how to handle the relationship with the roommates

April 21, 2008 10:05pm CST
I am a girl who is working hard to gain my master degree.One day,I found that two of my roommates were planning a research project which was aimed at gaining a financial support from a international law firm.I know they did it.And I asked them,they just said they knew nothing about it and did not do anything.I feel upset and be cheated.They two also have many other secrets. I am a honest person and I like to share my feelings and my experience with the persons around me.The two like to know everything about me but they are mean to share with me about theirs! How to handle such situation?I mean,they are my roommates.I have to see them everyday.When I look at them,I see the ones who cheated me and then I feel very very unhappy. Should I try to talk with them or is there anything I can do to help me out of the bad mood?
1 response
24 Jun 10
you don't be to care about this things.You are an adults.Everyone has his own life.