Staying in a loveless marriage for the children!
@AmericanWoman (298)
United States
April 24, 2008 5:56am CST
I feel that way.
My girls are my life.
I had 2 when I met my husband, Julia was 2 weeks old when we met.
I was lonely and he was too, He worked and could support us on his $300 a week check and I was getting food stamps and FDIC back then.
So we managed, It was hard but I wanted my girls to have a family and one year later Maria was born. We are totally different people, he has an anger problem. In the first 5 years he used to call me stupid, and bit-- alot.when I made mistakes or he can't find something. He always told me what bad taste I had. I could go on... but gotta get ready for work. Its just after 15 years of marriage I am not happy. but I grew up in a broken family and remember the pain And I am scared my children will too. So I continue to stay in a relationship with a man who has no need or disire to hold me or have any relation with me. I'm a strong and stubborn woman. Why can I laugh out side of the house but at home am sad?
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7 responses
@sxrxnrr45601 (1171)
• United States
27 May 08
I too am in a relationship where well Iam not really wanted but I know how much my lil Girl loves her daddy and well we really dont fight and he dont call me names very often I hate that we are like this since at one point in time he was my best friend and I am sorry that you have lived like this for 15 years its sad loving someone that dont love you back I wish you the best of luck!
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@AmericanWoman (298)
• United States
27 May 08
Thank you.
Sometimes I think its my fault but, then again I see that I give so much for him a lot of little things and I realy don't see him give back. But I love my girls and they get almost everything they want. I don't know maybe one day the eyes will open and like will be hunky dori until then just make the best of the life we have. Good luck to both of us. :)
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@dragonfly242 (1060)
• Bahamas
24 Apr 08
Hi AW.
I'm sad to hear about your marriage. I know first hand how hard it is to grow up in a broken home, but i adjusted and turned out fine thank god. I also remember how i felt when i heard my mom and my dad going at it.Believe it or not i understand what you,re going through,but children are very smart and they can tell when something is not right.It sounds as if your husband is verbally abusive, and thats not healty for your girls nor yourself.I was so hurt when my mom and dad seperated i thought my world would end, but i was also relieved to be rid of the tension that exsisted at that time.I can not give you reckless advice this is something that you have to figure out yourself.But i can say you deserve better.You can laugh outside your house, because it's the situation inside your house thats making you unhappy. I hope you get this situation resolved quickly so that you and your girls can have the happiness you deserve. {{hugs}}
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@AmericanWoman (298)
• United States
24 Apr 08
Thank you so much you brought me tears. :)
He is more civil now and good at working bringing home money,But why does he avoid being a husband for the last 5 to 7 years he has been more like a business partner, We say I love you when we hang up, well half the timeand will give a hug when off to work or coming home, but thats as far as it gets. I told him he is like my brother or boss. When we talk on the phone it is only did you do this or can you do that. Or why you don't teach the children to clean or... thanks for listening.
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@teison2 (5921)
• Norway
10 May 08
Every situastion is different. But I do not think that it is necessarily better for kids to grow up with an unhappy Mother, and parents that do not love eachother. If we only have one life it would not be a good thing to spend it in missery. I hope you figure out what is best for you, and that you find out what will be best for you as a family. Good luck
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@karenkaren (205)
• Philippines
24 Apr 08
you dont need to stay with him if he's like that..
if you're thinking about the children, i think they would be more bothered if they have parents which never act as couples..
he doesnt deserve you. you deserve someone that will make you happy and accept you for who you are..
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@AmericanWoman (298)
• United States
24 Apr 08
Thank you and your right, he don't deserve me. lol
There are times I wish I had this romantic man who loved me so much he wanted to spend all his time with and do things I liked. In stead of me just sitting home day after day just working. never having no enjoyment. who knows maybe one day a prince will take me away to live happily ever after. could happen. lol
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@monishavakil (1019)
• India
10 May 08
hello dewr, i would say this is the same story of many womens lives and i totally disagree with this thought. if you think by being miserable you child would not sense it, all the more they would. what sense does it make being unhappy what happiness could you give your children after that. what if one day he curses you in front of those children then what?? what when your children grow up and leave you alone and carry on..where would you go then. i do not agree to the fat that you have to be with your husband miserable that would not make your children happy..
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
10 May 08
You are doing your children no justice by staying in a loveless marriage, especially if its abusive at all. If he will treat you that way, its only a matter of time before your girls start to get it. And don't think for one minute that the kids don't know what's going on, they are much more perceptive than we adults. When I was a mere 5 years old, I climbed up onto my mom's lap and asked her why she was lying to herself and everyone. She asked me what I was talking about, I said, you say you and daddy stay together for us, but its not true. You always fight and argue, and you're not happy. You hurt us together.
Within a week or so dad was out on his lazy but-.
Life didn't get better for us over night. It took my mother several years to truly gain her independence. But our lives were definitely better with out those to arguing and bickering all the time.
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
27 May 08
i am a product of a "stay together for the children" marriage. My mother had left my father and then went back to him when she found out she was pregnant with me (this was 1959). I paid for that decession all of my life! My mother resented me because she was "stuck" with a man she could barely tolerate and my dad hated me because i had inherited all the personality traits from him that he hated(lucky me).If you ask either of them they would probably deny this, but ask anyone else and they would agree with me. My parents fought (physically and verbley)constantly. I learned to cower in places where they wouldn't see me, because if my mom saw me she would beat me with anything handy and if my dad saw me he couldn't resist telling me how stupid, ugly and no-good in general i was (i perfered the beatings). You are doing your children no favors raising them in a home where they hear someone telling their mother that she is stupid (and probably a lot more). I divorced my 2 daughters father when my youngest daughter was 2. My parents said that i should stay with him until they were at least 15yrs.old that i didn't know how hard it was on children of divorce(my dads parents were divorced back in the 1940's, my g-mother was ahead of her time). I made it plain that my girls was not growing up listening to some man call me stupid, treating me like a doormat and doing a lot of other stuff that was none of anyone elses business but ours. They were furious over my selfishness but eventually got over it! I stayed single for 10yrs. and when i did remarry i married a wonderful man that loves me and would never call me names or treat me with disrespect.
@AmericanWoman (298)
• United States
27 May 08
I'm glad you met someone wonderful. My mom left us when I was 7 and she went to Texas and remarried came back to pick us up a year later after my father abused us, she never realy believed it I guess. She used to beat me from about 10 acusing me and my older sister of wanting her husband. I went back to live with my father for a year when I was 13 kicked any memory out of my head of any abuse that went on when I was younger. Then I came back at 14 1/2 to live with her again and she married me off at 15 one month after my birthday for $500.00. I learned at an early age to deny things were realy happening just to avoid pain and I don't know how to change it at 41. I have asked my girls and they say either way it is okay. I just know they will have better things this way and my youngest is in 8th grade and I feel selfish for changing her life. I don't know maybe one day I will wake up.
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