How the world is being taken over by ISLAM !
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
United States
April 21, 2008 8:16am CST
Here is a link to an excerpt from a book that closely exaimines how Islam actually is functioning around the world in various countries. Each country is categorized as to the percentage of the population that is Muslim. Would you believe that the behavior of Muslims can be similarily classified as to the percentage of the country that is Muslim? Yes, this does make it look like someone has a plan.
What do you think? Does it not look like Islam really is intending to cause the world to submit to Islamic peace? Are looking forward to this "Peace"? Are you going to oppose or help Islam dominate the world?
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16 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I think the problem lies in the Fundamentalist Islamics who seem to follow the mainstream Muslims into these countries.
These would be the extremists or terrorists who see no other way then to rule the world under Sharia Law.
There is a very real danger since it is nearly impossible to know what a person believes and what they think.
While most Muslims say they just want to live in peace we all see the things that are occurring in Europe.
I watched the video that the_rulerput the link to about the difference between pre'79 Iran and now... and that makes the point exactly between Muslims and the Fundamentalists.
How do you think the Iranians would have accepted the revolution if they had known what it would have led to?
I am betting they would not have accepted it at all.
The problem is that the Fundamentalists are the ones who are following the Koran/Qur'an literally, as it is written, and while it may be argued that Christians do not completely follow the strict interpretation of the Bible, it would be a far different America if we did.
Judging by this article, and other reading, I do believe that thee are Islamics who want to rule the world under Sharia Law.
The president of Iran has said as much which he was stating his intent to destroy America... and bin Laden has made similar statements as well.
No, I have no intention of submitting to this so-called peace... sometimes peace is just another word for surrender... in the case of Islam peace is another world for fascism.
It is my intention to oppose Islamofacist world domination in any way I can.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I am with you as to opposing Islamic world domination.
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
23 Apr 08
I know that the majority of people in the Mideast are Muslims, and I knew that Iran was Muslim long before 1979.
I also know that it was a much different culture than it is today as a result of the revolution.
It is a good thing that your government is trying to keep Sharia Law from gaining any ground there, and I do hope you are successful in keeping it that way.
The sad fact remains that it seems that every where Islamics go the Fundamentalists are not far behind with the goal of inflicting Sharia Law on the population.
We see this as a danger to our way of life as well, because in the strictest since Sharia Law and the Muslim religion in a complete political system where religion become the law.
In America we have have laws that would normally prevent something like this from happening built into our Constitution, however there is a state that is indoctrinating 7th grade students into Muslim beliefs and portraying jihad as a good thing. Apparently the Separation of Church and State myth only applies to Christians for some reason.
I saw a map last night of Islamic cells in the US and found that there were a few relatively close to my location, and that there was a diagonal swath of influence already carved across the US.
I have no quarrel with what anyone believes as long as their belief does not impact my right to believe what I do, and as long as they are not a threat to me, my family, or my freedoms.
Sharia Law is such a threat.
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@the_ruler (1442)
• Turkey
22 Apr 08
I know how they accepted that revolution. I know how that kind of politics work in those countries because there are many people trying to accomplish the same thing here, however our army will never let them do such a thing.
When it comes to the way how they make people accept that kind of revolutions. But first, I want to say that it is not what Islam is in truth, it is misinterpretion.
The people in Iran before 1979 were mostly muslims also. the people you see in those photos are already muslim people. I mean , to be a muslim you don't have to wear black sheets or you don't have to get a horrible facial hair. In truth, it is not mentioned in Quran.
So, how did they achieve such a revolution?
This is not made in a very short time. They work so hard and very patiently in order to do that. First everything start with "brothers" who give lessons to the teenagers. They give the lessons about school stuff in order to help them, plus they also establish some "meetings" to mention about believes and "peace".
Yes, they really mention about the believes and the peace if you look at the surface but if you look at it deeply, they are not mentioning those stuff. They are just brainwashing the teenagers who are already muslim, but they just brainwas them and slowly and patiently they change their minds about the religion.
After all, you see those people showing off their religious activities in public. The Quran mentiones that our worships shouldn't be used as a show off and it is a big sin, but they just do that and if anyone says "why do you do that here" they just say "do you question something that quran mentions?"
You know teenagers really well. If you take the chance to brainwash them, it is not very hard. After all,they will have achieved to create a community which is brainwashed. They really think they are following the right way, but in fact they are serving something evil. Then, somebody puts some arguements about religion to divide the people in the nation. They put some religious stuff. For example turban (the piece of cloth that covers women' heads). In fact, turban is not mentioned in quran but if a majority of people who mentions islam everywhere,also mentions turban you will think it is a necessity of islam even if it is not. Additionally, if you see someone againist it, you will think it is also againist your religion.
