As a child you were...
By SViswan
@SViswan (12051)
37 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
25 Apr 08
Well I was more inward, soft and silent kind who would dare go against her mom. I loved to keep to myself, I still do but I remember sitting with a selected few friends and drawing with colors. My mom says, I was very obedient and sweet unless I was made to cry by some vindictive soul. lol..
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 08
Wow! such a sweet child.
My mom probably wishes she could say the same about me...though she does say I was a very easy child till I was around 10. No trouble at all...but after that I started arguing about everything. It's another thing (which she realizes only now) that I wouldn't go against what my parents' said.....but I would argue and try to prove my point in everything.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
25 Apr 08
Oh yes, that was quite a phase! Even I went through that. Actually I was talking about an earlier phase. And I think that was quite nightmarish for ppl around for I was very introvert, am still is. When my sister would blabber everything and anything I would just keep mum and my mother would have trying times in getting things out of me.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 08
hmmm..I had phases for that time I was very quiet and into my books all the time I was so talkative they had to ask me to shut up...or specifically ask me NOT to mention this to anyone (I have to do that with my son now!)
The arguing was mostly when I was a teenager and was with my mother (dad was in a different country working then)...I get along better with my dad because he tends to LISTEN a lot more than my mother. But now that I am a mother myself, I understand how my mother felt having to cope with so many things...AND me arguing for each and everything! It didn't help that my sister never argued (another story altogether that she just went out and did what she wanted to waiting for I always wanted approval even when I argued)
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I was a very pretty, tall, skinny, shy, sweet, friendly, depressed, afraid, yet popular kid...too bad having friends sucked since I was forever grounded whether valid or not
...I was althetic, loved music, solitary, loved reading, loved writing, love dance class, loved being outside, loved animals and the list goes on..Now thats what you would hear from me (obviously since I just said it LOL) but also my friends, their parents, neighbours and so on....
MY MOTHERS version however would be very different...She LOVES to tell ppl including me that I was "very troubled and hard to handle from the age of 5 on" and for those of you who know my past trauma from you see a connection here
(for those of you who DON'T know...her husband started sexually abusing me when I was 5

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@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 08
I can understand...and am so sorry that you had to go through what you did.
I was sexually abused since I was around 10...and it took me 5 years to muster the courage to tell someone I hardly knew (who thankfully told my dad)...but there are still more cases that are still in the closet...and it's only after I was in my mid 20s that I understood one of the reasons for my acting out was that.
lol..having friends got me into a lot of trouble too (mostly at school)..I was a scape goat most of the time.
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
25 Apr 08
childhood is not something i look back on happily, it hurt a lot. Yet it made me a determined adult and the best mum i can be to my kids
blessed be
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Apr 08
Yet it made me a determined adult and the best mum i can be to my kids
Ya me too..I think the ONLY good thing I got from my parents was how NOT to be a parent!
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
27 Apr 08
Well I was a pretty good child when I was younger; was getting excellent grades in school; was close to my parents etc. Then leading up to my parents separating everything changed big time! Once they did actually separate and I moved to the other side of my country with my father; it all basically went downhill from there. From that point I was always in trouble; my grades pretty much went drastically down and never recovered; and I ended up leaving home at fifteen and becoming completely alienated from my family until I was in my early twenties.....
I was always somewhat of a mischievous kid even before all of this though. But nothing too outrageous! Thankfully I never ended up doing anything so destructive or stupid that it affected my adult life in any way. Am I different now? I believe so. But I still do not have much of a relationship with my family unfortunately.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
27 Apr 08
The earlier part of your childhood sounds pretty much like mine...except my parents didn't separate...they moved back to India...and no one figured that it would be a major change for me (everything)! I can't say I have a great relationship with my family...but I got closer to my dad in my early twenties...and I guess that was a good thing.
And I'm a very different person now...learnt a lot from all my experiences.
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@Jemina (5770)
25 Apr 08
I have always been good, quiet, and obedient. But there was this sense of rebellion in me that had been wanting to escape from the cage. I was rebelling because I was the youngest and I had to obey all my older siblings.
Anyway, I am still so much like when I was a kid although now I speak up my mind more liberally.

