Do you get on and do those horrid jobs
By p1kef1sh
@p1kef1sh (45681)
April 21, 2008 7:58am CST
or wait until later. I am a great procrastinator about the things that I am supposed to be doing. But when I want something done, then suddenly it's all "let's get on with it right now". I have a small pile of dishes waiting to go in the dishwasher, which in turn needs emptying. The whole exercise will take me five minutes. So why do I keep putting it off? Every time I go into the kitchen the dishes look at me as if to say "Well?" What jobs do you put off until you can stand it no more?
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27 responses
@kbourgerie (8780)
• United States
21 Apr 08
The same as you, the dishes. I can't stand doing the dishes even though I make it harder on myself than I need to. I've got a dishwasher, but rarely use it, chosing instead to do the dishes by hand. I always find that by the time I've rinsed them thoroughly that I could have washed them myself, but do I do that? NO! Instead, I let them pile up until I can't stand it any longer.
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@ruby222 (4847)
21 Apr 08
I do put off..yes...but when I actually start I tend to go into overdrive...and get a wee bit carried away....all manner of things go through the washer...fleeces that haventseen the light of day for years...lighter jumpers that need a freshen up..even though they havent been worn for three or four years....and I go on..until I have driven myself to the brink of insanity....and then I cast my eye over my dolls house...and think to myself...Why the heck did I doesnt look any different!!!!
But thats my tale....
My plates are done the Nannette Newman way...but my hands resemble a rhino`s rear end.....
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Worst job I have is giving the dog a bath, I say after while I'm gonna give you a bath, and it seems to never happen, he don't like it, I don't like it, there is a mess to clean up with the water on the floor and the tub to clean, but then the next day I say mommy gonna give you a bath today, and we go through the same ordeal till finally I just can't stand to look at him any more and grab him up and do it.
Would the job of loading the dishwasher look any better if we didn't have to unload it first, something we should of probably done when they finished the night before. I find now that I have turned in age to the 60's I put off everything till I can't take it anymore then got twice as much to do. There is just somethings in life we hate doing I guess, and they will still be there tomorrow but they don't look any better tomorrow.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I have a husband and although he does help me, I do it all when it comes to any paper work that has to be filled out, or appointments ot make or see tht he gets to them or that he takes his medicine, and I think the running with him is what wears me down to a points I just don't want to do anything. So I keep putting it off. When I said I do, I did not realize it meant do it all!
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
21 Apr 08
The way I see it, if I don't do it today, it will be there waiting for me tomorrow, it's not going anywhere, so let it stay there! I'll do it when it hits me to do it. Sorry, but I'm horrible about things like that. I'm not a housekeeper, truly. I'm kind of surprised I'm admitting this here, but it seems I am. My house is always a mess. And I don't mean that a few things are out of place. I mean a mess! But it's my mess, and it's Stu's and the cats', so it's a comfortable mess and I'm ok with it. If I had more energy reserves, I think it would be in better shape, but I don't have them. I had a burst of energy while ago, and got some things done, and I even think I have a bit more in me, so I'm going to do a bit more work shortly. Ya know, I wonder how many people with fibromyalgia have very well kept, orderly homes. And, hey, you know what they say - creative minds are rarely tidy! Good excuse, huh? I'm a sculptor, so I'm creative. And very rarely tidy. So if you're planning on visiting any time soon, give me notice! Gotta clean up!
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@novataylor (6570)
• United States
21 Apr 08
We laugh and cry and love and who cares about the dishes? Wow, p1ke, words to live by! You are SO my kind of guy!
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@ellie333 (21016)
24 Apr 08
Grrr Dishwasher, I left a note before I went to work on Monday for my daughter to empty so I could load, but guess who ended up doing it? Yes ME. It is in fact a job I don't mind. The one I always avoid until I really have no clothes left to wear is the ironing. The pile creeps higher and higher and I will go to the wardrobe and get ready ironed out rather than go through the pile for something I really do want to wear but can't be bothered to iron. Crazy thing is once I make a start I plough my way through quite quickly as long as I have some good music on in the background, but then its the putting away. I always intend to sort cupboards out too and never get round to it but on here the other day someone asked what I would do with my time if I wasn't on myLot and I replied all the jobs I intend to do round the house and never get round too, made me feel guilty so I did managed one cupboard in the kitchen, yippee. Its a start. Ellie :D
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@ellie333 (21016)
24 Apr 08
Excellent idea GreenMoo but my work uniform needs to be pristene and if I didn't iron that just right I'd be hauled over hot coals so I am unable to do that. I do tend to buy materials that don't need ironing where I can though, but thanks for the suggestion a good one. Ellie :D
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@GreenMoo (11833)
24 Apr 08
I have a suggestion for those of you who hate ironing ... throw away your iron!!
The world will not stop spinning, and you will feel allot less guilty trying to avoid the ironing pile.