That means, those brainwashed people are now the defenders of such signs like turban, etc. and they show it like a necessity mentioned in Quran.
Then, it slowly grows among the people. If the governement is not able to give the necessary food to the people living in that country, then the opposite side (sheria supporters) will do that and they will also go on brainwashing. As long as they are providing such sources to the people, they will be more successful on brainwashing.
After all these things get established, they now have many people who blindly believe in them. The people are not believing actual islam, they are only believing the people who want to bring sheria.
Everybody didn't accept the revolution in iran in those years. There were many people againist it. but guess what? They were all killed...
Now, they are also trying to build a community who wants sheria in Turkey. and they have grown slowly. It has been more than 40 years since they have started doing that. The head of this situation is Fettullah Gulen. This person is not living in Turkey because as I have mentioned before, if someone says or does anything that would mean sheria in turkey, it is a crime. and Fettullah Gulen is a crimer for that. but by using the force of "brothers" he has some supporters over here.
Where does Fettullah Gulen live now?
This is what I am very annoyed about. In the US.
Now, Fettullah supporters voted for the current party. and they are removing the ban of Fettullah Gulen so he can come to Turkey again. While everything is that clear, our judges started a trial to close that party but whole west world is againist us and EU even says if Turkey still wants to be a member, that party shouldn't be closed.
I am very worried about my contry, and I am really annoyed about the support they recieve from foreign countries. :(

@Stiletto (4579)
21 Apr 08
I think statistics can say whatever you want them to say. That's why I always look at the source of the statistics to determine their agenda. Any website that has a "Jihad Watch" menu item tends to ring warning bells with me anyway!
The author of the book which the article is extracted from is Dr Peter Hammond, founder of the Frontline Fellowship and missionary zealot who apparently sees his purpose in life as converting every other religious group to Christianity. Fair enough I suppose, although personally I wouldn't relish world domination by Christianity anymore than I would world domination by Islam. Both groups seem to have more than their fair share of lunatics. However, as neither is likely to happen I won't lose sleep over it.
So to answer your questions: yes if you take the article at face value it does indeed look like Islam is intending to cause the world to submit to Islamic peace. Personally I don't give it that much credibility because of the source. I'm just looking forward to some peace in the world but unfortunately, as long as there are organised religions around, it seems a remote possibility. Finally, I would oppose any religion that wanted to dominate the world.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
21 Apr 08
We feel exactly the same about organized religion. Good for you!
As to a religious zealot being a source of good information, they are much the same as the dumbocrats and retardicans. Both dumbocrats and retardicans tell the truth when talking about each other. I believe it is the same with religious zealots of different religions. This being the case, I trust Dr. Hammond in this instance, but will ignore him when he talks about Christianity.
@ShardAerliss (1488)
21 Apr 08
I'd have thought dreaming up childish names would be above you Stiletto, after your wonderful first post on this thread.
As for parties speaking the truth about each other. Hah. Since when? They put spin on everythin, exaggerate or downplay anything, depending on what works best for them.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
21 Apr 08
This is an interesting aspect of the Islam and intriguing as well seeing as it is based on statistical information. What would be interesting to know in parallel though is the "softer" or more humanitarian fluctuations along the same lines?
Secondly, Islam aside; is it not a typical pattern that ANY group or "society" will exert an increase or decrease in their political, bureaucratic or social influences in direct accordance with their standing in the community? How much influence do the Catholics have on all aspects of life in Vatican City?? Are all decisions made out of this center in the best interests of the world of Catholics? I am loathe to use another religion as an example; but I hope my point is recognized here.
"Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components." How is this any different from Sinn Fein for example? Or how are the ethnic cleansing components any different from the former Yugoslavian situation? Or Rwanda?
Am I going to assist Islam to dominate the world? No. Nor will I assist any other cause. I will continue to remain true to my own ideals and the world will continue on as always.
As a foreigner living in a predominantly Muslim country; I just wish that those on this site that DO follow Islam would move to educate others to the positive aspects of Islam rather than the defensive and knee jerk or excessively reactive move that we as westerners only hear about.
The world understanding of Islam and Muslim's is the result of an extremely effective and persistent media and political machine. I too do not agree with many aspects of many religions to be honest; not just Islam. But I also do believe that the focus on the negative aspects of this reigns supreme as it serves other agendas. Articles like the one you have provided will flow like water for eternity! And although I am not questioning the validity of the statistics; I do have to question whether it is actually a well rounded overview of the religion as a whole. Does anyone HONESTLY believe that it is??
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
21 Apr 08
"Is it not a typical pattern that ANY group or "society" will exert an increase or decrease in their political, bureaucratic or social influences in direct accordance with their standing in the community?"
Absolutely YES! One prefers, however, for the increase in influence to be positive, not negative.
