Stop being so negative!

@whywiki (6066)
April 22, 2008 10:03am CST
Sometimes I sit back and listen to the people around me and start to go insane! It seems everyone is talking so negative. Every day above ground is a good day I say. It is hard to stay positive and chipper when everyone around you seems so negative. Some days I just want to scream out "stop being Negative" at the top of my lungs. As long as I have my health, my love, my life then things are positive. Life is too short to be sad and negative all the time I say so I try to have a positive outlook on life. Does it bother you when the people around you are all negative in their lives?
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24 responses
@wrdsofwisdm (1069)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I have a "somewhat" friend that constantly complains and whines about everything. I often put the phone on the counter and let him complain to himslef. Everything negative in his life he has brought on himself. People that compain constantly, bring on their own misery. Why should we allow them to drag us down with them? Negative thinking begets negative results. It is so selfish of the cronic complainers to hurl their spew on us and take us down with them. I am more than willing to listen to my more positive friends that don't complain all the time when they have an issue and need an opinion or to just get it off their chests...but the ones that NEVER do anything about their situations and constantly complain get on my nerves and I won't allow them to poison my good energy. Instead of blaming everything and everyone else, these chronic complainers need to relfect on themselves.
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• Lubbock, Texas
22 Apr 08
I couldn't agree with you more on this. I have one dear friend who I just had to tell "I can't listen to you 3 times a week for an hour while you whine. It's dragging me down. I have problems of my own". It felt like I cut off my arm to tell her that, but I had to think of my own sanity.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
I know the type you mean. So wrapped up in their own misery that they can't see the sun shining. Sometimes I feel like throttling them but that would just ruin my day!
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@gtargirl (5376)
• United States
22 Apr 08
It really does bother me when people are so negative. I have a few of those in my life, including my son. But then again, he's so Emo. It's very fashionable to be depressed and negative. LOL. They cherish each other's pain and share. Go figure. But others who are negative can really bring me down so I've had to limit my contact with them. I think we should have a "Stop Being So Negative" day. We'll greet each other with a smile all day and say, "Be Happy."
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
I like the idea of "stop being negative day" maybe we can make it a world wide phenomenon. Could you imagine if everywhere you went people would smile at you.
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@minnie_98214 (10557)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I try to just look at all there negative and just say wow makes my life look so much better. I dont let other negativity get me down.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
That is a good way of looking at it. Many times the people being negative do have a much worse life than me.
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@elmiko (6630)
• United States
22 Apr 08
I don't like people being negative when theres so much to look forward to. I'm naturally a positive person.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
There is so much positive around us your so right, I wish more people could see it and act on it!
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• Philippines
22 Apr 08
Hi whywiki.. Sometimes it does affect me but I always check myself on how's my outlook in life everyday. As much as possible I want to stay with a positive vibrations on everything. Whatever or whoever comes in my way, I dont allowed them to wallow the whole me.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
It is really hard to stay positive at times when the world around you seems so down.
2 people like this
• Canada
22 Apr 08
hi whywiki, my husband has turned into a negative person. we had a big discussion about this late night (or one would call it a fight)he is always making little negative comments about everything..from the stupid sitcom that is on or the kids making too much mess! we have come to the conclusion that he has to put on a "happyface" at work, praise fellow workers,and be jolly all day long that there is just none left for me. i told him to stop for a cup of tea before coming home everynight and wind down a little or you will be in a room by yourself!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
It was just the other day when I told my hubby to stop being so negative. He was the one that called me negative before so I switched to my positive outlook then he starts to become negative! Some men eh! I tea on the way home sounds like a good plan for the crabby men if you ask me.
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@youdontsay (3497)
• United States
23 Apr 08
I used to work in a system that seemed to spawn negativity. After a while it wore me out because I had to work so hard to ignore it. It wasn't until after I retired from that job that I realized just how toxic it had become. I truly believe that it created physical illnesses in the staff. I know the stress was pretty deadly for me. I had to retire for health reasons that I fully believe was largely from the negative environment.
• United States
23 Apr 08
Your smile could be the sunshine that they all need! When I was working the only kind of smiles most staff exhibited were sardonic or resulting from toxic humor that makes fun of someone. We just need to smile more!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
It is funny the place I work is really toxic too. We have one guy right now that has been told by the doctor he needs to find a new job due to the stress. If only there was a sunny day for all that are down.
