colic or real fussy? anyone know the difference?
By Sissygrl
@Sissygrl (10912)
April 22, 2008 6:59am CST
So after the first three weeks went by fairly easy with Shyanne, my almost 5 week old now. . When the 3rd-4th week hit she became pretty demanding and almost every waking hour for her is spent crying unless i'm on my feet, her in my arms and swaying fairly rough. . then when i get her to sleep, if i put her down, she sleeps for a shorter time then if i hold her. . either way I have not been able to get much sleep myself, or get much done around the house!So what do you think is it colic? what is colic anyways? does anyone really know? did you have a similar problem with your baby(s)?My first was fussy for a few weeks, but just a few hours in the evening. . I hope this one evens out, the lack of sleep is making me batty!

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9 responses
@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I never had a baby with colic but my daughter was like this. She was having gas problems because of her formula and I switched it- she was fine.
I think babies with colic cry constantly and there is no comfort for them. I don't think doc's know what even causes it either. Just hang in there hun it will pass.
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
22 Apr 08
That's what I did way back and soy works!! :)
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@skinnychick (6905)
• United States
22 Apr 08
My body didn't let me...I never even when through that engorgement stage. I guess in some ways I was lucky for that.
What are you eating? Anything that could possibly be bothering her?
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Sounds like colic, my firstborn had it, and the clue that you gave me, "swaying fairly rough" was what made me say this..I was able to sleep by bringing the baby to bed with me..(I know some freak out about that, but sids is also in a crib sleeping baby) During the day, unless someone was with me, I got no work done..I wouldn't worry about it, just care for your children and the housework will wait..
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
22 Apr 08

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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
22 May 08
Hey I was just thinking about you..I knew you were not on because with the new baby and all..I bet she is getting big..Anyways, thanks for the BR, I hope she is sleeping much better now..
@mummymo (23706)
22 Apr 08
I have been lucky in that both of my children have been mainly very good as long as they got tonees of food!lol With my eldest however he did suffer from very bad colic at 5 to 6 weeks and it lasted for several months! To babies colic is kind of like very bad heartburn or trapped wind for us - the fact that she likes to be held and rocked roughly makes me think it could be colic as my son was the same when he was suffering. I would say to get Shyanne checked by your doctor just to see if there is a problem. There are products that you can gice to your baby to help but they aren't always effective so sometimes a prescription is needed although sometimes it is just that the baby gulps down too much air when feeding and ends up in pain - changeing her feeding position may help! Another thing is when a baby is suffering from colic their cry is usually very high pitched and a bit strangled sounding and quite different from normal crying! Wish I could be of more help but I do hope that everything settles down soon for you both! Hugs xxx
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@mummymo (23706)
23 Apr 08
LOL No sweety you probably don't wanna know how many! The worst bit was the first week and after that it wasn't quite so bad! He is now 14 and over 6ft and still has a huge appetite! lol They are all different though and hopefully your little beauty will settle down quickly! xxx
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@gantwick (849)
• United States
23 Apr 08
All three of my kids were colicky. My heart goes out to you. Eventually the colic will go away, although you may be so frazzled by then you won't realize it for a few days. At onetime, we put some dilute Tension Tamer tea in our kids' bottles. It seemed to help calm them down some.
My youngest, now 8, still likes to drink an occasional Tension Tamer tea in the evening.
Good luck!
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@gantwick (849)
• United States
23 Apr 08
My wife had her tubes tied after our second child. The knot must have slipped, LOL! A couple of doctors told us that colic only happens in one out of three or four children. When we were three for three I seriously considered buying a lottery ticket, since we seemed to beat the odds where the kids were concerned.