"Islam has religious, legal, political, economic and military components. How is this any different from Sinn Fein for example? Or how are the ethnic cleansing components any different from the former Yugoslavian situation? Or Rwanda?"
Very good comparisons. All the groups mentioned here are to be treated with suspicion.
"I do have to question whether it is actually a well rounded overview of the religion as a whole. Does anyone HONESTLY believe that it is?"
Yes, I do. As you mentioned earlier, the article is not based on mere people's opinions, but measurable statistics.
You mentioned you were loath to bring other religions into the discussion. Please, don't be. The other major religions of Christianity and Judaism would be every bit as inclined toward world conquest as Islam if they had not already been put in their place by the world at large because of earlier historic efforts to do just that.
All the world's large organized religions attract power hungry sociopaths seeking to manipulate the emotional masses yearning for spirtual guidance. It has always been that way. Islam is no different this way than the others, except that it is still too young to have been put in its place.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
21 Apr 08
Yes, statistics can be manipulated and that article appears biased. So, you make a good point and your position is not illogical.
Sometimes, though, the statistics are valid and what appears as bias is not. We all have to make our own decisions.
Thank you for responding. I like opposite opinions.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
21 Apr 08
This article is very telling about the unrest in the world and the cause of it. As you go down the list, the nations with the greatest Muslim populations are the ones with the most bloodshed and unrest. President Bush once spoke of the Axis of Evil. A lot of people critized his words but I think they were wisdom the world just wasn't ready to accept. Of course the evil, once they have banished all who are opposing them, with start to devour one another because that is their nature.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
21 Apr 08
I would agree with you. This article seems to be a good find.
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I agree with the article based only on the fact that as the Muslim population increases in a country, so do the number of radical or Jihadist Muslims. Many Muslims are law abiding citizens who would not think of harming anyone.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
11 Jun 08
I would go so far as to say the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful lawabiding citizens. The most serious problem is the radical Muslims. These people are emotionally unstable, violent prone, criminal personalty types using Islam as an excuse for their inappropiate behavior while feeling good about being a cold hearted sociopathic killer. Who needs or wants such people around?
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
11 Jun 08
It's a bold analogy, but I would go as far as saying the radical, jihadist Islamic are piranhas
of civilized society.

@beijair (206)
• United States
21 Apr 08
We should just get rid of religion and then our world would be at peace. No groups of people telling other groups of people how to live their lives and what will happen if they don't do as that specific group believes.
History is full of the Christian Religion and the Muslim Religion killing and torturing people and just being intolerant of anyone different.
I say down with religion and up with love and peace. I think jesus would agree.

@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
22 Apr 08
If I sold my worldly possessions, wouldn't I be one of the needy? Ain't I got a responsibility to not be one of the needy so as to not be a burden on others? Helping others is fine, but sometimes the most help to give some one is to teach them to help themselves. So, no, I'm not going to sell my worldly goods. I still need them.
I like a lot of what else you have to say, though.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
22 Apr 08
This is pretty much an enlightened position most people will not understand. For the most part I agree with you. Organized religions have all forgotten the purpose for which they were supposedly founded and serve to seek power and treasure for their religious leaders.
@beijair (206)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I just think if people actually cared and actually followed jesus and his teachings, they wouldn't be blogging but would instead, sell their worldly possessions and spend their free time helping the needy meet their needs. Even open their large homes and churches up to the homeless and hungry and use their cars to take the sick to the doctor and so on. I thought jesus would be all about doing such things but apparently he wouldn't based on the lack of action on the part of those that claim to follow him.
I was in one blog site and had a guy tell me that God Willed him to blog. Really! So I just couldn't figure out how staying home, in the comfort of one's home, eating their meals and having their clean water or other beverage or choice was more important than actually selling the computer and using the money to pay for the needs of someone. Apparently, god thought blogging was far more important.
Go figure

@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
11 Jun 08
I think there is nothing wrong with muslims and their religion.All the problems are created by Muslim extremist like Bin laden and other leaders.I am from India and here you can see different religion and i think there is no country in the world like us having different religion.We are also facing problems from muslim terrorist and it doesnt mean that all muslims are bad.The domination of one religion over the other is the cause all religious tension in different parts of the country.If we respect other religion then there will be no problem.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
11 Jun 08
Certainly, the vast majority of Muslims are peace loving people. I agree concerning respecting other's religions. That is the problem with most religions. Some sects of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam are very disrespectful of others religions. All three of these major religions have members who are disrespectful and contemptuous of other's religion. Until the notion of "My religion is THE ONE and everyone else is a non believer doomed to hell!" is finally cast aside, the various religions are always going to have problems getting along.
