Earth Day
By playsafe
@playsafe (115)
April 23, 2008 3:06am CST
Happy Earth Day.
April 22 was considered to the earth day.Although it is gone but millions of people around the world are reached through our internet sites and many are becoming earth trustees
Earth Day, celebrated on the Spring or Vernal Equinox, is the most significant day of the year because people from all nations, backgrounds, races, colors, religions, and all other human-made barriers celebrate their similarities: living the earth
if you are doing anything concrete with the ideas put forth here
Also, I found certain free earth day related e-magazines perhaps you may find it useful.
Take a peek and consider promoting these to environment councious friends too.
(remove spaces to just browse through them.)
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another one
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cya and enjoy. Go green. Save Electricity, Water, Oil. More Generation are yet to come on this earth and live. Avoid wasting food.
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