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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
22 Apr 08
From my experience, colic is just air pockets in the stomach. SHe is drinking in to much air. Make sure you are using the type of bottle that has the collaspable bags and squeeze all the air out. IF she doesn't do it herself, (my 2 yo GD didn't) make her take a "break" while she feeds and take hte bottle out of her mouth and let her shallow and take a breath! My GD would drink and drink, and hardly seemed she was swallowing. Even now, she'll drink from a sippy cup and I have to tell her "stop and take a breath" nad she'll stop drinking, and gasp for air - like she was holding her breath all the time she was drinking! She did this with the bottle too. The other thing, keep her in upright position while drinking. THat way it all goes down instead of partically down and just setting wherever in between. Make sure you burp her, mine would never burp on shoulder position, but if I set them on my knee and my hand on their stomach and lean them forward slightly and pat their back, got a huge burp every time!
Another thing is when the colic is there, they like warmth on their bellies as that calms it a bit - use a heating pad on low - just kind of warm and try to lay her on her belly on the warm pad =(covered with a sheet) and pat her back. THat helps release the air pockets. If that doesn't work, which it didn't sometimes with mine, have your husband take of his shirt and lay down and have baby lay on his chest - her ear to his heart. THe warmth from his body and the motion of his breathing along with the hearing his calming heart beat was a winner with my kids every time.
Good luck and I'd love to babysit!
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
23 Apr 08
Sissy girl....just hang in there....I hardly get any sleep with my 17 month old. He's up the moment I am...and I hardly get any time to rest when he is awake and when he is napping during the day, I'm trying to get some work done. It doesn't help that my older one has fractured his leg and needs to be taken care of too. I was counting on his help when I had the 6 year gap between the kids!
I'm walking around like a zombie...but I know this will pass (sooner for you than for me:))
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@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
24 Apr 08
Sissy - i totally understand your problem, but let me tell you - learn from experience.... you'll have plenty of nights to sleep through the night, but once those little ones grow up, believe me... you are going to be hating yourself for complaining about them and "having" to hold them....(I say this nicely!) Once they are older you are going to want them and they are not going to want you! You will miss these nights so much and say , "good grief, what was wrong with me! It was only a bit of sleep I missed! I want my babies now! "
My little 2 yo GD, used to never take a nap unless in my lap and in the rocking chair...insisted and I was right there to comply! now just a few months later, doesn't want to be in my lap anymore, she wants to be in the rocking chair with her baby!!! They grow up so fast, enjoy every minute, even the sleepless ones!
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@LouRhi (1502)
• Australia
23 Apr 08
Here are some articles that might be of interest to you This talks about a high need baby which sounds a bit like what you have
This link here
has some info about colic in general
When I had my first baby the nurses all told me sleep when your baby sleeps. I lived by this and found that if I slept in the same bed as her it made a huge difference to the length of time she would sleep (plus I got to sleep too!)
Also try sleeping her on her tummy during the day (I know that this is a no no generally but I figure you check on them so often during the day).... plus I also found this helped my little one when she had a sore tummy
And finally see if there is an Infant Massage Instructor in your area they can provide no end of help
Good luck and you are not alone, all mothers have bad weeks like this sometimes they just last a little longer!
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@ebsharer (5515)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Swaddle her before you put her down. She will fell safe and warm plus it will help if she is colic. My only child hardly cried but from what I was told. Colic is an all out scream that doesn't stop. Check out this artical it is very informational. Maybe it will help you to reconize more signs or if your daughter is just fussy. Skip the into and read under the heading "A closer look at the signs & symptoms"
Good luck and as my great grandmother always said ... "once you have kids you - sleep when your not tired, pee when you don't have to, eat when your not hungery"
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@Angelwhispers (8978)
• United States
22 Apr 08
"once you have kids you - sleep when your not tired, pee when you don't have to, eat when your not hungery""
I love it... and it is so true :)))
Sissy hon even if it is colic it does not last long 6 8 weeks hon so have heart, You will have a happy bouncing baby ful of smiles and giggles I assure you.
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@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
I will check that article out for sure, as i am stuck sitting here now with baby in my lap! lol not much else to do. besides pray she doesn't wake up soon!! ehe. Your grandmother was very wise!! the only problem is, i can't sleep often i also have a 21 month old!! she is feeling a little left out i think, we are trying to accomidate that by letter her help with the baby as much as she can.
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Oh does this sound familiar. OH yeah, sounds just like my niece who was a colicky baby. Colic is just gas that causes them to fuss. We used fennel seed with her and it worked wonders. Now we took several teaspoons and but it in a small pan of water, boiled it and then strained it. We'd mix one part of the water to 5 parts regular water in a bottle and give it to her. The water would be a light green. Below is a link to a website and it tells how to do it for one serving at a time:
To make Fennel tea, steep ½ teaspoon of crushed Fennel seed in a cup of boiling water for 10 minutes. Allow the tea to cool sufficiently if you're giving it to an infant.
This was a life saver for us. We'd give her the bottle when she was very fussy and crying non-stop. It calmed her down and she'd sleep without a problem. It really does work. Just so you know fennel seed is used in many medicines for upset stomachs.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
27 Apr 08
Hi lil Sis,
I have not been on line in awhile, so A very late Congrates!!!
Colic is gas on steroids!!!! Burp that little one after every 4 or 5 swallows of formula. I mean it. Change the formula if you have to. Swaddle her up nice and snug when it is time to sleep and do all the old tricks of a clock in the crib or soft music or things she would have heard while you were carrying here and you were sleeping etc.
Swaddle her with one of your old nightgowns so she has your sent. All of these things can help. Sleeping in the same bed should be a last resort. It will confuse the older child.
@Sissygrl (10912)
• Canada
3 May 08
adoniah, i was wondering where you went, and i even made a discssion and sent you an email! i haven't been around here much either beause of the new baby, but i was noticing you missing for a while now! ! welcome back!
Clock in the rib. hehe i'll have to try that one.. you mean one that tic tocks right ?
Both the kids sleep in bed with me. . i dont think the elder is confused. . just . . maybe a little jealous she doesn't get all the attention at bedtime anymore. :P