@sreejithsreenivas (10200)
• India
30 May 08
I think there is nothing wrong with Muslims and their religion and all muslim people are not bad.I am from India and i got some good muslim friends.Muslim fundamentalist are using Islam as a weapon to create unrest in different corners of the world by sponsoring terrorism.
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@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
13 May 08
I am certainly not looking forward to Islamic peace although the article in question has to be read with caution in particular with the actions that the Muslim population tends to take as their numbers grow. However, some of the assertions seem to have been born out in Canada. The article mentions 1.9% of the Canadian population is Muslim. This is correct according to the last census in 2006. The province of Quebec had to pass a law of "reasonable accommodation". The province refuses to let schools paint the windows of school gyms black so no one can look in. It is also not accepted that veiled women can enter banks and demand services in public offices unless they show their face. Also driver's licenses must have pictures showing the face. In Ontario we had a big uproar last year. There was pressure to allow Sharia law to abjudicate family matters such as property division in divorce and custody of children and present it as binding to the Family Courts. The reason why such a heated debate ensued was that Orthodox Jews had this priviledge for many many years. They did not want to change this because in this group women are held in high exteem and usually got a good deal. The upshot was that the Premier of Ontario decided to abolish all religiously abjudicated settlemnts. Only settlements of the Family Courts are now binding. I think as a society we do have to be vigilant and safeguard our established rights. As far as ghettos are concerned I am sure it contributes to unrest in France because of housing policies and discrimination. In Canada in big cities Muslim populations also seem to settle in certain areas in big groups but as far as I can see they are free to settle wherever they want. I guess it it strenghts in numbers and makes shops such as those selling halal stuff viable and put pressure on schools to change the curiculum if most of the kids are Muslim.
One comment you made about WW2 being a conspiracy puzzles me. I don't see it that way. There was a clear understanding that if Germany invaded Poland, Britain would declare war.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
13 May 08
WWII as time puts us further from it has more and more disturbing facts coming to light. Known for a long time is that Hitler and Stalin conspired over the invasion of Poland. Also known for a long time is that the German High Command General Staff conspired to conquer Europe with the planning begun at the end of WWI. The WWII invasion of France actually was done using German plans formulated before 1920. A key part of this conspiracy was that only dedicated members got promoted to the highest levels of the German military. This is how they kept control of it.
These 2 examples are long known. What about some of the recently exposed examples? Nah... let's not get into it. I upset too many people already without throwing gasoline on to the fire.
@WhatsHerName (2716)
• United States
13 May 08
Well maybe they will at least lower the gas prices? 

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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
13 May 08
Lower the gas prices? If Islam takes over the world? Yes, gas prices will become lower. After a few generations of Islam ruling the world, human civilization will devolve to the point there will no longer be any technology still working that would require gasoline. This would cause the price of gasoline to approach zero. It would still have some value as a cleaning agent, fire starter, and bomb component, but it would not longer be used in the long since wore out and unrepaired vehicals.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
5 Jun 08
I can't understand how ppl can read this and still think they are a peace loving group. It does look like they have taken steps to see to it that Islamic ppl are getting a hold in each and every country. That alone should be a sign of what their up to. What other group has a handful or more of their ppl in EVERY country?
Ppl better start waking up or one day we're gonna be waking up to burka's and Quran's.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
5 Jun 08
They do have some eloquent spokespersons confusing the issue.
@ummismail (42)
• United States
12 May 08
Wow i guess you put a lot into saying what every your saying, whats so wrong with islam taking over as you say. its not like you have done a better job.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
12 May 08
Certainly, I've not done a good job of running the world. I can't disagree with that.
Why not Islam? Because Islam, along with Christianity and Judaism, are all demonstrably false beliefs. Then why do these 3 major religions exist?
All three of these major religions are nothing more than a means for their respective religious leaders to have power, influence, and in some cases wealth.
Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are schemes for the manipulation of people and the empowerment of a few.
@moon317318 (692)
• Pakistan
13 May 08
ISLAM will overtake the whole of the world before the doomsday, the day of judjemant....
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
13 May 08
Without doubt, when Islam takes over the world, the doomsday, the day of judgement, will be at hand.
@rogue13xmen13 (14402)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I do not think that they really want peace. What religion wants peace? I do not think any of them do. Let us just do away with religion altogether.
@keep_onwatch (2680)
• India
22 Apr 08
Of course im not gonna help them, but im not sure about opposing them either. Coz there are pretty good amount of ppl who really want to dominate, but there r also ppl who r muslims who really dont care, instead they oppose too. But i do have to agree that most of the muslims behaviour depends on the percentage of their population, i have witnessed it. But as far as opposing is concerened, what can we probably do about it?
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
22 Apr 08
The beauty of opposing religious scams is that for the most part, you have to do nothing. Merely understanding what is going on is sufficient when enough people have knowledge.