Do we really have freedom? Will America become communist?

United States
April 23, 2008 12:51am CST
We are suppose to have freedom of speech BUT if you say something you could be sued for slander or more. We are suppose to have the right to bear arms BUT you cannot tote a gun without a permit and they say that if you have one in a vehicle it is fine if you do not conceal it BUT they will take you to jail either way. You have to have a liscense to hunt and fish or you will go to jail. In the 30's that is how they fed their families was hunting and fishing. You cannot do that anymore. You can kill someone and you might get in jail or not BUT you kill an animal and you will go to jail. I just wonder are we on the way to communism? They find more ways everyday to control us. You can do this but this is how you have to do it. You can't do this but you can if you know somebody or have a big name.
8 responses
@bradhart (659)
• United States
23 Apr 08
This is some of the most ignorant naive bit of drivel I have heard in some time. Go read your constitution, the whole thing not just the parts you think you know about. Then go read your states constitution, your county and municipal charters. Let's go through two points of your post really quickly. You do have the right of freedom of speech, but that does not entail the right to give false information which is what slander entails. The second amendment is has absolutely nothing to do with hunting, much less fishing or feeding your family. The second amendment is nothing more than an after thought justifying the the founding fathers right to take arms against the legal government. it is a right of revolution not a right to hunt. Before flinging the word communist about, i suggest you go read Karl Marx. For further reading on the second amendment try this post see where running your mouth can get you into trouble try this
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@union6 (326)
23 Apr 08
well its safe to say that US propaganda has trully been afective when a citizen says that America is on the road to communism because it is having its freedoms removed. If america is on its way towords communism you would know it as its troops will be removed from ocuping other nations, its health care and education sysem will be givin a masive new investment, its industries will be natinolised with the unions in controll of them. Higher taxes would be put on the wealthist people and companys to fund housing projects to its porist population. Trust me america is deffinatly not on its way towords communism, if anything its moving thurther towords the other political side.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
26 Apr 08
I agree. No Nation could ever achieve communism. Humans are naturally greedy. Communism requires everyone taking on the responsiblity of everyone. I do blame the soviets. Theirs was not a system of communism, but Americans see it as such.
@union6 (326)
26 Apr 08
i know, its just there way of catigarizing 'good' and 'evil'. To be honist i think that i could but i would take the majority of nations to move towords communism as then there would be no World bank and global capitalist econemy to create greed, because if you look at all the 'communist' countries around the world, they all faild or are considerd to be in poverty or a developing nation because they were cripled by the global capitalists and so in order to survive they had to develop a state capitalist system which then led to the opening up of capitalsm in there nation bringing there downfall.
@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
24 Apr 08
First of all, I have a home with a lot of land. I can shoot and kill game on my land without a liscense since my land is my primary residence. If you don't like the laws, do something about it. Secondly, I resent you presenting the lack of rights as communism. The fact is that the Soviet form of communism was not communism at all. It was socialism. If human beings could live in world wide communism, it would be a great place, that that is impossible. In order for communism to work, it must consist of like minded people seeking to make life better for the whole. I grew up in a communist house. We shared everything and each person had an equal say. Sounds a lot like democracy, doesn't it. Do a bit of research before you condemn the communtist way of life?
@Kowgirl (3490)
• United States
23 Apr 08
I don't think that is the right word but we lost our freedom many years ago. Every person who is born a citizen of the USA is born a "slave", and this begins the day you were born. They use the word freedom to miss guide you. There is no freedom, we have been told what we can do and what we can't.
• United States
23 Apr 08
I believe that they have taken way to much away from us and I think there using terrorism as a way to take away more. Not saying that terrorism isn't serious BUT they use that as a way to take more of OUR freedoms away. I also think if Hillary gets into office BE PREPAIRD for more to be taken away from us she want the government to run everything.
• Japan
23 Apr 08
i think it's very important to get our freedom.although we can't harm other people and animal ,but ourself could't be harm by others.i'm strongly believe that everybody is equal,no matter what country.
@wisconsin26 (3859)
• United States
23 Apr 08
My oppion I don't think we ever did have freedom as they say we have.. Your right everything we do and say something comes out of it.. People can't do as they want or go as they please.. I mean you have to have licenses for everything you do no matter what.. You know you made a point about You said: "You can kill someone and you might get in jail or not BUT you kill an animal and you will go to jail. This is very very true not that I've ever done it but know someone that has actually killed a dog for chasing a person's cows, The person was sent to jail and he had gotten a felony from it... Now someone kills another your right they MIGHT go to jail and get time if not let go... Just don't make any sense to me.. So no I don't think we do!!
@jormins (1223)
• United States
23 Apr 08
I don't know if communism is the best term for what you speak of but I do agree tightening of our laws is not the solution. We currently jail more people than anywhere in the world despite how 'civilized' we are. I do think if you kill a person you are much more likely to go to prison than an animal but I do see your point of laws clamping down on us. This is all the more reason to get involved politically and with places like the NRA as they preserve our rights and have the voice to make a difference. One person can't do too much but when we band together its scary what gets done,