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@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 08
lol..I was rebellious because I thought my little sister was getting away with everything!
I guess each child has their own set of problems.
I've changed a lot since I was a a point I was a brat.
I've gone through so many transformations to be the person that I am...that I can write a book on it. When I think back, I can't believe the kind of child that I one who knows me will believe me if I told them what kind of a child I was (my husband wouldn't believe me!)
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@Jemina (5770)
25 Apr 08
Well, it's good you have transformed into a better person. Why don't you try to play with your life and write down about it. I'm sure each of us has a story to tell.
My second eldest sister was known to be a spoiled and rebellious prat because she grew up with our grandma. But now she has changed a lot too.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 08
I'll probably get down to writing a short story on my life when the kids are a little older.
By brat I didn't mean the tantrum throwing kind (though I would be argumentative with my mother when I was a teen), more of a snob because I didn't know any better...and the luxurious lifestyle was the only one I knew till we moved to India.
Now, I know why I did the things I one else (not even my parents) would...but I'm glad...because those experiences helped me be the person I now am...and I've learnt to appreciate a lot of things in life.
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
26 Apr 08
Nice discussion far as I remember, my father was very strict and we were really afraid of him. May be it was this fear that made me a very quiet person in childhood or may be because I lost my mother at the age of five....I was very dreamy kind of child....slow in understanding, timid and obedient. I could never defend myself, even if I was being scolded for the mistakes that I did not do. I just kept quiet and accepted everything as my fate. It was only when I was a teenage that I started to understand and had some courage to speak out....but now I am a different person. I can rule and win.....
I don't like memories of my childhood like other people......

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@SViswan (12051)
• India
26 Apr 08
Thanks Apsara!
I'm sorry Apsara, I didn't know you lost your mother when you were so young.
I remember most fathers in India being like yours. And most children being that way too (my father used to tell me the same).
Glad you grew up to be confident and able to stand up for yourself.
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@apsara60 (6610)
• Israel
27 Apr 08
Thank you SV and cupid for your sympathetic words , they do make me happy and I know my dear friends are always there fro me.
........but as I told you , things are better least I had my father, my home, my brothers and specially my grandmother who brought us up.........some are even more unlucky .......lets not talk about them, but just pray.......

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@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
26 Apr 08
Hi apsara
Really sad to hear about ur mom
and sure Mom is shelter for kids , specially in our area
And particularly, girls are more attached to mothers
I can imagine that u might not have good memories
but i am glad that u gre up confidenrt girl
Wish u all the best dear
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
25 Apr 08
As a child i was raped, often. As a result i had childhood depression, so as a child i was a cry baby
blessed be
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 08
I'm so sorry to hear that.
I know how it feels. I went through the same myself. But I started acting out....and don't remember going through depression. But I remember being scared of people coming close to me....but never telling anyone about it. I still do not like people standing physically close to reason why I hate travelling in crowded public transport.
But my experiences have made me tougher (it took some years for me to get over and move on)...and hope you have moved on too.
God bless!
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@Ravenladyj (22902)
• United States
26 Apr 08
my depression has been with me since my childhood but I was a crybaby instead I was quite fact holding things in and not going to ppl for advice, help or to lean on etc STARTED when I was a kid and just got more intense the older I got...
crybaby....such a horrible word isnt it..

@SViswan (12051)
• India
26 Apr 08
I wasn't shy...but as usual I meant something and said something else.
I didn't mean a brat as the throwing tantrum kind. I was so used to the luxuries of life..that I didn't know any when we moved countries, it was too much of a shock to me. Now I know it was a little bit of snobbish behaviour (but no one had prepared me)....though my friends then said I was a 'brat' (the vocabulary of a 11 year old around 20 years back).
@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 08
I used to love to read and wouldn't give much trouble to my parents.
I wasn't a brat in the sense of throwing a tantrum(never did that...but would argue a lot when I was a teenager)...but I did take the luxuries I had as a child for granted and found it hard to adjust when we moved to India when I was in 6th grade. The kids in class thought I was a snob then ('brat' was a term they used then for lack of a better word....but they helped me change within a year).
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@vipulchawla (2220)
• India
25 Apr 08
I dont exactly remember. Infact i must say it in another way. I dont remember what changes have i undergone through since my childhood and whether they are negative or positive.
As far as i can remember, I used to be very naughty during my childhood days. Most of the time i would go around and love playing all the time. But i was held tight by my mother to complete my studies and i would follow. From the childhood days itself, i had been a silent boy. i wont interact easily and this habit still persists in me.
I was obedient and i think i am still obedient but the only difference is i have gained a lot of freedom living away from home.
earlier i used to get agitated easily and my argument would most often lead to a fight. However, as i grew older, i tried to control my anger and i would prefer not to get into arguments. but i think no one is ever perfect. But i m still trying to improve..
@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 08
Oh yes, we all grow as people. I've changed so much through my experiences. I'm a totally different person now and still growing and changing.
I used to argue a lot too....but that has come down a lot.
And I learnt to appreciate a lot of things I took for granted when I started living alone.
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@vipulchawla (2220)
• India
25 Apr 08
As the saying goes: You dont realize the importance of a thing unless you lose it.. So we do learn from our experiences when we become independent and start living by ourselves.
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@ellie26 (4139)
• Malaysia
25 Apr 08
Well, I don't know how I was as a child. But I think I was a quiet, obedient and sometimes rebellious child. I used to followed my mother to the supermarket, and when my mom bumped into a friend of hers, they always said that I was a quiet child.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
25 Apr 08 one would say I was a quiet child...and I didn't think it was bad...till I had my first son and he started to talk!!
How I wish he would I know how my parents felt when I was a child:P
But on the whole I was obedient....and very rebellious as a teenager ..especially with my mother....I wouldn't dare talk back to my dad.
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@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
19 May 08

