Are kids getting dumber and dumber?
By coffeeshot
@coffeeshot (3783)
April 21, 2008 10:05pm CST
I was watching a documentary on teenage parents the other night and I noticed how they and their peers talk. Every second word is "like" and the answers they gave were of a fifth grade standard judging by the languaged that was being used.
This made me think, is technology such as mobile phones and computers making our kids dumb?
Even when I've received birthday cards or letters off young people they write in "msn" language. Eg: 'Merry Xmas Happy Nu Year- Cya nxt year! Luv _____'
I propose we knuckle down on school kids and get them reading again. And I don't mean trashy magazines. Anyone agree?
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35 responses
@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I am a teen mom. I am not a teen any more (22) but when I had my first I was almost 18. I will admit I still say "like" quite often while I am talking. But other than that I dont abrivate many things, expessially talking to somebody or sending them a nice birthday card or a holiday card in general. I do believe that parents should be teaching their children to keep reading and they should learn to talk like a regular person and not like they are still texting on a cell phone. I completely agree!!
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@beijair (206)
• United States
24 Apr 08
i think it is important to have them read but i think it is even more important to teach them to think critically and logically about things. to question everything and then workout the answers in their heads. if a child ask you a question, give them back a question and ask them why they think it would be possible, tell them to develop alternative answers and then work them out logically. imagine how better your child will be to face the world challenges and college and then business.
too many children just accept what they are told to be truth. kind of like the god thing.
look at how many just believed bush when he make his lies about going to war, when he sent his people to speak and give the support for war in the media...attempting to snow the world and the american people. those that do not think critically, will believe it and did.
now, we have a mess and i feel so sorry for all those families that have losts sons and daughters, father and mothers in a war, in katrina, lost homes and jobs and now are paying record prices for gas. Because NO ONE in power would stand up and question, expose and make an example. we don't teach out kids to stand up and question. we teach them to just accept what they are told and follow. of course, we are going to produce a nation of ignorant children.
however, if you speak with kids today, they are more intelligent, they just don't know the basics that were taught years before.
@eden32 (3973)
• United States
22 Apr 08
In your example of a Christmas card, I don't see that as a big deal. If you are sending a holiday card to your good friend, using informal or even 'special' language is appropriate. I think of that the same way I think of pet names or code words that you may use with your family or close friends.
It's when a young person (or a person of any age) doesn't know that it's inappropriate that drives me nuts. One should use correct spelling & grammar on school reports, job applications, referrals, doctor forms, etc.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I don't think it is going to get any better anytime soon.In fact it may get worse.I don't know how much English grammar is on the test the students have to pass. But if there isn't that much, the students won't learn it in school. And unfortunately parents don't have the time to teach them grammar. Or even worse, parents don't know grammar to teach their kids.
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@faith210 (11224)
• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Hi coffeshot! I agree with you completely. I have been quite shocked with the niece of my hubby who is in high school and couldn't seem to write a simple English composition. It is sad if education has somehow became substandard nowadays. Just my thoughts dear friend! Take care and have a nice day!

@tessah (6617)
• United States
23 Apr 08
you were watching a documentary on teenage parents.. a bunch of kids that couldnt grasp the simple use of birthcontrol. why are you so surprised they act unintelligent? they are! not all young people behave this way nor speak ignorantly. but they arent the ones on tv showing off their ignorance and offspring, theyre doing their homework and making something of their futures.
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
23 Apr 08
These particluar kids were actually making a go of it and continuing their education. One girl was an A student, a classically trained pianist and came from a christian family. The story was about how not all teenage parents are welfare bludgers.
Although some of them weren't the brightest crayons in the box they were still doing their best to live a decent life. They just happened to use this new language.
@grasshopper5257 (438)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
Good reply, Tessah! You are right, there are those that are not sucked into ignorance!
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@terpcrazy03 (64)
• United States
22 Apr 08
To be fair you were watching a program on teenage parents. I would argue that teenage parents are not exactly the best and brightest teenagers for the most part. I mean they were not smart enough to use protection. But yes it does seem like kids are getting more and more dumb.