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• China
23 Apr 08
good topic i quite agree with u ! just stop being negative! life is choose by ourselves, once u chooes happiness then ur life would run sunshine, once u choose negative to life, then, life would be very hard. when my friends get negative, i would like to pull them out of the bad feeling, i am those guys who have a burning desire to bring them out of down. but, when i myself feel down, i need a long time to figure out!!
• China
24 Apr 08
keep it to urself? um,,sometimes u can speak up to a friend u turst or go out and have a relax. i believe that will be ok.!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
I get down too and I try to keep it to myself. No need in bringing down all your friends. I agree with you the best thing to so is try and make them happier with humor and smiles.
@whittby (3072)
• United States
22 Apr 08
Know what can happen at work when you're positive about stuff, when you try to get people to look at the good side of things when they're complaining, say something nice every chance you get? People quit talking to you - yes LOl they do. You are NO fun at all when they can't complain to you, talk about negative stuff, rip things apart. Remember "Pollyanna"? That being said, I try to be positive, I can depress myself quite nicely thank you and have to try to be positive.
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@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
Where I work finding anyone positive about anything is next to impossible. Sometimes I just want to slam their head against the wall. Wow that wasn't positive at all was it!
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@emma412 (1156)
• United States
23 Apr 08
I hate being around negative people. They really bring you down and make you see the bad side to your own life. I try to surround myself by optimistic people so that I stay optimistic too. Everyone has bad things that happen to them but it's easier to get through them when you have a positive outlook.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
It is really hard to be around people that are always down, it drains you. I think I am going to adopt a leave your worries at the door policy.
• United States
23 Apr 08
I agree with you. My best friend just drowns herself in negativity, complaining about how her jobs suck, she's tired of being single, her parents annoy her. I just don't like hanging around her anymore because of it. We all have problems that can get us down but I don't swim around in it. I get back up and smile, smell the flowers and say it's a beautiful day for a picnic. She makes me so depressed that I just leave her alone and hang with some other friends that I can be positive with. You can literally see the clouds and storm hanging over her head while everyone else has a happy sun and blue sky.
@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
I agree with you.. not enough people focus on the good things in their lives, because they're too busy bogging their souls up with negative energies and clutter. Ugh! That's no good for the spirit. A few years ago, after leaving nuckfuts and getting my life back on track, I started making some serious conscious changes in my life and my way of thinking. The way of thinking was the most difficult, I can't deny that. The negative way of thinking was so deeply ingrained in me, and I still struggle with it some days. I read "The Secret" for the first time last spring, and watched the movie last summer, and it truly moved me. It helped me to continue on my positive attitude, and in a sense, validated a lot of what I was already doing in my life. Little things like not watching the local news anymore, because there aren't enough "feel good" stories on it compared to negative goings on in the community, and remembering to enjoy the little things in life... laughing at my kids (yes, I said at them.. .it's not always with them lol)... being thankful for all that I have (friends, a safe city to live in, a comfortable townhouse I rent, the most AMAZING friends one could ever dream of having, etc.). I also remove myself from negative situations as much as possible... for example, when my mother starts ragging on me about how much I've ruined my life, etc, I often tell her that I am unwilling to continue in our conversation until she can offer "constructive criticism" over just plain "criticism". And if she doesn't stop, I hang up on her. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have an uncanny ability of seeing the positive in almost any situation. I definitely see the glass as being 1/2 full, and wish more people could do the same. Of course, I have my moments where I need to vent. It's my way of releasing some of that negativity out of my system, when the breathing exercises aren't working. So for people to talk to me on one of those days, they certainly wouldn't find me to be the most optimistic person. lol. But alas, I'm human, and have faults. ;)
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
It is too bad that as humans we have faults we can't always control. I have to vent at times too but after I vent I try to get happy again. I had a bad bad relationship with an abusive drunken a-hole once and it sure does make you feel negative. The most liberating thing I did was toss his negativity to the curb. I am glad that you too have had that liberation it sure helps be positive.