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@SViswan (12051)
• India
19 May 08
Well, I wasn't a tantrum throwing brat....I just took the luxuries I had grown up with in Kuwait for granted and had a hard time when I moved to India when I was 11. I also remember telling little lies (which I now know everyone saw through...but then I thought I was pretty smart!)after my sister was born to get attention. I was fine with a group of kids or on my own and I'm sure that's why my parents never bothered about me...because they thought I could take care of myself. But I did feel left out...I can see that in my older son too...when the younger one was born, he suddenly wanted the attention he didn't want before that. Because I had gone through the same thing, I could understand and help him.
I was a rebellious teenager too (by Indian standards) used to argue with my mother all the time....but I ended up doing everything she told me to do even though I would argue about the
Wow! You've been alone since 16? Great! I was still a child then (though I was a little mature in my thoughts for my age...I don't think I was that independant)
@SViswan (12051)
• India
20 May 08
It's so nice to hear that something good came out of that situation. Most 16 year olds would have quit school and moped around. You didn't and you went ahead...had the baby...and grew up and became the person you are today.
It's usually when you have hardships you know how strong you are and you proved your strength.
I fnd myself being strong especially when I'm going through a rough phase. something in common, eh?
@kiran1978 (4134)
• Australia
19 May 08
Yes I used to feel left out too, I was the oldest by 18 months. My sister always got away with everything, lol, and she seemed to get alot of the attention too. I also told a few little white lies growing up aswell, I think that is quite common for alot of kids.
I was quite independent at 16 years old, that is also because I had to grow up quick. Don't think I have mentioned it yet, but I became pregnant at 16 years, last year of school. I did the right thing and finished school. Had my daughter in February the next year after I finished school. She made me the person I am today, very determined and never give up on anything.

@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I remember myself as a child catching butterflies in my hand and releasing them on top of flowers, and singing as I played on a play ground set and danced in the backyard . I remember being a little stubborn in that I remember saying "no" at times and enjoying the feeling of power that word gave me. I also remember wanting to bring peace and comfort to my family. I sometimes felt a lot older than my parents and siblings and asked questions about why they were treating each other the way they were. I cried as a child when others were hurting and when I could not do what I wanted to do, but was otherwise happy.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
26 Apr 08
Some of those I can relate to...playing with gay pressures of anything. I don't remember being really stubborn till after I was 10 (long story that one.....I now realize why I did it...but no one understood then).
I would question a lot of things too....but not about treating each other because it was just our small family till I was 10.
But I remember changing drastically after I was 10...lots of different things happened and it was too much for me to handle as a child....and I wouldn't my child going through that!
@whiteheron (4222)
• United States
26 Apr 08
Sorry that you had to go through that... wishing now that all children are protected from the things that are too much for them to handle and that all children are given the comfort, the tenderness and the love that they need.

@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
9 May 08
I was a very naughty child. Thankfully, I grew up and pulled my head in. Now, I'm dealing with my own naughty kids and copping everything I gave my parents 4 times over, soon to be 5 times over. I think they call it Karma! lol.
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@SViswan (12051)
• India
13 Jul 08
You are so right about that. I was just talking to someone the other day and said that I now understand what my mother felt...the only difference is that we react differently to it...the underlying sentiments are the same....and honestly I would react the same way she did if I didn't stop myself and think how I would have wanted to be treated at that age.
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@newzealtralian (3930)
• Australia
5 Jul 08
Kids will be kids! lol. We don't really appreciate the efforts our parents made until we are parents ourselves.