Tips to help you sleep!
@Live4MyTomorrow (39)
United States
April 24, 2008 5:00am CST
I believe I have a case of insomnia-- though I've never been diagnosed... I often have a really hard time sleeping. Although lately my lack of sleep is because of some horrid dreams, that's entirely beside the point. I know there are many people like myself, and so I just wanted to share some tips that sometimes help me.
When you lay down at night and you feel restless and fidgety... Try laying on your back, with your toes pointed to the ceiling. Wiggle all ten toes at once while counting to thirty at a moderate speed.
If you're tired but still can't sleep for some reason... Try laying however you are most comfortable (i.e. on your back or side), then begin concentrating on your breathing. Slowly inhale through your nose, and slowly exhale through your mouth. Try to keep them equal, for example, if you inhale for 5 seconds then exhale for 5 seconds. Once you have the breathing down, continue to do that, while slowly counting from 50 to 1 in your head.
4 responses
@gurucoach (132)
24 Apr 08
hello - I would like to point out to you that your scary dreams are absolutely 'the point' of at least part of your insomnia. Dreams are about the subconscious wanting you to get a message that you are not realising in your waking life. Your dreams are a valuable asset to what you are doing and being but often we choose not to look at what we are doing or who we are becoming and dreams are the 'key' to the door of those issues. If you want to encourage easier sleep some of the hits you give are good, but i would suggest that when you awake , either in the night because of a nightmare or in the morning and remeber your dream have a pad at the side of your bed and write your dream down ( incidently you could then send them to My Lot as well )Write it in some detail and then ask your self questions about what it could mean to you. There is no point looking at dream books as they are like looking at horoscopes in a magazine, they are not personal to you. get to know what your subcoscious wants you to know and I guarantee the dreams will change and you will get more rest. Your subcinscious simple wants you to listen. Hope this helps

@gurucoach (132)
26 Apr 08
I am sorry that you are upset about 'someone' leaving, it can be a difficult time for anyone. Your dreams are giving up an opportunity to heal and understand what you are doing with that situation, allowing you to have an opportunity to 'se the wood' from the trees. So oftne we can be stuck in our pain and hurt that we are unable to see a bigger picture, your dreams help this process. I was not implying that you did not analize your dreams and you are correct some dream books can be a reference point, but so many people use them as the 'real' thing and as you obviously know that this is simply not the case, people who take the time out to look and attempt to understand their own dreams will get much more value from that than simply looking up in a book something that is likley not to be so relevant to them.I wish you well in your life and interested to know why you call your self 'john deer' - We uded to have a very old famhouse in france and the road that led to it have a 'john Deer' factory. You logo brought up fond memories. Thanks for your post.
@Live4MyTomorrow (39)
• United States
2 May 08
Hi there, first I'd like to say I'm sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you... Been dealing with a lot lately.
I actually don't call myself John Deere, it's just my picture, my display name is Live4MyTomorrow. The John Deere symbol is just a big part of me. I'm a John Deere fanatic... I collect lots of John Deere things... I couldn't actually tell you why because though my grandparents are farmers, we use International--not John Deere. I just love John Deere. :-)
@Live4MyTomorrow (39)
• United States
26 Apr 08
Though I do appreciat you responding, I do know that my dreams make relation to the points in my life. :-) My problem is that the point my dreams have recently been pointing out, isn't in my power to fix. (It sounds untrue, but it's actually about someone I'm lacking in my life... I can't make him come back, unfortunately.) I do analyze my dreams and do my best to recognize what they stand for. Also, dream books and horoscopes aren't that far off base... their a reference guide. They aren't suppose to be unique to you. You shouldn't pass them off, it's a jumping off point to find your way.

@irened100 (132)
• China
24 Apr 08
There was a period of time when I have a hard time sleeping too. Go see a doctor or take any sleeping pills just doesn't help. For two years or so I've been feeling horrible because of insomnia, and then when I finally accept the fact that I can't go to sleep easily, my problem was fixed.
Some of the tips I found useful through this period: 1. If you can, try not to think at all. 2. But if your mind is restless, lie on your back, close your eyes, and imagine yourself in your favorite peaceful place. 3. Find a secure and quiet place to set your bed, try to think of a nice story (not exciting ones). And if the story works once, it'll be more effective through time. 4. Get some physical exercise during the day (not before sleep), and keep your bedtime routine.
Hope these could help in some way.
@Live4MyTomorrow (39)
• United States
26 Apr 08
I'm glad to hear you've solved your problem! :-) I'll have to give your tips a try... Thanks so much for your input!
@emmyemoney (251)
• Nigeria
24 Apr 08
Try to be diagnosed and know your actual problem, but if is as a case of horrid dream prayer is all you need. Your sleeping tips are interesting
@mandarinamel (99)
• Malaysia
24 Apr 08
It usually easy for me to fall asleep, but since I moved to another country there are weeks that i don't know why, i stay awake for half of the night just looking at the ceilling. I try different positions but it doesn't work. The thing is that my brain seams to start working when i want to go to sleep, many new ideas come to me at these time, but the next day i'm tired and grumpy.
What i'm trying is that start a story in my head, like i'm on a park walking the dog looking around or sitting down on a bench and look to the cloud... something very calm.
This helps me get to sleep quicker... hope is a good tip...
@Live4MyTomorrow (39)
• United States
24 Apr 08
Thanks for the new tip! I'll have to give it a try... maybe that will help me lead into a good dream too, instead of these strangely scary ones I've had lately. :-)