
Silly Drunks - Ever done something so embarrassing that you still hear about it today?
United States
April 21, 2008 9:51pm CST
Ok, Has anyone done something so insane either sober or drunk that you hear about it today? I have 2 of them to be exact, both had to be when I had one too many to drink:1) I don't remember what was being said to me, but usually when I'm tipsy, I tend to laugh at everything. One time when I was with a bunch of friends/co-workers, I fell off a bar stool and was laughing so much that I pee all over my clothes, the floor, and even a guy I had a crush on. It was so bad that this guy happened to have a pair of sweat pants in his car that I had to use. What's even worst, I couldn't dress myself, I had to have my co-workers help me out. With that being said... I go to work on Monday and they're like.. "so, how's the sweats doing?"2) This I don't remember, but both my brother and his friend told me the same story... again had one too many to drink, was a little to warm and decided to go commando style. I was singing, dancing, and slapping guys with my boobs. Since then, I don't drink and if I do, I know my limits. I'll save the embarrassments for someone else. LOL
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