfast, I would order ice tea and/or ice tea with orange juice. Sometimes I also will drink iced water.
• United States
2 May 08
With breakfast I have coffee and orange juice. That will start me off for the day. As well as water.
@hcpoirot (1562)
• Indonesia
1 May 08
I drink water (the best choice) or coffee or milk. I rarely drink soda again after I know the fact that is contain 7 spoon of sugar.