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@CanadaGal (4304)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
Yes, it is a wonderful feeling when you can separate yourself from the negative forces surrounding you. I'm working REALLY hard on that right this moment regarding a certain situation, and my breathing exercises aren't working. GRRR!!! I am doing all that I can to resolve this situation, but it's out of my hands in some ways. Ugh! *breathes in deeply.... exhales slowly, releasing the negative energies out and away from me* ;)
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
23 Apr 08
I have definitely in my life come across these types of people. I think they are just out there to "pile up" problems onto someone else's and couldn't care less about the other person's plight. There are quite a few men and women alike in my workplace having this kind of persona and I just take a humorous stance with them. Like if they complain for a bit, I would listen intently. But if I really have gotten bored, I would humor them and divert to other topics. There's just too much stress for one day for me to be hearing more stresses from their lives, LOL. But I try to be the good guy and listen all the way. But nice guys finish last, and I've got to finish my work. So, I just have to turn them down when needed and sidetrack them.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
Ah yes the humour and divert trick. I have used this tactic too and it works pretty good. Work is stressful enough without hearing everyone else gripe and groan.
@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
24 Apr 08
That's right, my friend...
• India
23 Apr 08
it happens to me also. people talks like they are doing everything right and the whole world is against them. i used to tell them that it is not like that and its all how you view the world. i would tell them once and still they are talking like that, i just dont care. then i would be listening to them as if i am so interested in their speech. but, i will not be listening at all... i take everything positive. my blood group is b+, that itself shows that i am positive BE POSITIVE...
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
Well if you have B+ blood you have no choice but to be positive.
• India
23 Apr 08
lols. may be thats why i am being so positive :)
• Lubbock, Texas
22 Apr 08
Yes it does bother me. . .a lot. I know I'm not the most positive person in the world, but I don't want to hear all negative all the time. It really bothers me when I tell someone "think of all the good things in your life" and their response is "I can't think of one single good thing"! Now that is sad! I saw on the news the other night where a preacher had designed a little inexpensive purple bracelet and encouraged his church members to wear them. Every time they said something negative, they had to switch the bracelet to the other arm. He said he wore out 2 or 3 himself switching them before he finally learned to "Quit Whining". It took him 3 months to break himself of the habit. His church now makes and sells the purple bracelets. It has become a great fund raiser, as well as helping remind people to think positive. I think it just becomes a habit that sucks us in and we sometimes need someone or something to remind us that life is good. LIVE IT!
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
22 Apr 08
What a great idea. I should make some of those bracelets and give them to the negative forces around me. It wears you down being around the negatives.
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• Philippines
23 Apr 08
Yes Negativity in life won't do us good. We should always look at the bright side to get more of that positive energy for us. Negativity just causes the environment to be gloomy and bad. If you have a problem smile at it and don't think much about it.Just think you can go through it all.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
That's right and it all works out in the end.
@sukumar794 (5040)
• Thiruvananthapuram, India
23 Apr 08
Staying negative in attitudes is never been on purpose.What could anyone prefer to carry on when nothing in day-today existence turn for the better? Negative outlook on things stem from a growing concern over ill happenings in life.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
I think some people are just born negative.
@gr8life (6251)
• Malaysia
23 Apr 08
Hello whywiki, It really bothers me if people around me think negatively. I cannot stand that. I alway try not to think negatively about whatever happened in my life and stay positive. But if people close to you think otherwise, it is really hard sometimes. Life is too short, yes I know that. But sometimes, it is hard to avoid this type of people too.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
It is hard to avoid these people at times especially if you work with them! I admit sometimes I start to get negative then hubby will mention it and I have to open my eyes and see that I am and change it.
• United States
23 Apr 08
I hate it, and it seems my fiance is a little to negative sometimes, which makes my stepson real negative. I try to tell him not to be. The main reason my step son is negative though is he got out of being with an abusive step-dad. So when my fiance is negative it rubs a little harder on my step-son and i try to show him that, but it's taking time. I try my best to be postive as long as possible b/c like you i think life is too short to shove it away being bitter, or negative, or anything like that. I want to live life as good as I can.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
I think with someone positive like you in their lives they will come around and some day be positive like you.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
23 Apr 08
whywiki it sure does bother me and makes me feel so depressed.It is as if the person just took all the light out of the room and left you in a gloom.I have known people like that who can come into a room full of happy people having a great conversation and in just minutes fill the room with their dark thoughts and predictions of doom and gloom. and then nobody is even smiling. I do try to smile and maintain a pleasant outlook as it makes me feel young again.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
It sure is depressing when that happens. I too try and smile and joke and lighten the mood.
@p_vadla (1685)
• India
23 Apr 08
Yes, I too tend to get negative when the people around me talk negative. But I wait for some time before doing anything like cutting the discussion short and instead I listen more attentively till the other person gets exhausted of his views. Then perhaps they would start seeing the positive.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
23 Apr 08
You are more patient than me I think. Sometimes people can spew negativity for a long time before they take a breather!