Kids and Disapline
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
United States
April 24, 2008 4:48pm CST
I'm babysitting for my SIL and the two year old has a problem of ignoring you when you try to tell him what he did wrong. Well I have been babysitting for two weeks and already see the way i handle it is working. I tell him to look at me and listen or he will go to bed, i may have to tell him a couple of times that he will go to bed if he doesnt listen, then he looks at me and listens. NOw the only thing i dont know is if he understands all the time, Him being only 2 i know he wont understand somethings. I do seem to be making progress though. Now the 7 month old i guess is way to young to teach him not to cry when his bottle gets clogged so he cant have a drink, and it annoys the hell out of me hearing him cry and cry and cry, but i got to deal with it. I try not giving him the bottle until he quits crying but yea right, he wont quit crying. so after a min i give him his bottle. What are some effeciant ways you have disaplined your kids and had noticable results?
4 responses
@sherrylwatts (326)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I read this last night and honestly couldn't respond I was so upset. I thought about your post all night and actually looked through 110 pages to find it today so I could reply. I understand what you are saying when you say you're only 21 and having no children of your own do not know about them, but if you are going to be responsible for them, perhaps it would be a good idea to learn. First of all, children ARE NOT LITTLE ADULTS - their brains are not as developed as yours is, and they do not understand things the way you do.
First of all, the 7 mo. old - you are not going to be able to teach a 7 mo. old patience. Their brains are not developed enough until they are about 7 years old to even understand that. All he knows is one of his basic needs is not being met (food) and the only way he can communicate that is by crying. He doesn't understand the bottle is clogged - he just knows he's hungry and can't get food. Please do not withhold the bottle to "teach him a lesson" all that you are doing is teaching him he can not trust you to provide the most basic necessities.
Now - the 2 year old. At ages 2 and 3, children are developing the skills that will take them from being a helpless infant to a child with the ability to do things on their own. They are trying to develop a little bit of independence (think of this as good practice for when they are teenagers). Because of this, their favorite words are "No", "I don't want to", "I can do it myself", etc. What you are seeing as "being mouthy" is a normal part of the development process and if you prevent that growth, you will damage the child permanently. DO NOT battle with the child, it is not about you, it is about their own need to gain control over their life. It is very simple to handle, give them a choice, instead of an order. For example instead of saying "Put on your shoes", say "Do you want to go potty first or do you want to put on your shoes first". This allows them to feel in control and completely ends any battles. Explaining things to him in complicated terms is not going to work - he has not yet developed formal logic and will not for at least 5 more years.
Please, please, please, I am begging you - for the sake of these children and any future children you may have, go to the bookstore or library or something and pick up a book that explains developmental stages that children go through. Withholding a bottle to teach a 7 month old a lesson really borders on mental and emotional abuse. And do not confuse discipline with punishment.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
25 Apr 08
So your telling me not to teach a child, thats Bullcrap im sorry if they can learn abc's and 123's they can learn not to talk back. Yes its part of there learning experiance but its also part of there learning experiance to learn not to do it. he listens to me now and understands when not to do it, so if i was wrong in teaching him then i dont understand why it would of worked. You are so wrong kids learn real early in years. and its not until there 7 that they actually start learning things, this would actually hinder there growth if i waited till he was 7 to teach him not to talk back. i dont really appricate this post because everyone has there right to raise the kids like they want to, i do not do anything that will hurt the children and never will. I will only teach them. The only thing i agree with now is the 7 month old not really understanding, but wait he also quit crying when the bottle was cloged and waits paitently for me to unclog it. The only time he crys now is if he doesnt see the bottle when im unclogging it. So my techniques have worked. so maybe you need to rethink the way you teach your kids. but you have the right to teach them however you would like.
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
25 Apr 08
oH and i never said that i didnt give him a choice, i did his choice is go to bed or quit acting up and it works quit fine. i do not battle with him, and havent battled with him since he learned to start listening with me. I am learning just like he is and have found most of my medium. thanks for your responce, and i understand that you were helping me but i just dont agree with you on the point that a 2 year old isnt ready to learn certain things, because he seems to be learning very good.
@sherrylwatts (326)
• United States
25 Apr 08
If you would have actually read my post, you would see that what I said is that a child does not develop FORMAL LOGIC before they are 7 years old. Yes, they do learn right and wrong at a much earlier age, but at 2 years old, you've already decided that this is a problematic child. You said yourself you're only 21 with NO experience with children. Perhaps you might educate yourself a little. I really feel so sorry for these kids in your hands, you stated yourself you have NO idea what you are doing, but instead of educating yourself about children, you are punishing infants and toddlers for being infants and toddlers. You are teaching the 2 year old what what a bully is and how one acts - basically listen to me and do what I say or get punished. How is that child ever supposed to develop the capacity to make decisions? Wouldn't you rather teach the child what is right and wrong - or are you simply more interested in getting your way? Yes, I do have children, I have been through these stages, and guess what - I have lovely, well behaved, well mannered children that are a joy to me and everyone else around them.