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@eden32 (3973)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I'm sorry but as a former teen parent, that's a moronic statement. Many of us became parents not because we weren't bright enough to use birth control or to use it correctly, but rather because all birth control has inherent failure rates. A teen's body is (usually) in optimum health & prime fertility. If bc fails, a young woman is far more apt to conceive than her older counterpart.
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@magrylouyu (1627)
• United States
22 Apr 08
eden32 I agree with you! This is why it's so hard to be a teen parent as so many people THINK that just because we're young we are crappy parents. I saw this one mom in a store one time maybe late 30's with a toddler about as old as my oldest (4) and she was grabbing her by the arm screaming at her telling her to shut up because too many people were starring! I'm sorry but when my children throw fits in the store I just laugh or ignore it. I have gotten compliments from people saying how great I am with my children! NOT all teens are bad parents. and NOT all OLDER parents are any better by any means. Birth control really does have a low percentage it doesnt always work.
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@beijair (206)
• United States
24 Apr 08
Many kids can't help it. What do we expect when we raise them to believe in burning bushes that talk and that this bush is god and that he is your father that will torture you if you do not do what he tells you but you can never see this father or hear him until the day you are either tortured or get great fantastic rewards in heaven and get to live for ever with all your other lucky friends and family. These kids are expected to believe such things, are threatened to believe it, and don't use one lick of critical thinking in the process. of course many of them are going to be less intelligent and unable to think for themselves.
however, i can look at it in another way and say, at least my child will be independent and be raised to think critically, and question everyone, even those that claim to speak for the burning bush.
i watched a video on youtube with a teenage telling his mother he didn't believe in god....WOW...she became so angry, yelled at him and then told him if he didn't believe in god then he wouldn't get any christmas gifts because the holiday was for it happens more often than one would think.
i have seen it in friends i had growing up...if they were to tell their parents they didn't believe, it was almost better that they were tortured by fire...really sick behavior by adults.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
Hi coffeeshot, I doubt that kids are getting dumber, but I do agree that it would be great to get our young people reading more, especially the classics. I see a lot of very bright kids, as well as well as those on the other end of the scale. The majority will make good citizens someday. Blessings.
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@alamode (3071)
• United States
22 Apr 08
HA! We sound like our parents!!
Its getting to the point where there aren't enough hours in the day... that explains the short-cutting down to 'message-speak'... we try to do as much as possible within as little time as possible.
As to the 'like'... its a built-in pause, to give the speaker a chance to slow their brain down to their mouth... older folks say 'um...' or 'ah...'.
Its always good to me for people to speak at all... with all the sarcasm out there, people tend to say nothing for fear of being ridiculed. I was that way most of my life... what a relief it is to jabber on without being self-conscious anymore!
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@beijair (206)
• United States
23 Apr 08
Well, i would guess the fact that we do not teach our kids to use critical thinking and logic in life, such as in response to religion and those type of teaching that are claimed yet lack any proof. I would say we are fighting an uphill battle. we really need to teach them to question and seek answers to understand in stead of just believing,,,yes mommy, there is a santa, i saw him and he is real. clearly, this doesn't lead to intelligent thinking practices.
@rpegan (596)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Teachers can't teach and children refuse to learn. I may sound old when I say this, but I played outside when I was a kid and if I watched television, I watched something like Bill Nye- not Spongebob. When the internet got big, I refused to use the dreadful "Netspeak."
It makes me sick because it's not just young people doing it now. It's like the plague sweeping through generations.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
23 Apr 08
I Understand and agree...
These young ones are pretty good about shortening their speech, but its what comes out that gets to me..These 2 girls came in my store and it was "Dude this and dude that"
and the other good one "You know what i mean" over and over..after awhile i had to ask why she was calling her friend a Dude? LOL..
All of my children were raised to respect and talk right around adults..its alot to do with peer presure and how they are raised
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@hitsman99 (42)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
I broke my daughter of the habit of using the word like by counting on my fingers every time she said "like". As she talked i would raise another finger every time she said "like". This became so annoying to her she stopped using the word like improperly. I agree that the kids need to read more these days. At the same time we should correct them when they do use vocabalry in the wrong format
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@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
23 Apr 08
What a great idea! I think all parents should do this! It really is annoying and I've heard some young people on buses abuse that word so much while talking to each other-so much it becomes annoying and really irritating.
