do you ever get nervous on the phone?

April 21, 2008 1:55am CST
i just started working in the media company, and have to make phone calls to various companies domestic and aborad. i got so nervous on the phone that i can't even speak's embarassing. does it ever happening to you? how do you cope with it?
6 responses
@gloamglozer (1289)
• Australia
21 Apr 08
yea, i get that too, even when i call my friends. Thats mainly because im not really comfortable around people. Even though that im not really interacting with them face to face it still makes me nervous nonetheless. I try coping with it by just not thinking about it too much, sometimes i just let go and yes it does make me say some random and irrelevant things sometimes but at least i was comfortable saying it though, but i understand u cant really do that in your situation and all and the calls u make are of a serious matter. I hope you improve with that and talk smoothly soon.
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• China
21 Apr 08
3x! it makes me feel good that there is people like me. haha. let us improve together. maybe we can call each other on the phone. as we know we will get nervous, we are allowed to be nervous!!
• Australia
22 Apr 08
lol! thats true. only problem is that youre in china, but i guess we could still call each other over the internet if we really wanted to. Do u really want to have a chat with me over the phone?
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@jayalaksmi (1039)
• India
10 May 08
Yes sometimes i also face the same situation. There have been sometimes in my life when i also felt nervous but the most important thing in this situation is learning from this situation. Every time we encounter such situation then we should try to point out our mistakes and be prepared for the next similar situation which will slowly help us to get experience on this.
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• China
11 May 08
you are right. just don't afraid of making mistakes, but more importantly, learn your lesson! thanks for you opinion!!
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
Yes, as a matter of fact, if i am speaking to a stranger i would always feel nervous, moreso if they are clients that i need to talk to or convince of something... But when i got a job as a customer service representative and was on the phone 8 hours daily, 5 days a week, i got used to talking to people, i have not been nervous in job interviews, and yes... i guess it was just practice that helped me get over the nervousness.
@SukiSmiles (1991)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I've had that happend before and I'm sure it will happen again. Just remember to speak slowly and clearly. And if you are trying to sell a product or service to someone and they say no - just remember they are not saying no to you, but to what you are offering. Sometimes, I feel like why don't you like this and I take it personally, but you can't do that or you'll always get nervious and never want to make more calls. You can also breath deeply (not loudly), that will also help.
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@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
i always get nervous on the phone, i am not a good speaker i guess. i get nervous talking to people specially if i dont know them personally. my sister once told me to apply as a call center agent but when she told me that the first interview is through phone i back out. i know i will fail with that because i am not good in talking on the phone.
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• China
21 Apr 08
it is very much a big deal. let's try to overcome this problem. cheers! fighting!!
@bjcyrix (6901)
• Philippines
21 Apr 08
Yes! As a matter of fact I hate talking to people on the phone. Well, actually its fine when Im talking to my friends or relatives but I hate sales talk, may they be on the phone or in person. Im just not comfortable selling stuff to people. Same way that im not comfortable borrowing money from them. Its unfortunate too because im taking up entrepreneurship and it needs a lot of sales talk. Luckily, I have other group member who are a lot more talkative than me so I assign them to be the one to do the sales talk. wahahaha! When I graduate and get out of to real world, Ill probably hire someone to do things for me given that I have the budget. Thats the good thing about being an entrepreneur, you get to be your own boss. You dont even have to think of new products, you can hire people to think them up for you. You jsut gotta sell it and keep your business afloat. Though, when times that I do have to talk like the one you describe, I pretend that Im the boss of the one im talking to, and im not really trying to concvince them to do what I say but I tell them. This is just in my head, so I still try to keep my cool while talking but there are just those times that I cant think of anything to say. When that happens, I dont speak think for a while then when they say 'hello?are you there?', Ill just say yes and say what I thought up and pretend the 'silent lapse' didnt happen. Hope that helps and just want you to know, you're not alone.^_^