What about comparisons?
By rebecca1957
@rebecca1957 (265)
United States
April 25, 2008 8:38am CST
I've been reading a lot lately on the accuracy of the bible and found this to be interesting: Osiris, Dionyysus, Attis, Mithras, and many others, Jesus was a god shaped like a man. Paganism was rampant during the first century. Each of these people were born in humble surroundings by virgin mothers, all living on earth to help others, all were called 'saviors of the world'. All died as adults and rose from the dead after three days. Seems like Jesus was just another new 'god' just like the Honda Accord was a new car, but it wasn't the original car, or just like Mountain Dew was a new soda, but it wasn't the first soda. Seems like we may have been duped?
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4 responses
@Starflames (261)
• United States
27 Apr 08
Rebecca, it appears- on your responses to other posts, that you don't need Jesus, the NT Savior, to get to God; b'cos- the OT folks were able to approach and be acceptable to God, without the need of the Savior Jesus.
Well, I have news for you! There are numerous scriptures to prove my point, but since I can't copy-n-paste yet, I will give you just a few that will suffice.
Jesus Christ WAS the Old Testament God!
Please see: 1 Cor. 10:1-4.
Yes! Jesus WAS the Old Testament God! He was with the Father at the very beginning and he is and was the Logos, The Word or The Spokesman, for this God Family!
See John 1:1-2.
So it was Jesus, The Christ, that has communicated with mankind throughout the pages of history!
You may say that Moses saw God! Well, this God that Moses saw, WAS indeed the God of the OT- but it was none other than Jesus Christ Himself! Please see John 1:18.
Yes, no man ever new that a supreme God- called the Father, even existed! Men thought that the OT God was that God- but indeed it had been Jesus all along! Jesus came AND DECLARED God The Father to men! See John 1:18.
Yes Rebecca, the OT God that would speak directly to Moses and the peoples of those days, Was Jesus Christ. And Jesus HIMSELF verifies this.
Please see Exodus 33:20-23 and John 5:37.
So, since it was Jesus Christ who came and declared- or made known God the Father- it is only thru Him (Jesus) according to scripture, that we can attain to God the Father!

@Starflames (261)
• United States
28 Apr 08
There is one common denominator in the midst of all of these ancient pagan god-myths... SATAN!
Satan has been around from the very beginning since the garden of Eden- trying to destroy man- the pinnacle of God's creation, and God himself- his adversary.
Satan is a clever and master counterfeiter and deciever! He knows his time is coming... but before that happens, he has done throughout the pages of history, all that he can possibly do to destroy God and Christianity!
He has planted the seeds of deception, counterfeit and error, since the dawn of time. And still continues working very hard to that end...
Satan new, since the very day he caused man's fall in the garden of Eden- that as a result of that, God someday, as OT prophecies have also foretold centuries in advance, would have to send His Son in the flesh to die and thus save mankind for the very sins he (Satan) brought onto mankind.
So that being the case- Satan has worked very hard since the dawn of time, to discredit and minimze the miraculous events that were to come concerning Jesus Christ, by having seeded duplicate lies, myth and stories among the ancient pagans of those days. Myths that were handed down by word-of-mouth and have now found their way into these present times as supposedly being PURE TRUTH.
And just as all of his other plans do- this plan also appears to be working! Thousands have discredited Jesus Christ as the legitimate Savior and the one and Only son of the supreme ruling God, as nothing more than a myth.
The Bible is full of stories of these false and non-existant gods, some of which you have mentioned and not mentioned: Adonis/Tammuz see Ezk. 8:14. But none of these Gods were real! They are only real in the minds of people.
So in reality there is nothing new or unique! All these stories and myths are purely inventions of Satan. That's exactly how he works! He's very clever and very deceptive. He will plan way in advance if he has to in order to have the desired results at the very end.
At the end of the day- we are all free to believe in whatever we want. And so, it is no different right here and now.
I believe the God and Christ of the Bible, and you are free to believe in who- or whatever you want. But I warn you, some day you might be held accounatble for those beliefs. I am prepared to be held accountable for mine.
There is a link that you might want to check out in regards to this god, Adonis/Tammuz, that both you and the Bible mention: http://www.piney.com/mutammuz.htlm
@Starflames (261)
• United States
28 Apr 08
Sorry the link is:
@ShardAerliss (1488)
27 Apr 08
I think I understand your point here, and if it is what I think it is then it is something I have toyed with on occasion... but lets see;
How does Christ being the OT God (and vice versa) relate to the stories of Christ's life baring similarities to the ancient myths of Attis, Dionysus, Mithras, Horus, Osiris etc?
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@Fidget (291)
26 Apr 08
There are also 200-800 (I can't remember which one! *hangs head in shame*) deluge myths including Noah's Ark. Does this mean that there wasn't a flood because it's a common 'story' or that there was such a momentous event that stuck in peoples memories and was passed down all round the world? As an archaeologist I'd go with it being evidence that there was massive flooding at some stage (esp. since some cultures with these tales were isolated until recently), whether it was God or not I shall leave up to you to decide.
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
26 Apr 08
I agree with you. I think there must have been cataclysmic flooding. However, I don't believe that only those on Noah's Ark survived. When the Tsunami hit in Indonesia, people believed God was angry with them. What if Planet Earth, being a living organism, blows, shakes, and floods periodically to keep things in check like overpopulation.
@ShardAerliss (1488)
26 Apr 08
If Earth was trying to cure overpopulation with the tsunami that hit Indonesia... it missed. Really, it should have been aiming at China.
I should search out and read my dissertation again... I can't remember how many Deluge myths there are either... but there are lots, from Australia to China to South America to Wales (apparently Noah landed in Wales and his sons are part of Irish mythology... go figure)!
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@ESKARENA1 (18261)
26 Apr 08
agreed we are duped by religion, we are sold the same lie dressed up in a thousand words, essentially it is still a lie. It promises jam tommorow for good behaviour now. Maybe that is the point
blessed be
@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
25 Apr 08
I came across this same observation about 8 years ago while helping my daughter with a school project on Ancient Egypt. I literally had to stop helping her because this rocked my faith to the core. I was devistated. I felt lied to and betrayed and didn't know what to do or who to trust for answers. I tried talking to my mother who only got angry with me and told me Jesus is true because the Bible says so. I have since done a lot of soul searching and gathering of information from as many different sources about as many different religions and belief systems as I can to study them. I have come to the conclusion that we are all part of a universal consciousness that some call God. All the stories from all over the world throughout time have similar if not identical key points about them which leads me to believe their is an instrinsic truth to the stories. Their is ONE mystery that we all are seeking to reveal about life, spirituality, eternity, etc.
@rebecca1957 (265)
• United States
25 Apr 08
If anyone is like me, this is what I have found out. We grew up believing that we must confess Jesus to have eternal life. In the Old Testament God says He is God and He changes not (book of Micah). Also, he who seeks Me (God) if they seek me with their whole heart will find me. None of the Old Testament people needed a dying savior. A lot of the pagan ideas originated right from Egypt. They had dying men gods born of a virgin for the good of mankind. I don't think we need a dying savior today.