I chucked mine out about 4 years ago, and haven't looked back. I just wear stuff that doesn't need ironing and take care hanging it.
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@Elixiress (3878)
27 May 08
I tend to prioritise thing based on how soon they need to be done, so I will put of the horrid jobs for more pleasant jobs if the pleasant jobs need to be done sooner than the horrid ones, but I do get the horrid ones done when they need to be done.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
24 Apr 08
Well there is only one job that I will do the to lol and that is ironing
I hate ironing there is only me and even if there is only 2 items I will put it of lol
I always had clothes that did not need ironing so when I did not have to iron Kids Uniforms any more it was fine but recently bit by bit I have bought clothes as I needed to I did not have many but the Trousers I like wearing and that are comfy NEED IRONING
So I had to go and buy an Iron I guess lol

@mnflower (1299)
• United States
21 Apr 08
Oh I am so quilty of putting things off especially if it is nice outside, all of my inside stuff is put on the back burner and although I know I will get them all done I tend to wait until I really have to get it done, then it just takes me minutes and it is done, why do I do this I often ask myself..I work at home so it is easy to get lost in whatever I am doing at the time the rest just have to wait dishes mine are in the dish water now I will get back to them the next time I decide to walk that way or else they will wait until I decide to go into that room...The hardest one that I always put away is the dusting it is a never ending job and when your done in one area I live in the country you look back at the first area and it is already covered so I really tend to put that off alot.
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@Arkadus (895)
• Canada
21 Apr 08
I put stuff I don't want to do untill well, I do it. Like dishes I have no point of 'can't stand it anymore' They've gotten so bad at a few points in time I had no more clean ones. MOst people would do the dishes then. Not me, I just washed a plate and something to eat with and went on my merry way. I suppose I'll eventually do the whole 'might as well' thing but yeah, I have no problems letting them sit there.
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@moneyandgc (3428)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Laundry is my downfall. I have no problem washing and drying it. It is the folding and putting away that gets me every time. I just hate doing it!
I put it off and put it off...
Sitting here on mylot is much more interesting.
I can justify it too. I am learning and earning money at the same time so it can't be bad to spend so much time here instead of folding laundry right? Right?
@GreenMoo (11833)
24 Apr 08
You sound just like my dearly beloved. He'll ignore stuff and ignore stuff and ignore stuff, then all of a sudden something in him will snap and he'll go into a housework frenzy. Of course, then, everyone else has to join in. It drives me absolutely bananas!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I can certainly be like that as well. It is all or nothing with me, if I can't give something my full attention and completely get it all done, and done well in the amount of time I have, I don't like to do it. But I do make myself finish everything before my husband gets home every night. He is a great motivator because nothing is worse than his critical nagging. :)
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@p1kef1sh (45681)
22 Apr 08
Poor you. So it's not just wives that nag then. LOL. I am the house husband here. But I have to be fair to my wife, she doesn't nag. She just looks around her, rolls her eyes and does it herself. That makes me feel about one inch high. So I endeavour to get stuff done before she gets home.
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@mummymo (23706)
6 May 08
Oh honey you have no idea! Ok I can't really do any of the physical jobs but even doing little things like phone calls that need to be made and forms that need to be filled out - even filing my bills etc all take me days if not weeks to sort out until all of a sudden one day I just decide to do them all and gwet it all over and done with at once! xxx

@p1kef1sh (45681)
6 May 08
I am having one last look at to my huge surprise and delight my favourite Scottish Mummy is here. I binge my jobs too. I should have done the lawns this morning, but I also have to check the oil in the car and pack the things that the Boss forgot - nothing important of course. Off I go then. Love to you Mummymo. Gosh I wish I lived in Scotland sometimes.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I'm the same way...
I procrastinate on dishes at times but mostly laundry. I wash when I need to but I procrastinate at folding them and putting the clothes away. Basically they sit in my basement until they get worn because half the time, I don't put them away.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 May 08
the dishes and the newspapers. finally I get so many in
nmy bedroom that I stack them in my foldable grocery
cart and haul them to the dumpster. I wish I would not
let them accumulate like that as its so messy. now I
have dishes in the sink glaringat me and I have to do
do something only now I am fighting this painful
and ugly shingles. knew there was a reason to keep the
kitchen clean lol wish I had a fairy godmother to wave
her wand and just get it all done for me lol
@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I am much like you and your first responder, Ruby. I put off ALL jobs.. easy, hard, horrible, not so horible. I am Queen of Procrastinationville! But, once I get started I am gung-ho full speed ahead and sometimes find myself tackling other projest that I had also put off
Right now.. my nemisis is my bedroom. It is very cuttered and seems to be the catch-all for the whole house. I know it will only take me an hour or so.. but that is an hour I could use for FUN things
One day I'll get it done