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@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I have 5 children of my own, ages 10, 5, 5, almost 2 and 3 months.
First of all, children at ages 2 and 7 months do not understand discipline. A 7 month old has no concept of discipline what so ever! A 2 yr old is only just learning to understand concequences. Ignoring you is just what they do. Their brains can't always comprehend what you are saying. They only understand certain words, not whole sentances.
Children at those ages do not misbehave, and do not need discipline. They are only acting like children of that age. They need to be taught, not disciplined.
And, as a babysitter, it is really not your job to discipline children that are not your own without discussing it with the parents first. Perhaps they have certain rules they want you to follow.
I don't know you, and there for cannot judge you, but from the sounds of your post, I believe your sister in law should find a different babysitter until you are more familiar with children.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
25 Apr 08
like i told the other girl, if a 2 year old can learn there abc's and 123's they can learn whats right and wrong, and he has been learning and is doing very well with my techniques. I dont do anything to hurt them and he listens and doesnt ignore me anymore. I think the problem with todays society is to many people dont know how smart two year olds actually are. yes i understand that the 7 month old doesnt learn much, but he still learns. he doesnt cry when im uncloggin it anymore he knows that its coming right back to him. so i would thank you for your responce, and let you know that they are leanring just fine and love to come over here. and im the only person that will babysit for my sister in law for free, and she doesnt see anything wrong with what i do, i tell her everyday and she seems fine with it. so maybe you should actually try teaching your kids a little more at earlier ages, and maybe we as humans can evolve like we are supposed to
@katsmeow1213 (28716)
• United States
25 Apr 08
First of all, if you don't want negative comments, don't post in open forums where people will judge you based on what you write.
Second of all, I know exactly how much a 2 year old can comprehend, I have had 4 of them to date, and my son who will be 2 in June can count and tries to read.
You don't know me or my children, who are all very bright for their ages, so don't attempt to judge me. I did say in my post, if you read the whole thing, that I am not trying to judge you, I am judging your post.
In my opinion what you are doing is wrong. You cannot discipline children for acting their age. Children, especially that age, cannot conform to your wishes or lifestyle, you must conform to theirs.
They are only children for a short time, they have the rest of their lives to act like adults.
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@jennawash (161)
• United States
24 Apr 08
Well I have alwasy used time outs and a rewards system. We use our bottom step and then they get timed by age. There are times when they sit there for 15 20 minutes until the understand that they do have to take their punishment. After time out is over, they have to talk about why they were in time out, and apologize.
As for the seven month old, that's definitly your issue, if he cried when the bottle gets clogged, unclog it, if it's happening all the time, get another bottle with a faster flow nipple, that could also be the issue.
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@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
24 Apr 08
well its not my kid, and i dont measure the formula so sometimes i wonder if its b/c she puts to much formula in the bottle, it doesnt happen always, just sometimes. I usually just unclog it like you said and give it back to him, but sometimes i try to see if i can teach him to be pataint while i unclog the bottle. now with my step son, i think hes to old for time out, but we do do the reward system, and we also take something away from him when he does something bad, for example his friends for the day, or his video games. He just got out of his moms home whom is married to an abusive man, so hes got a little attitude problem, we have had him almost a year and hes showing much improvement, he does still do things like talk back (which im really working on now) and he has a negative attitude sometimes (which im working on too, but havent really found the right approch just yet) i know that im learning right along with the two kids I babysit, and my step child. I'm only 21 and dont have any kids of my own, so its kind of hard to know some things that i need to know. But i learn quick
@sophiasmom911 (1345)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I have that problem with my seven month old. she gets so mad when the bottle gets clogged. its very frustrating I just try to put up with it. I try to not let her get to hungry and then I dont really have that problem. If she starts to get over hungry thats when its extra hard to calm her down..
@libertarianfreedom21 (3198)
• United States
25 Apr 08
Yes i know i now make the bottle before i know hes going to be crying and then it usually works well, i have made it to where if the bottle is clogged (and hes not to hungry) he will not cry while i unclog it as long as i keep it in front of his face. others on here told me they cant learn at that age to just let them do what they do, but i have had outstanding results with both of them (not so much with the 7 month old, but i already knew that it would be more to teach him) i walk with the 7 month old to try and make him learn how to walk a little faster. There are things that we can teach our kids when they are young that will help us as a socitey evolve this is just my way of thinking though. If a child can learn abc's and 123's they can learn when they are doing something they arent supposed to.