who has seen any of the Star Wars movies?
By hellcowboy
@hellcowboy (7374)
United States
April 20, 2008 8:00pm CST
Who has seen any of the Star Wars movies? If so how many of them? How many times have you seen them? Where did you see them?Did you like them? Do you own any of them? which one is your favorite? whats your favorite scene out of it? who is your favorite chracter? Do you prefer the light side or the dark side? Whats your favorite weapon out of the movies? I personally love the Star Wars movies,I always have and I always will. I've seen all of them Episode I:Phantom Menace, Episode II : Attack of the Clones, Episode III : Revenge of the Sith, Episode IV : A New Hope, Episode V : The Empire Strikes Back, and Episode VI : Return of the Jedi, and ive watched all of them atleast two or three times each, and im gonna keep watching them because I cant get enough of Star Wars. They are like my favorite movies of all time. The first time i saw Episode IV : A New Hope, my uncle, who used to always talk about Star Wars all the time, and actually talked me into watching it, let me borrow it, and im very thankful that he talked me into watching it.I now own all six movies including the Special box set trilogy of the last three movies, all of them I own are VHS except for Episode III and I hope to one day get the other five on DVD. I honestly have to say picking a favorite movie out of the six is quite difficult, but id have to say it would be one of the last three, because I think they are a little bit better than the first three, but dont get me wrong the first three are awesome too. I do know however my favorite scene is when Luke Skywalker is on approach to the destroy the first Death Star ,all other X-Wings have been take out, and Darth Vader is hot on Lukes trail,just when you think Luke is doomed, Han Solo swoops in out of nowhere and scenes Darth Vade hurling through space.This is part of the reason Han Solo is my favorite chracter, the other reasons are hes very witty and always has something smart too say. Also he flies the Millenium Falcon which i think is the best space vehicle in the whole movie.I always root for the Jedi because they are guardians of peace and protectors of the galaxy, and id have to say my favorite weapon is the lightsaber cause it can deflect blaster bolts and it causes some bad guys to run at the mere sight of it.
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6 responses
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
8 Jun 08
I have seen all the 6 episodes - from the old series - on television a couple of times, and the first 3 episodes from the new series on television as well. I don't own any of them, and i have not seen them in the cinema either. I think i will try to see the other 3 from the new series on my computer as soon as i finish with the other films i already have here on it.
Take care !
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Thats cool that you have seen all six Episodes,and that you have seen them all on television,that sucks that you do not own any of them,and that you have not seen any of them in the cinema,and I hope that you do see the other three from the new series on your computer as soon as you finish with the other films on your computer, have a good day,good luck in your life,and Happy Posting.
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@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
I saw all 6 movies, my favorites are episodes 5 and 6.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
21 Apr 08
im glad you've seen all six movies,and I wish everyone would take the chance to watch them all. I agree Episode V and Episode VI are really good,but why are Episode V and Episode VI your favorites? When is the last time you watched Episodes V and Episodes VI, and do you plan on watching them again any time in the near future?
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@visijay32 (447)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
I like the way they developed Lord Vader's character in V and VI; from a man with no hope for salvation to a man who redeemed himself worthy to join the light side of the Force. Episodes I to III focused on how Annakin Skywalker became Darth Vader but the his decision for joining the Dark Side of the Force lacks reason (that's my opinion). I think they could have done better if during the story, Annakin Skywalker saw corruption abound at the highest echelon of the Jedi Council.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I admit that the way they developed Darth Vader's character ,and I really like how he went from agent of the dark side who had nothing to a man who redeemed him self in the end in the eyes of his son, by saving his throwing the emperor into the shaft, basically killing himself as well, to save his son, and the galaxy.I think Obi-wan and Yoda knew that Luke would save his father, since they knew he was the chosen one.And I know that Anakins fall to the dark side lacks reason, and it would have been better if it had been more thought out and if he had seen corruption, but you have to stop and think, George Lucas made Episodes VI,V, and VI first, and then when he went back to make I, II, and III he only had so much time to create them,and there was only so much he could do, because he had to make sure that by number III that the events that played out would lead up to Anakin being Dart Vader, and Palpatine being the emperor, and the dark side being in control, and the Jedi being down to just Obi-Wan and Yoda,and they had to make sure that they did what they could to help show how Luke and Leia came into the picture, I admit that I, II, and III werent the best they could be, but at the same time I think they did the best that they could with what they could,however, it would have been better if they had made them in order starting with I all the way to VI instead of starting in the middle and having to go back and make the begining.
