Are these just lies!

April 21, 2008 10:46am CST
This has been on my mind for a very long time and just haven't expressed myself in what I believe! What are we? How did life all start? How can their be just one thing when we die? When I first brought this up, I spent a while rounding up all the possiblities around today! The religions, their beliefs, our beliefs! How can there only be ONE religion that we beieve in, yet there are so many all over the world that differ in many ways? Christians die and go to heavan? What is heavan, why if we die we go to heavan? What happens to all the other people who are muslims or are members in scientology? They die as people, but where do they go! If where they go is true, there must be so much more around our earth than we expect! But its not, nothing is there! We die, We Die, thats it! But no! We were forced as children to join the faith that our parents were and now thats what we are today? Do you not agree with me that somethings that we were told do not make the slighest of sense! We are people today, please comment everything you want to! I need to know if you are a person agrees and sometimes put a question to our faith! Jack
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