@grasshopper5257 (438)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
Well, I agree that reading would help in educating our young. But, I think that it is more than just education. I believe that it is a moral decline in our society. Our youngsters seem to think that being bad is good. So, they copy the trash talk that they hear on MTV and on the hip hop radio stations. This shows not only in the way that they talk but also in their behavior, dress, and how they relate to people that are in authority. I am 50 yrs old, and my mother is in her 70's and we both have seen huge changes in our youth, in our not so many yrs! We talk about it fairly regular and are dismayed as to when enough will be enough. How much more moral decline can our society take? I keep wondering what the next shocking craze will be, I hope us oldsters can handle it! LOL!
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@arnibarni (35)
• Philippines
23 Apr 08
i don't think the problem is only limited to teenage parents. i guess all parents in general are affected by the problems that technology brings. also, i think that our fast-changing lifestyles and the lack of time parents spend with their children now takes it toll on the academic performance and intellectual functioning of kids.
i definitely agree though that children must start to read good and quality printed materials again though. i also think that it would be better if parents spend more time reading and savoring these books as well!
@coffeeshot (3783)
• Australia
23 Apr 08
I'm aware it's not teenage parents who talk like this-that wasn't the focus of my discussion. I was just saying how this particluar story I was watching made me think about how young peole talk. That story happened to be about teenage parents 

@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
24 Apr 08
No I don't think they are getting dumber, I think they are just getting lazy...or in a hurry like the rest of the world.
They do have a language of their own but that happens and will continue to happen. This is their way of talking and the adults are just now catching on. The next generation will do the same thing. Sometimes I think they do it to irritate the adults , mainly their parents. It does get their attention and sometimes that's what it takes because the parents are too busy to notice them otherwise. My granddaughter says it's just a quicker way to type (text). Then we have Ebonics a language that is called "hip" and has been accepted as a dialect of the English language. They sure did learn "tech-talk" and "hip" fast, maybe they would learn more if we learn to talk to them this way.
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
28 Sep 08
I agree also. they are starting to use alot of abbraviations and their own king of language and words. I do not think it is a good thing for our future generation at all.
@ZaffireWolf (480)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I don't agree about the "like" part, mainly because I tend to say "like" and "dude" a lot, but I do agree about the grammar and the part about how these kids are totally stupid. Though I suppose that's just another point chalked up to too much spending on shooting foreigners and not enough on improving the American education system so that it's at least almost on par with the major nations of the world (Western Europe, Japan, etc).
Either that or it's a sociological issue, in which ghetto culture is taking over due to too many stupid people having ugly babies that'll grow up to be gangsters watching crappy television like the CW and stereotype-enforcing crime dramas.
@Aingealicia (1905)
• United States
23 Apr 08
Society in a whole has become uneducated as we go along, people forget their grammar, spelling, and presentation. The schools have cut budgets, teachers have become parole officers and not teachers, and the schools have become over populated. Books are not updated, the arts have all but disappeared, and forget about discipline as a tool.
I saw a bumper sticker once that I fully agree with. "If you think education is expensive, imagine the cost of stupidity."
I could not agree more.
We as a society have become lax in our functioning as a educated society. All I have to say is look at who was elected as a leader for our county in America and his education, it all trickles down from there.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
22 Apr 08
I think it was steve Allen who wrote the dumbingdown of America and its pretty true too. Ihave heard so many teenagers who say like in every sentence they say. It makes me wonder how they ever passed the tests to getout of high school.Yes kids should do more reading and read real books by good authors and be made to speak at least five minutes without using the word like at all.I also think that they should be taught parenting and keeping house before ever getting in a relationship or getting married. In fact they should make it mandatory that each couple pass a test to show that they are ready for parenting before they ever get married and if they flunk they willhave to take the course over again.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 May 08
Not just kids but some adults too come up with this
darned like blah blah like and blahblah like. Where
did they go to school. and what happened to good grammar?Comp;puters should make us smarter but alas we have
this thing in this country of abbreviating everything
so it all sounds like a jumble of letters.So yes
lets do get the kids to reading again.