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@Foxfire1875 (2010)
9 Jun 08
I've seen them all but only really like the first 3 - episodes 4/5/6. Although the effects aren't as good I just thought they had the better storyline.
I've got them all on dvd and it's been ages since I've seen them so I might watch them all together once Euro 08 is finished.
My favourite character is Han Solo. He's the perfect opposite to the goody goody Luke and Leia and of course the Millenium Falcon my all time favourite space ship.
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@Foxfire1875 (2010)
9 Jun 08
Oops forgot to say I've seen them all on the big screen apart from episode 3.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
10 Jun 08
Yeah Episodes IV,V,VI do have an awesome storyline,and the effects were not that great on the original release, thats why I got the special edition trilogy because they went back and redid some of the special effects,and I do hope you sit down and watch them all again,and yeah Han Solo is the man,and he is the opposite of the goody Luke and Leia and the Millenium Falcon rocks,have a good day,good luck in your life,and Happy Posting my friend.
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@grunge_avenged (552)
• Canada
25 Apr 08
Yes I have seen all of the Star Wars movies. I do not know exactly how many times I have seen them .. I can imagine the original first 3 a number times and the latest 3 once or twice each. I do not really know who my fav character would be .. I guess Yoda because he is funny and cool hah. I prefer the light side I suppose. My fav weapon? I wouldnt really know about that .. The double sided light sabre is pretty cool though :D Oh and I have seen the latest 3 Star Wars movies in the theatres but the first 3 were before I was even born.
@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
25 Apr 08
Thats cool that you've seen all the Star Wars movies,but it sucks that you dont remember how many times you have seen them,Yeah I bet everyone has seen Episode IV, Episode V, and Episode VI more than Episode I, Episode II,and Episode III and Yoda is a preatty good choice,because he is very funny,and he is cool,and he can handle himself as good as any other person,and besides hes like the most powerful Jedi,so I can see why you would like Yoda. Its cool that you like the light side,it sucks to hear that you dont know what your favorite weapon is,and I agree that the double-bladed lightsaber is awesome.Thats cool,that you saw Episode I,Episode II,and Episode III in theaters,and I bet Episode IV, Episode V,and Episode VI came out long before most of us were born,except for the ones of parents generation and older.Ive seen Episode I and Episode II in theaters and I wanted to see Episode III but I never got the chance to go see it.
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@Citizen_Stuart (2016)
8 Jun 08
I like all the Star Wars films, including Episodes 1-3. I think my favourites would be Episodes 4 and 5. I didn't like the Ewoks in "Return of the Jedi" or the robots in any of the films (they're cute - I hate cute). I currently own the original trilogy on VHS. One day I'd like to see all the films in the cinema over the course of the same weekend - that would be an experience. Of course I also like to watch parts of Episode 4 wearing Pulfrich glasses - the 3D effect works really well during the trench scenes.
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
9 Jun 08
Thats cool that you like all the Star War movies,and Episodes IV and V are awesome,and I thought the Ewoks were cute,and I do not see how anyone could hate cute lol,and yes it would be quite and experience to see all the films in the cinema over the course of one weekend, and it sounds like 3D effects would definately make scenes like the trench scenes stand out.
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@DarthJustice (2013)
• United States
29 Sep 08
I've seen all six of the Star Wars movies. I've only watched each of the three prequels once since they were released. With the original trilogy however, I've watched those so many times that I honestly could not tell you anywhere close to an accurate estimate of how many times I've seen them. I did love them but I only own episodes five and six. I had episode four, but it got torn up in a VCR a few years back. I haven't gotten around to purchasing the series on DVD yet, but I will some day. I saw five of the six movies in theaters. I saw the originals back in 1997 when they were rereleased. I saw episodes one and two in theaters as well. Episode three was the only one I didn't get to watch in theaters. As a matter of fact, over the summer was the very first time I got to watch it and that was on television. I'm not really sure I could pick a favorite. But if I had to, it would either be Revenge of the Sith or Return of the Jedi.
All in all though, Star Wars is one great franchise!
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@hellcowboy (7374)
• United States
30 Sep 08
That is cool that you have seen all six Star Wars movies,and I can understand that you would only watch the three prequels once because they are not as good as the original trilogy,and I know what you mean by not being able to even estimate how many times you have seen the original trilogy,and I hope you get to get them on DVD one day,I have only seen Episodes I and II because the original ones were in theaters way before I was born,and yeah I know how hard it is to try and pick a favorite because Star Wars is a great franchise,thanks for responding,have a great day,good luck in your life,and Happy Posting.