Is it just me or does life seem really unfair?
By vetswife101
@vetswife101 (15)
April 20, 2008 1:24pm CST
We have been evicted..and no it isn't the usual, well you didn't pay so why should they let you stay? See we did pay..huge mistake was we agreed upon moving in not to get a receipt for cash payments. (Landlord says he would have to charge higher rent..because he would have to pay taxes on the place and he doesn't).Anyhow we were overjoyed with the place and after living with my in-laws for almost a year, it was time to go.We have been here a year, always paid on time. We knew the landlord had a drinking problem, his Brother does too and he lives next door. LL lives a few doors down. This never really bothered us until January 21, LL called and asked what's up with all the noise down the?
Me:I have no idea what you are talking about.
LL:It sounds like ya'll are tearing the place up.
Me:I'm sorry, the kids were probably playing hard and being noisy..I'll make sure they keep it down.
(HE has never complained about this in the previous 10 months we were here, actually encouraged play between my kids and the neighbor kids..said it was great having them around)
LL: I'll be there in 30 minutes to inspect
He shows up in 20 minutes. I open the door and he just pushes past me, he reeks of beer. He looks in every room, says he finds nothing wrong..and when he and I were alone in the master bath he called my husband crazy. I found out later that he had told my son that his Daddy is crazy. Anyway, he starts to leave and turns around and says "it's just time for ya'll to move on".My husband begged him for a reason..LL says "just because".My husband is a Army Veteran, he doesn't beg..plead or cry unless it comes to his family. So he leaves and comes back 10 minutes later with this poorly written eviction notice, nothing stating why.Needless to say, we were really thrown for a loop.My Mom even called him, he said "all the noise just left him shaken". Now if he had warned us before and we had not heeded the warning, then I might understand this. The next morning first thing, he came back and apologized..says let's just forget about yesterday..oh by the way, can I have that letter back? Me:Absolutley not.We cannot afford to move at this point, so I try to "forget about it".My husband on the other hand is a veteran with PTSD already, this made it worse on a whole new level.He wound up in the hospital, lost his job.One month to the day later my son and his friends were outside were their dogs, that always play together. LL's brother (next door) has a dog as well, his dog is always tied up..but not that day. He attacked my son's dog, neighbor comes out with a .22 rifle and shoots our dog right there, in front of my son and his friends.Now, the brother has bragged about being a convicted felon, so I am not so sure he should even own this gun. We called the police, LL wasn't happy we called. March 8th, we paid 2 months pay up because my husband had lost his job.March 25th LL came by and handed us another eviction notice, to be out in 6 days..he says we owe him rent.We have paid it, but there is no receipt to prove it.We went to court last Wednesday, the judge didn't even give me a chance to speak.I just do not know what to do, I guess we will be moving back in with my in-laws..the last time we were there to help them, this time I guess we are there for help. I just feel so compltetely wronged, I loved this place..And I paid my money to be here. I want to appeal, but I cannot afford to.Uggghhh!I have 2 children, that have to be uprooted at the end of the school year, and a husband that I am seriously worried about.
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4 responses
@Inzy4jonny (37)
• Bahamas
21 Apr 08
Life is indeed unfair! I have been evicted before and have five children so it is so hard to find a place so quickly and with so many children. Sometimes you can't even find a decent place to live due to the fact that the amount of children I have. I'm so sorry to know that this has happened to you. I also used to live with my inlaws as well, and that wasn't such a good experience on my me it sounds as if your experience with ur inlaws was ok...and i do hope things turn out much better for you and that ur husband's health improve for the better. However, you need to be aware of what is going on too, you made a mistake in not getting receipts, so now you will get receipts no matter what the LL says to you in the future. Things look down now, but soon you will be looking back on this as an experience you have learnt and will grow are stronger than you think you are woman...we are soooo strong.....i overcame my troubles of can praying for your strength and guidance.....much love!!!!
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@bumbleflies (48)
• United States
20 Apr 08
Since your husband is a vetran,I am sure your family is not the wealthiest. But mine is not either. You may be able to get a lawyer through legal aid for this. I know legal aid is based on income. You should have a local chapter in your area. I would look online for a 800 number if you can't find one locally. I would also call someone at Vetrans Affairs and see if they can help. I would also suggest signing up for section-8 or moving to public housing. Unless you don't mind living with the inlaws. Also the man who shot your dog should be facing some sort of legal thing for what he did. If he was convicted felon he should be on the next bus to prison in my eyes. I am huge on animal rights. Call humane society or the ASPCA or PETA for that matter,an email would even be suffient. If the neighbor did something wrong one of these places will see to it he pays. Your local town should do this without you havng to do more than call the police. Either way, I would call the cops everytime this drunkerd steps outside his house til he gets a P.D. charge. You know I am a fair person but he is after all messing with your family,and telling your son things that shouldnt be told to a child about their father. You may have a counter claim of slander for his remarks about your husband.Hope some of this help you in some way,I know I would be upset in your situation also,especially with children to worry about on top of it.
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@vetswife101 (15)
20 Apr 08
Thank you for your help. When the police came out here about the shooting, they said they couldn't do anything because they did not actually see it happen (do they ever really see it happen?), however they gave me a case number to file a civil complaint..and I know this sounds absurd, but once again we were already freaked because we could not afford to move and LL had already shown his anger about getting the police involved..we waited to file.It was April 1st. After he evicted us again..(what did we have to lose now?), now it is April 20th, and our "complaint" is still sitting on the judge's desk. And one more thing, I am the only one he took to court, not my husband..I tried to talk to the judge about dice.One more thing, our dog did live (thank GOD), and I am willing to produce the x-rays to prove this did happen.
@bumbleflies (48)
• United States
20 Apr 08
Dear I really would give them a fit before moving. The LL should have named your hubby as a part of this since he is an adult member of the house hold whom is married to you. I would seriously push what I could h=just to teach this jerk a lesson. But as someone mentioned you and your family really arent safe there around drunks and flying bullets. I would really call legal aid and check some of my other mentionables to heart. Your pet has rights,and the drunkerds should atleast pay his vet bill as I know vet bills are expensive. Good Luck my dear and I seriously am sorry your family is having such a hard as heck time. I will keep you in my thoughts that is for sure.
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
20 Apr 08
You may like this place but it isn't a safe environment for you, your husband or your kids. This guy is very dangerous and you guys need to get far away from him and the sooner the better. So moving back in with your inlaws won't be such a bad thing afterall because you do need to get away from there. You don't want to raise your children in that environment. You'd much rather have a much safer and happier place to raise them, right?
Let this be a hard lesson learned. Never ever rent a place and not get a receipt because of how this guy did you, took you to court to evict you due to non payment in which you had no proof that you had paid. This guy knew what he was doing. He did it to get your money and it worked. I'm so sorry this happened to you but let it be a lesson learned.
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@baldeagleblogs (21)
• Mexico
21 Apr 08
First mistake, breaking the law by assisting tax evasion. Second mistake, paying in cash. At least if you had gotten money orders you could have some evidence of payment. My advice, leave now.
@vetswife101 (15)
21 Apr 08
With all due respect...seriously? I have definetly learned a lesson in all of this. But I don't think I elaborated in my first post about the rent. When he told us no receipt, I had a checking I would cash a check in the amount of rent and write the month paid in the memo. As of December I no longer had the account, and very stupidly started the cash thing. The proper authorities have been notified, and not by me about the evasion going on.